My First Grow

It's all good :high-five:
When she stops draining her pot flowering is finished.
Giving her her best life to maximize thc is our goal along the way.
Asking questions along the way helps you learn.
That's what we are here for.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
But then of course there's "droughting."
What's "droughting", Az?
Simple mate - don't water it at all for a week near the end
The stress increases terps and oil production
That's how they do it in India/Nepal for rubbed black hash/temple/charas/gold seal etc
By the end of the day, you're stoned off your tits and rubbing your hands on dirt to get the damned stuff off lol
Simple mate - don't water it at all for a week near the end
The stress increases terps and oil production
That's how they do it in India/Nepal for rubbed black hash/temple/charas/gold seal etc
By the end of the day, you're stoned off your tits and rubbing your hands on dirt to get the damned stuff off lol
Excellent! I have done it for a few day to try and get a headstart on drying. Maybe with my current grow I'll push it further.
Excellent! I have done it for a few day to try and get a headstart on drying. Maybe with my current grow I'll push it further.
I think it's best if you drought 2 weeks before harvest, ie when you think it's nearly ready
Then plain water again for the last few days to stiffen the stems again, otherwise it's a pita to trim
I think it's best if you drought 2 weeks before harvest, ie when you think it's nearly ready
Then plain water again for the last few days to stiffen the stems again, otherwise it's a pita to trim
I'd heard of people drying the entire plant in the pot without cutting it down. Have you ever tried anything like that before?
Nice one, Roy! Looks incredible. Would the choice of growing media matter? My current flowers are in coco so would it still work as they drink faster than soil plants?
No, the medium doesn't intercede the principle
I only grow in coco because it is so easy to control
Just a few pics of the trics 😂









i would agree with Roy 2-3 weeks i see the odd white pistel but most are red/brown & starting to curl up so you're close, do you have a jewlers loop 30-60x or a cheap electronic scope to see if your trichomes are clear or cloudy or turning amber? you'll want cloudy to amber cloudy to white is peak THC & more of a heady high & amber is just starting to decay & more of a couch lock effect
I have a loupe. I’m waiting until more pistils turn orange/amber. I’m hoping that I catch her at peak harvest!! Fingers crossed 🤞

Wish me luck con cuz I can’t mess this up!! Hehe




I have a loupe. I’m waiting until more pistils turn orange/amber. I’m hoping that I catch her at peak harvest!! Fingers crossed 🤞

Wish me luck con cuz I can’t mess this up!! Hehe




Good Luck but by the way your plant looks i'm sure you'll chop it at the perfect time as i mentioned earlier for your first plant you have done a great job & i bet it'll taste great
Good Luck but by the way your plant looks i'm sure you'll chop it at the perfect time as i mentioned earlier for your first plant you have done a great job & i bet it'll taste great
Gee thanks ☺️ I really couldn’t do it without the help and support from you and the community here. Y’all are amazing
Hey JenniM,

I saw a tag to your page then turned around, got lost and ran out of bread crumbs…

So enhanced flavor stuff… I ran a Pakistan Valley plant and cloned it. Harvested the mother but had bad outbreak of fungus gnats with the PV clone. Was strapped for cash at that time so I treated top of soil with ground cinnamon and watered it in every few days in veg and all thru flower. Long story short I could taste the cinnamon. Shed is correct (as usual :laughtwo:) these 2 PV’s were not run as side by side clones, the untreated mother was decent smoke but the PV clone had soil treated with cinnamon (also decent smoke) but yes I could absolutely taste cinnamon on exhale…

Did another flavor run this time with 3 PPOG clones, each was modified with a unique flavor so there was 1 cinnamon, 1 rosemary and 1 clove. Sad part is the subjects are harvested, jarred & cured but a couple of back to back stays in the hospital threw a big ass wrench in my 2024. I’ve yet to test the buds in any capacity… but hope to sample them when things settle down for winter.

I ran 1 PPOG clone with an ounce of vanilla extract. The plant did fine on it, no leaf or bud necrosis or anything nefarious but only treated her 2 times in late flower (half ounce of extract mixed with 8 ounces of water each time) Think it was too little too late but now that I know vanilla extract didn’t cause any issues I may run another PPOG clone with more aggressive treatment.

Plus I’m just crazy enough to do stoopid shite like feeding a plant Pine Sol pine cleaner… why? Cuz I can… :rofl:

Might want to check out opening paragraph of Flavored Cannabis journal in my siggy.

But ultimately I do think sulfur is the silver bullet for now…

And lastly cuz I’m a lazy bastard, below is one I posted over at Gee64’s joint.

project sulfur spoon

Buckle in cuz you’re not gonna believe this bedtime story. Ok, yes you will- but you simply have to try this and report back…

Gee said it months ago, plus I’ve read it before elsewhere in my travels. Most likely you’ve read it too but like me- it got filed away... Anyways the quote goes… sulfur is mother of all taste & terps. But the obvious problem is… no way I’m doing that crap, it will jack up my soil mix, mess up the ph, give bad taste to the buds, etc etc.

So unfortunately I killed their mom but had second chance via clones PPOG #1 and #2. Not gonna bore you with pics, the plants were not exceptional in any way. This pheno was not super sticky and they all foxtailed even the later clone generations. Both were swickers, identical soil mix, identical feed water. Same, same!

About 2 weeks post flip they strutted out puffballs. PPOG #1 got a heaping teaspoon of micronized sulfur top dressed in one spot near the edge of smart pot and away from main stalk. Yep sulfur is hydrophobic but was sprayed with water to activate. Every few days I’d spray more water to activate the same sulfur spot. Every two weeks another heaping teaspoon was added to same spot and watered in. PPOG #2 did not receive any sulfur treatment. I applied sulfur about 6 times total, again only during flower after pistils popped.

All thru flower sniff test on the two twins were done. The sulfur treated PPOG #1 was loud, in your face, but for PPOG #2 I had to bury my face and inhale deeply to catch anything. Massive difference it’s like the two plants were not even related. Yet I know they are because it’s the only clones I cut…

Then later after harvest it dawned on me and this is perfect for you solo cup burners too. What’s that one amendment you want to load up on but are afraid to push? Here’s how you do it safely, it’s like a soil spike but kinda different too. Cut the bottom out of a solo cup, fill it with your soil mix and insert it into the container. Leave rim exposed about an inch above top of soil. Think of this as a corral, a side pocket even, heck call it what you will but it’s your soils play pen… you can add anything amendment wise that you want and you can control its uptake by watering it or by leaving it dry. IMHO a solo cup is small enough that it’s not going to change your overall soil or watering dynamics, you can water around it and leave the center dry yet it’s no big deal either way. The cup is tapered at the bottom so water will saturate around it and the plant doesn’t care.

Another way to accomplish same thing is to place your test amendment under a large piece of bark or a similar cover placed on the soils surface. You can water around the bark it to let the amendment remain mostly dry and deactivated or lift the bark and water in your supplement to active that secret sauce…

PPOG #1 and #2 have been curing and the difference is ginormous. The PPOG #1 sulfur treated plant is incredibly pungent but the PPOG #2 girl smells like hay… clones so exact same plant genetically, same feed water, same cure methods, same everything except for the sulfur…

Will someone please try the sulfur thing (on a pair of clones obviously) and share your findings?? It would be nice to know, yep I’m a little insane but maybe not totally insane….. Ah well that’s beside the point I guess…

Edit to add… I didn’t observe any deficiency or excess on the plant related to sulfur but then again I’m still newbie and not the best at reading weed leaves…. your mileage may vary. Love to hear your questions, comments or criticisms… I’m thinking of going hard on langbenite & sulfur top dress too but probs need to curb my enthusiasm a touch

Here’s pic of play pen I’m setting up for next grow, this one is a solo cup cut vertically and placed at edge of smart pot. Whoops sorry for green nite lite. Cheers!

Glad to have you here at 420 -
Hope it helps!
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