My First Grow

Dang girl I'm loving the octopus look 😍 plants looking amazing 👏 🤩
Thanks so much. I really enjoy spending time with her. It’s so weird. I stand there mesmerized by her beauty and continuous growth. Like I’m in a haze. Just chilling on the patio looking at my buds. Hahah I have a small group of friends for a reason 🤷‍♀️
Thanks so much. I really enjoy spending time with her. It’s so weird. I stand there mesmerized by her beauty and continuous growth. Like I’m in a haze. Just chilling on the patio looking at my buds. Hahah I have a small group of friends for a reason 🤷‍♀️
We think so much alike it's starting to scare me haha. Absolutely mesmerized this year by my plants 100% completely captivated I have learned more in my first grow then I ever thought possible and i have loved every second of it even when I'm dealing with the unknown maybe I just like making them happy 😊 seeing them do good makes me feel good. You have some happy plants I can tell you are the exact same way. I'd trust your instincts and continue to learn more everyday your doing great 😀
I’m so irritated that I’ll never know her strain as the coconut that gave the seeds to me is no longer a acquaintance .
Well you've got to call it something JenniM, so you can talk about it!

I'd name it Coconut! :Rasta:

She is beautiful!
We think so much alike it's starting to scare me haha. Absolutely mesmerized this year by my plants 100% completely captivated I have learned more in my first grow then I ever thought possible and i have loved every second of it even when I'm dealing with the unknown maybe I just like making them happy 😊 seeing them do good makes me feel good. You have some happy plants I can tell you are the exact same way. I'd trust your instincts and continue to learn more everyday your doing great 😀
I really can say that I learn something new everyday. I love this community so much!
If my friend @Mycelium Farmer hadn't asked me to follow his journal I would of never found this website I'd just like to shout you out for showing me this community bro it means alot I never thought I'd really get into it when you showed me at first but the community here is outstanding and I'm at a lack of words to describe what it means to me. If you guys haven't seen his plants give them a good look the man deserves it he works harder then anyone I know 😉
Rained all last week but it’s been a beautiful sunny growing season. Only once did the rain concern me. I did remove a bud affected by bud rot as I was told it spreads with no regard whatsoever for my hard work 😓 😝 so in order to prevent further spread I chopped a bug 2 days ago.
Good move. The rain is definitely a risk, because wet buds help the fungus get started. If you are also getting lots of sun, that's great, and will help dry them out. The solar angle at your location this time of year is starting to get low, which means overall less direct and intense sun on the plant during the day. In my grow I use greenhouses, which protect the plants from our frequent rains here. Even so, bud rot is still a huge problem. I've been learning a lot as to how to deal with it, and to identify different ways in which it attacks buds. I have seen two main modes, one which is easily visible as grey webs, and another which I call "stealth mode" where it takes hold inside the buds. The former is easy to see and clip off. The later can suddenly wipe out your whole harvest—one day everything looks great, the next day you harvest and find that almost every single bud has fungus on the inside. This is why I decided to search for strains/phenos that are naturally very bud rot resistant! Sooooo... it's better to have a harvest than to lose a whole harvest, and that's why sometimes harvesting early, before much amber shows up, is the best move. When I'm flowering a plant, and the buds are getting mature, and there's some risk of bud rot (usually!), I'll put on my high-power reading glasses and carefully poke around in some buds and check for bud rot. Sometimes I'll even clip one off and bring it in for a thorough going over. I know this may all sound fanatical, but the climate where I am is truly fungus and mold central with tons of spores in the air all the time. Yes, it's true, I have bud rot PTSD 🤣 fortunately I have some medicine that helps with that. 🤣
Few amber , mostly clear and cloudy tricks. I’m noticing just how much more dense she’s getting with each passing day. I’m on the same page about the harvest day/week. I finally stopped asking “is she ready yet” or “how much longer “. My impatient azz learning how to be patient and one with the plant. 🧘‍♀️🌱🌿lol I’m so irritated that I’ll never know her strain as the coconut that gave the seeds to me is no longer a acquaintance . No matter what she is lol , I will always love my first ever successful grow. I tried growing a few years back and ended up killing it by not paying attention. I burned her with the sun.☀️ so now here we are lessons learned and looking forward to more success next year with more plants!! And this time, they will be good seeds with strong genetics 🧬 that’s a @Bill284 nug of knowledge that I am now very much appreciative of. Cheers mate ! Happy growing and happy Sunday
I love growing cannabis... it's an amazingly rich universe to be part of, and lots of fun. I learn new things all the time. I truly believe this plant is a blessing... a magical healing friend. It's so powerful, and that's why it continues to be suppressed by the money worshipers of Babylon.

Well, a belated welcome to you, to our humble community! You have come to the right place!

Same here. When I woke this morning, I checked her pot etc and noticed how much fatter she got overnight. Love watching her transition from seed to smoke. I remember telling you I smell lemon terps well that’s all gone. She’s a stinky sticky pine tree now. Haha. I love that strong pine smell. I’m not sure why. But I’ve always loved the smell of it. I’m known for saying stop don’t roll yet, lemme smell da bud ! Haha 🤣 my friends think I’m a weirdo but I appreciate the small things. Hahah
Pine Terps are up in my favorite📌 collecting pollen from a male now for its particularly pine front and OG Terps
Beautiful plant!
If my friend @Mycelium Farmer hadn't asked me to follow his journal I would of never found this website I'd just like to shout you out for showing me this community bro it means alot I never thought I'd really get into it when you showed me at first but the community here is outstanding and I'm at a lack of words to describe what it means to me. If you guys haven't seen his plants give them a good look the man deserves it he works harder then anyone I know 😉
Glad you joined in man! With the depth of curiosity and ambition you have I had a feeling you’d find a spot here. And always thank you for the compliments bud. You’re killing it with your first grow
I am now near harvest and fully intend on making full use of the journaling next season as I’ve finally figured it out. So here she is today!! Not sure what date it is in growing days , but we’re closer than ever to harvest










Beautiful !!
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