My First Grow

Hey JenniM,

I saw a tag to your page then turned around, got lost and ran out of bread crumbs…

So enhanced flavor stuff… I ran a Pakistan Valley plant and cloned it. Harvested the mother but had bad outbreak of fungus gnats with the PV clone. Was strapped for cash at that time so I treated top of soil with ground cinnamon and watered it in every few days in veg and all thru flower. Long story short I could taste the cinnamon. Shed is correct (as usual :laughtwo:) these 2 PV’s were not run as side by side clones, the untreated mother was decent smoke but the PV clone had soil treated with cinnamon (also decent smoke) but yes I could absolutely taste cinnamon on exhale…

Did another flavor run this time with 3 PPOG clones, each was modified with a unique flavor so there was 1 cinnamon, 1 rosemary and 1 clove. Sad part is the subjects are harvested, jarred & cured but a couple of back to back stays in the hospital threw a big ass wrench in my 2024. I’ve yet to test the buds in any capacity… but hope to sample them when things settle down for winter.

I ran 1 PPOG clone with an ounce of vanilla extract. The plant did fine on it, no leaf or bud necrosis or anything nefarious but only treated her 2 times in late flower (half ounce of extract mixed with 8 ounces of water each time) Think it was too little too late but now that I know vanilla extract didn’t cause any issues I may run another PPOG clone with more aggressive treatment.

Plus I’m just crazy enough to do stoopid shite like feeding a plant Pine Sol pine cleaner… why? Cuz I can… :rofl:

Might want to check out opening paragraph of Flavored Cannabis journal in my siggy.

But ultimately I do think sulfur is the silver bullet for now…

And lastly cuz I’m a lazy bastard, below is one I posted over at Gee64’s joint.

Glad to have you here at 420 -
Hope it helps!
Wow y’all gave me so much information! My 0 0 0 has a heavy sulfur smell 👃 it’s nasty stuff. And wow on the cinnamon. So much information 🧠😶‍🌫️
For my homemade pesticide I used garlic powder and 3 drops of soap per liter and strained that into a spray bottle one spray per top and bottom of the leafs and I haven't sprayed my buds with it so I'm hoping I don't taste it. 😅 I'll let you know how that worked out for me so far it's saved my plants from aphids 3 separate times now. Caught a few ants bringing aphids to. My plants and caught them before they could multiply into an infestation. I still ended up cutting the branch and a nug off to save the health of the plant but I think I made the right call. Garlic also Is very healthy for plants it helps them fight bugs and prevents diseases.
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