My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

i probably should get a bigger grow box :S but im gona try with this one for now and use only one seed at a time and keeping my plants under 12/12 houors of light to reduce the growth ...about the fan's im gona stick with just one computer fan for now , the fan is taking the air in and i have 2 "big" holes in the top of the box for where the hot / used air will exit i think that will work ok ... im not intrested in having big buds anyways :)
Hey i see you have come up with s plan, thats half the battle. Nothing wrong with starting out with one and gaining the experience.
I always thought bonsais were interesting. I wish I had one. As for experience, nothing beats a failure but a try.
ty so much for your post :)

well i think in portugal the law is like this : its legal to have the seeds , but its illigal to plant them ... (stupid law i know )

just one thing , explain me that "You can harvest a plant and make it veg again plenty of times. Or you can clone" i know how to make a clone but i never heard about harvesting a plant and make it veg again plenty of times , can you tell me how that works ? once again ty :)

im going to bed now , hope to see your posts tomorow ;)

Hey Kam, Just chiming in on the returning to veg after flower. It can be done. I made a clone of blue dream, she was a small one. She flowered. I cut off the bud and put her under 18 hours of light. She is now growing branches and leaves, no buds..yet. She is going to be a proud mother.
These branches are new growth :love::peace:
how tall will my plants be when they are at the harvesting point ? any ideas ?

i belive its less than 30 cm i would like to have a pro opinion from the members here in the forum :)

But i belive that also depends on the seed and on the light cycles but i hope using 12/12 cycle sinee seed they dont go over 12 inches (30 cm)
Another curve ball for ya' if it's confusing to ya'

Sounds like you might want to look into auto flowering varieties as these only get about 12" to 14" tall and you can keep them on 24/7 light through the whole grow.

Most of these only take 8 weeks from the time they sprout until they are ready to harvest.

I personally recommend lowryder #2 seeds as they were the easiest plants I ever grew myself...low maintenance and easy for 1st timers.

You can also plant allot of these in a very small space such as yours.

We have sponsors that sell these auto flowering seeds and a lot of them are feminized as well, which only means that they are almost always 100% female, which takes almost all the guess work out of it.

These are the best seeds I know of for new growers as well as small grow spaces.

Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE

Something else, I think you said you have Big Bud and Hindu Kush seeds?

I think Big Bud will get way too big for that small space but the Hindu Kush should be ok as it's a heavy Indica and should be naturally short and squat so they should be fine.

Wait for a bigger space and bigger lights to grow your Big Bud's...ok? These produce huge yields that your little box probably can't handle.

Hope this helps, my friend :thumb:
ok smoke thx for the awser , i will try to find this in sale in some store near my house :p

oh btw guys , i just found out today that portugal has the same law as amsterdam ! :D

you can smoke pot , you can have pot with you (less then 4 doses i belive) but its still elligal to sell offside special coffee houses ... ah and portugal i belive its the only place in the world where having 1 dose of heroin is not considered eligal ! that means .. no one goes to jain in my country becouse of having a little dose of drug in the pocket :)
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