My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

about height at harvest, when you are vegging a plant and you feel your going to flip to 12/12 then take the height of the plant at that point, and double and triple that number and thats the height it will be at when it is done stretching!!! so say as if you have a plant that is veg and is 1 1/2 feet tall, if flip, it can get from 3 feet to 4 1/2 feet tall at the end of the stretching period!!! LST is a great way to keep your heights down!!! and then of course there is supercropping!!!

perlite can be found at Home Depot or even at walmart!! it is not expensive at all!!!


Hope I helped!!!
If I were you I would try and build another bigger box while these are just starting out and move them when you get it built so it will take some of the guess work out of it and you will have a better handle on things from the get go instead of rushing around later trying to figure out how to get this big ole plant out of this tiny box without killing it...just a thought.

We are all here to help and all rooting for your grow bro...k?

Maybe at least something taller made out plywood?

Their are so many homemade grow boxes here to look at and I believe maybe even a couple of spec pics and tutorials for you to fallow to build a choice grow box.

Just remember that if you do go this rout, you will need more lighting as well as exhaust to cover the extra space but florescent lights are fairly cheap and more computer fans can be bought fairly cheaply at radio shack as well so the little extra cost will pay off big time in the end.

Before you just keep buying florescent lights though, you may want to look again at our sponsors and try and find a cheap high pressure sodium grow light because these will give you a much better end result that you can be proud of. :thumb:

After that, you can try those BigBud's

Believe me, growing cannabis is a super fun and addictive hobby with a beautiful finished result/reward in the final process...your just gonna love it, trust us! :goodjob:

All they need is a good environment and a little TLC
you are right 420 warrior :) i am trying to get a bigger grow box , there is noo way i can plant those big bud seeds in there :p im gona see what i can do ;) thx once again for your help , and yeah growing cannabis is prety funny , i have barely started and im alredy having a great time :D

Glad to here it my friend, having fun is what it's all about...and oh yea, the fun has just begun...believe me!

When these plants get going, it's like having a new baby in the house that you just want to nurture and protect from harm, it has it's frustrating moments and it's glorious moments, just like having a beautiful newborn little girl and raising it into the beautiful woman that she is. :morenutes:

Damn, that was kinda poetic, wasn't it? LOL :Namaste:
ahahah indeed warrior :) its poetic and its also true , and i must say ... i was agains light drugs legalization like 1 year ago ... but since then my mind has totaly changed , and after i chated with a few farmers in here i just found out how amazing this comunity is <3 and evry 1 is beeing very suportive and helping me with my many many questions (some of them even stupid questions) im so glad i found this forum :) and i cant thank enought to all the people that had been helping me out , and the most amazing part of all is that they help me withount expecting anything in return , realy amazing
ohh btw , im gona shoot another question :p

Some one told me that i could harvest the buds of my plants without killing them , i am very exited about this , but unfortunatly i cant find any info about it , and all the videos i saw when people have the buds redy they cut the hole plant , some one in here told me (i belive it was queen) that i could harvest my buds and keep my plant as a mother plant , my question is : can i harvest the buds and make my plant flowrish again ? (making a plant having buds multiple times) In my opinion i belive this is a smart question :p
ohh btw , im gona shoot another question :p

Some one told me that i could harvest the buds of my plants without killing them , i am very exited about this , but unfortunatly i cant find any info about it , and all the videos i saw when people have the buds redy they cut the hole plant , some one in here told me (i belive it was queen) that i could harvest my buds and keep my plant as a mother plant , my question is : can i harvest the buds and make my plant flowrish again ? (making a plant having buds multiple times) In my opinion i belive this is a smart question :p

That's called regeneration and yes it's possible to have more than one harvest but TBH with you, if you get that serious about growing, cloning is a far better choice as you can have many females going at once for many bountiful harvests.

All this stuff will come much later, the main thing you need to worry about is getting set up and running so these babies can have life.

It's all so exciting when you first start out, it was to me as well but these things take time and I guess the first lesson is "be patient" you can actually love these plants literally, to death. :yummy::morenutes::morenutes::morenutes::hmmmm: :sorry:


Be cool, relax and just let nature take it's time, it will come...k?
ok guys , so i just put one of my skunk seeds germinating :) im using the wet paper inside a plastic bag germination tecnique :p but well im not sure if u put enough water in the paper ... its quite wet in one side and a little wet on the other side , and the bag is sealed so the wonter wont "run away" xD i stored the bag (with the seed inside ofcourse) inside a drawer in my living room (its a drawer that no one uses) its the hottest place in my house and its quite dark as well ... can some 1 tell me if im doing this right ? :S i dont wana kill my seed before she is even a plant ! thx once again my friends ;) any help is always apreciated cheers :thanks:
Holá my Southern friend!!! Looking great and you have some great advisors here, may I join the team??
You picked two great strains for potency and beauty. On your box size....I would recommend something that fits your light spread...with 2 cfl's at a time, i would keep it small, however if you decide to invest in more light, then the celing's the limit!!!
Just remember this...
K.I.S.S.-Keep It Simple Stupid!!
The basics for growing are the same for ALL plants, well almost, Light, Food, Water, and Air...Having each tuned correctly will make your plants happy and healthy...

P.S. 420 Warrior, me and my wife just had a little girl, pics in my ongoing journal friend!!!
Sound advice GT, and I love the K.I.S.S thing...+reps for the chime in

As far as the seeds K? I think your doing it just right bro, just keep it warm (like your doing) and moist (also like your doing) Check it everyday to see if it's sprouted yet and when it dose, wait until the root is about 1-2 inches long, then you will need to put it in your soil inside a Styrofoam cup with plenty of drainage holes at the bottom so the soil will not retain a puddle of water at the bottom but it will still be moist soil for the plant to feed...hope this makes sense?

NOTE: use a pen or pencil to make at least 5 holes in the bottom of the cup and the hole in the dirt to place the root downward with the leaves just above the top surface of the dirt, then gently pack the dirt around the root/stem.

I found that a 32oz Styrofoam cup works great because of how easy they are to get, as well as the insulating properties the foam provides, but you can use almost anything that is about that size.

What you are trying to achieve is a good root ball and when you achieve this root ball you will then need to transplant it into a larger container like maybe a 2-3 gallon bucket, or even larger? Someone else may want to advise on a better pot size but I know that, with most of my grows I've used 5 gallon bucket's, but that's just me...lots of different opinions on this I'm sure.

Your plant(s) roots will start to come out of the bottom drain holes of the cup when they are ready to transplant so that's an easy one, but what may not be so easy is keeping the dirt and the root ball tightly packed as you remove it from the cup and move it into the larger pot, it's a good idea to water right before you do this so that the dirt is stuck together good and will not fall apart...are you with me so far?

Congrats on you seeds getting there :thumb:

I got a feeling they threw that 6th seed in because of the green seed you mentioned. These are not usually viable but at least you got the 5 you were expecting and paid for so that's good.

Ok, more will come later brother, you still have day or two...sometimes they even take a week before they sprout, so I'll be checking in on your progress, as well, I'm sure our fine grow team and great members will too. :thumb:

Your doing great!!! Mad props :cheer:

:peace: & God bless brother :Namaste:
Hola' back at-ya GT, my southern, I guess that was for me? Right? IDK?

I'm glad to have your back up here, to keep me :high-five:

I'm not a pro grower, but I do have several grows under my belt and as we all know, the learning curve is vast at is always needed/wanted/appreciated :thanks:
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