My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

Are you just starting only one seed?

To be honest with you, I'd at the very least start 2 maybe 3.

What we are after is a female plant and your chances of that one lone seed being female are only 50% at best unless you have feminized seeds which are genetically bread to be female.

You need more than one to better your chances of getting a female and most of us start as many as we think will fit in our space so that if we have more females than males, we still have space to fit them in.

You can always do a bigger space later if it looks like your going to have too little space from getting more females...does that make sense?

Let me put it into perspective for you; The last time I started seeds they were AK47's and I started like 20 seeds and only 8 out of those 20 were never know what your going to get, they could have just as easy have been 12 females and 8 males.

You understand how this works now?

More seeds, more chances for fem's, less seeds, less chances for fem's...pretty easy concept, you don't want to over do or under do but still keep it simple...ok?
LOL@the mix up on your name, I recall you doing that with me even with my name being Queen. I do know some male queens but none that are on this site, well not that I am aware of. I usually go by the person's name on here. I wouldn't mind chatting with a few of the ladies that are on here but for the most part, guys respond to me.

Now I know you're all excited about that little bean but be careful not to drown her. And I do agree with 420 Warrior, I think it was about doing more than one bean but I also understand your space limitations. Maybe you can use a closet like I do. I have 4 plants and 8 sprouts and the lemon skunk seedling going at once. My first grow I had 6 plants from bagseed and only 2 of them ended up being males. I went a lil crazy with germinating this time around but its survival of the fittest and I am trying to get a perpetual grow going. I think that is the term used for never running green vibes your way.....
LOL@the mix up on your name, I recall you doing that with me even with my name being Queen. I do know some male queens but none that are on this site, well not that I am aware of. I usually go by the person's name on here. I wouldn't mind chatting with a few of the ladies that are on here but for the most part, guys respond to me.

Now I know you're all excited about that little bean but be careful not to drown her. And I do agree with 420 Warrior, I think it was about doing more than one bean but I also understand your space limitations. Maybe you can use a closet like I do. I have 4 plants and 8 sprouts and the lemon skunk seedling going at once. My first grow I had 6 plants from bagseed and only 2 of them ended up being males. I went a lil crazy with germinating this time around but its survival of the fittest and I am trying to get a perpetual grow going. I think that is the term used for never running green vibes your way.....

Not sure you can actually drown a seed? I've seen people actually submerge their seeds in a small cup with success so I'm not sure about that one?

I discovered a killer way to germ my beans where I use paper towels placed in a disposable sandwich container. Then I fold up a thick bath towel, place the container inside towards the top folded layer's of the towel and then place all that on a heating pad set on low heat and my germ rate was almost 100% and almost always within a couple of days...That one I came up with myself and I've used it ever since ;)

I do plug the heating pad in to a power strip with a breaker for safety though :thumb:

As far as knowing guy from gal, I think a lot of people do that sometimes because I've seen it so many times and I have done that before myself...very common mistake and usually no one get's offended but you know how some people are?

I've found it best to look for clues in what people write which is not always fool proof.

A lot of people like me will fill out the additional info in their details part of their user cp so all the guess work is done for you.

When I'm in doubt, I usually ck there but some times this is not put up for all to see so...?
420 Warrior-- Hmmm really about drowning a seed. Don't quote me on this but I do believe it was in Cervante's Grower's Bible. I will have to investigate this further. When I do mention things, it usually referenced from either this site or that book. Eh, but to err is human....But I will apologize to Kamy if my information is wrong.

As for the name thing, I usually don't go looking in profiles for just that reason, most don't have much in it and if it is filled out is the information actually accurate? One thing I love about this site is the originality of people when they chose their screen names. Kinda wonder where their mindset was when they chose it. Every name has a story.

I also like your idea about the heating pad. My luck I would forget about the poor thing and it would be dried out. I usually spray the bottom of my small cup til the bottom is completely wet, place seed,put tissue on top of seed then wet the tissue til it is soaked. Place a small black cloth on top of the cup. And set it on my dresser, about 48 hrs later it has hatched.
420 Warrior-- Hmmm really about drowning a seed. Don't quote me on this but I do believe it was in Cervante's Grower's Bible. I will have to investigate this further. When I do mention things, it usually referenced from either this site or that book. Eh, but to err is human....But I will apologize to Kamy if my information is wrong.

As for the name thing, I usually don't go looking in profiles for just that reason, most don't have much in it and if it is filled out is the information actually accurate? One thing I love about this site is the originality of people when they chose their screen names. Kinda wonder where their mindset was when they chose it. Every name has a story.

I also like your idea about the heating pad. My luck I would forget about the poor thing and it would be dried out. I usually spray the bottom of my small cup til the bottom is completely wet, place seed,put tissue on top of seed then wet the tissue til it is soaked. Place a small black cloth on top of the cup. And set it on my dresser, about 48 hrs later it has hatched.

Yea, I'm not 100% on the drowning thing either, I've just heard that one it out and let me/us know...Ok? Maybe they just put it in very shallow water in a cup? IDK?

Yea, I do wish more ppl would at least post whether their a guy or a gal so no one makes this mistake as often but I know how some ppl are about privacy. we just do what we can do...right? All good ;)

With the htg pad thing, that container is the trick because it has a sealed lid and the water cant evaporate out even if you do forget...which is hard for me to do anyway because first I'm always so excited and can't wait and two, these things are so expensive that I'd be stupid to forget something that cost me that much $. My AK47's alone cost me $110 for 10 so...
Ha, buying 10 would be a dream to me. On my budget, I was doing damn good to get 5 this month, feel me? As you can tell I suck at keep it simple with me..Thats why I know hydro would never be my thing, it's too complicated.
Ha, buying 10 would be a dream to me. On my budget, I was doing damn good to get 5 this month, feel me? As you can tell I suck at keep it simple with me..Thats why I know hydro would never be my thing, it's too complicated.

Yea, at the time I got all mine, I had a credit card but no more with that.

I did a lot of pollinating with most of my strains and just made more seeds to keep as stock.

I hated keeping those males but now I have lots of seeds to germ when ever it is that I get back growing again...hopefully soon ;)

That's what I found to be the best thing for a small amount of seeds, just make more and you will never run out...I know you feel on that ;)

Not hard either, just leave a male in their for the first couple of weeks of flower then pull that male before it just turns the buds into a big seed sack.

You'll get plenty of seeds but still have some smoke's a win/win

Another way is to separate the male far away from the females, place a black trash bag on the floor/ground under it then collect the pollen in a med bottle, Turn all fans off for this but use a makeup brush or 1/2" paint brush to just lightly dust the lower smaller buds you want to produce seed while leaving the choice buds alone to be seedless. ;) just too easy and cost effective to boot :Namaste:
I found this for us to study...I said I would and almost


It is possible to harvest plants and then rejuvenate them vegetatively for a 2nd and even 3rd harvest. A second harvest can be realized in as little as 6-8 weeks. Since the plant's stalk, and roots are already formed, the plant can produce a second, even third harvest of buds in a little more than half the time of the original harvest. When harvesting, take off the top 1/3rd of the plant. Leave most healthy fan leaves in the middle of the plant, cutting buds off branches carefully. On the lower 1/3rd of the plant, take off end flowers, but leave several small flowers on each branch. These will be the part of the plant that is regenerated. The more buds you leave on the plant, the faster it will regenerate. Feed the plant some Miracle Grow or any high nitrogen plant food immediately after harvest. When you intend to regenerate a plant, make sure it never gets too starved for nitrogen as it is maturing, or all the sun leaves will fall off, and your plant will not have enough leaves to live after being harvested.

Harvested plants can come inside for rejuvenation under continuous light or are left outside in Summer to rejuvenate in the natural long days. It will take 7-14 days to see signs of new growth when regenerating a plant. As stated before, and in contrast to normal growth patterns, lower branches will be the first to sprout new vegetative growth. Allow the plant to grow a little vegetatively, then take outside again to reflower. Or keep inside for vegetative cuttings. You now have two or three generations of plants growing, and will need more space outside. But you will now be harvesting twice as often. As often as every 30 days, since you have new clones or seedlings growing, vegetative plants ready to flower, and regenerated plants flowering too.

Regenerating indoors can create problems if your plants are infected with pests. It may be best to have a separate area indoors that will not allow your plants to infect the main indoor area. An alternative to regenerating indoors is to regenerate outdoors in the Summer. Just take a harvest in June, then allow the plant to regenerate by leaving some lower buds on the plant, and leaving the middle 1/3rd of the plant's leaves at harvest. Feed it nitrogen, and make sure it gets lots of sun. It will regenerate all Summer and be quite large by Fall, when it will start to flower again naturally.
well , i think queen is right , i dont belive you can actualy drown a seed , there is a germination teknique that involves puting the seed inside a cup of water and wait for it to sink down :) and thx for the help warrior :) you gave me a great idea about making more seeds , i realy need more seeds :p ah btw i agree with queen im also not the best person to use hydro xD i like the good old soil eheh and warrior your ak seeds are owsome ! but they are extremly expensive ! :D i might buy 5 or so one day ! but first i want to train with cheap seeds to make sure i will not kill 100+$ (that would be realy bad :S) and warrior thats the germination teknique im using ! puting the seeds in wet papper inside a closed bag ! :D i was told that its the best germination tecnique
Yea, those AK's are the easiest plants of all the ones I have, so I just started growing nothing but AK's after a good dosing of pollen to make tons more seeds.

I would recommend AK47's to anybody that wants an easy as hell, fairly short and good harvesting plant...great for noob's!

Oh yea, The smoke is kick ass too, I love my AK's :yummy:
yep ;) usually, the healthier the seed looks the better they'll do...remember to pray over them IDK? might help? LOL

I think that green bean may not be viable so you should be on your way with this new one.

Seeds that are green are immature and I've never even heard of one germinating so...?

Hell, throw another one in now too so you can at least have two and a better chance for a female with at least one of these and two would still be ok for your space in the slim chance that they both are fem.

At least with two, if you do have one of each sex, you can breed them together to make more seeds.

You need more of these seeds bro, if you want to keep this new hobby going.

Believe me, you want them to breed at first so the seed harvest saves you from having to buy more later.

If they both turn male, I'll teach you how to collect the pollen for the future when you do get a female to breed, you can still use that pollen to produce seeds later...ok?

Be smart with these seeds and optimize your chances any way you can...breeding them just makes sense to me.

you get two females? Then we'll start talking about a mother and clones...ok?
Yea, those AK's are the easiest plants of all the ones I have, so I just started growing nothing but AK's after a good dosing of pollen to make tons more seeds.I would recommend AK47's to anybody that wants an easy as hell, fairly short and good harvesting plant...great for noob's!
Oh yea, The smoke is kick ass too, I love my AK's :yummy:

I am going to have to add that to my list...I need to find the ones that are easy to work with along with a nice high.
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