My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

Uh, yeah I did mention re-vegging or whatever it is called after you harvest the bud. That is something that I read on here. Yes, cloning would be easier but I don't know anything about cloning to give you any advice, that is why I did not speak on it. But you have a great group of peeps helping you out so there is nothing to it but to do it! Glad you got your beans today, I got some more today too. I will be keeping an eye on your grow.
for a space restriction issue, you should check out my current and previous grow that I just harvested with, I made a tub setup using big storage tubs, 55 gallons, and I wrapped it with panda film!!! feel free to check it out!!! I have it in the DIY section as well, PM me for the link to it!!!

Uh, yeah I did mention re-vegging or whatever it is called after you harvest the bud. That is something that I read on here. Yes, cloning would be easier but I don't know anything about cloning to give you any advice, that is why I did not speak on it. But you have a great group of peeps helping you out so there is nothing to it but to do it! Glad you got your beans today, I got some more today too. I will be keeping an eye on your grow.

I did the re-gen thing a time or two and there was nothing really to it, you just cut the buds off while still leaving part of it their...maybe an inch or so left, then you re-veg for a while (24/7) and then just go back to 12/12 and let them bud out again...easy, cheesy, japaneezy :thumb:

Drawback; Not very much future yield, at least not for me anyway...others may have had better success but I wasn't too impressed with this method, Took forever too. May work for K though? He does work with bonsai's so it may be right up his ally, IDK?

I'm sure I was just doing it wrong or something but it can be done for sure.

We will teach him that trick l8r but for now, we'll just keeping him focused on not killing his beans...feel me?

I'm sure there's a thread on "Regeneration" here some where? Hell, look it up bro and bring the link back here for us all, if you feel up to it? just something to do anyway...IDK?

Ole brother K is getting some Cannabis beans started!!! Everybody show him some love! :circle-of-love::thumb::goodjob::welldone::love::high-five::adore::cheer::Namaste: HELL YEA!!!

:420: is gonna turn him in to a monster, he even lives in a 420 friendly country so... he's got nutin' to worry about!...must be
420 Warrior--I may have to try to find the link for that. Maybe with this grow I have going I will try to re-veg my best bagseed plant to experiment. Leaving part of what? The stem? And do you have to go 24/7? Can you just go back to 18/6?

Agreed, don't want to overload Kamy with too much info right now. Just want him to see that we're here for him even a noob like me on her second grow. So you better be taking notes, Kamy!!!! J/K...But you can refer back to this thread in the future to help you out and for some laughs....
wow guys i dont know what to say , the 420 magazine comunity has been soo helpfull to me <3 i realy dont know how to return the favor ^^ you guys are the best !

and yes i will focus on the time being for now , i will ask my questions as they come , i cant learn all at once , growing this plants is a world of its own im loving it so far :)

im gona post some pictures of my germination in a few seconds ;)
ok ... here are the pics as i promissed :)


the little seed on my hand (skunk seed)


The seed in the wet papper


This is the papper on top of the seed


and done ! The seed is between wet papper inside a plastic bag ! (the bag is closed with glue tape(idk how is it called , but its a tape that closes the bag lol) so the humidity does not come out ! )

hope you guys like it and that i have done evrything right :D
Kamy---You can return the favor by helping someone else who is new to the site. That is what I did with you!!!!!:cheesygrinsmiley: Aww, look at the little bean. All tucked in her bed of wetness and love. Mine are small too. :goodjob:

And maybe in a day or two, you will see that lil root peeking through.
Yo whats up Kami, haven't been thru in a few days, glad to hear u got Ur seeds started and it looks like your well on your way bro:goodjob:, also looks like your getting lots of help and learnjng along the way, how bout some pics when those babys crack...:peace:
hehe yes queen i will be happy some one in need :)

and jbud i will post a pic when the baby crack open :D i cant wait for it im soo exited , but pacience is needed while growing plants ^^

p.s. queen that stuff about their bed of wet and love eheh that was realy poetic !!! :D

cheers guys thx for the support , none of this would be possible without your help <3
420 Warrior--I may have to try to find the link for that. Maybe with this grow I have going I will try to re-veg my best bagseed plant to experiment. Leaving part of what? The stem? And do you have to go 24/7? Can you just go back to 18/6?

Agreed, don't want to overload Kamy with too much info right now. Just want him to see that we're here for him even a noob like me on her second grow. So you better be taking notes, Kamy!!!! J/K...But you can refer back to this thread in the future to help you out and for some laughs....

No, you will leave some of the bud sites, the small ones that you want to make grow back out...If memory serves me correctly, you will take all the bud's off but leaving the small lower buds on the limbs and then getting it to veg back out whether on 24/7, 20/4 or 18/6 and then switching back to 12/12 when you feel they're ready.

Honestly, I'd like to re-read about it though to see what all I've missed and to refresh my memory as well.

I'll dig around here as well as do some google searching around and bring it back here for us...ok?

This has got me thinking about it again and I just don't want to give y'all bad advice here.

I guess it's kind of like doing a mother plant, in fact this could be a good way to get a mother after you have harvested her once to check potency as well as gotten a good smoke harvest off of her...maybe? IDK? sounds kinda exciting when you think about it though...hmm?

Mothers and clones are most certainly a better way to go for the overall but experimenting is just so fun and interesting...I guess the sky is kind of the limit with canna huh? The coolness factor just never ends! :thumb:

K...before you start asking about "mother plants" they are the host plants you get clones from and a whole other chapter we will discuss l8r...Ok?

I love helping people like yourself because someone took me under their wing once too and this is how we repay that love, when you get your feet good and wet with a few grows under your belt, you can pass the love off to someone else and so on and so on...we will fill this planet up with cannabis plants and then what's next? world peace? LOL

Kamy, I'm kind of embarrassed that I've been calling you bro, man and dude this whole time and you were a sis, girl and dear...what the heck was I thinking? DUH! sorry my friend no disrespect intended but you already know that right? My bad anyway :sorry::loopy:;)

:peace: & :love: to my peeps
oh btw i know this seed is a little green and that it has a small chance of actualy germinate but its better to try in order to get some experience that actualy throw it out without even trying :)

Oh yea, do try it for sure, may just be some discoloration but don't be surprised if it doesn't, it's all

i belive i have some good news , after 11 houors on the wet papper i belive my seed is starting to crack open im not realy sure but looked like the shell of the seed was starting to break ! :D

Perfect! that's a great sign if it's already cracking open, it just means you did everything! Now get your 32 oz styro cup ready to receive you new baby kinda like a crib for a

Kamy---You can return the favor by helping someone else who is new to the site. That is what I did with you!!!!! Aww, look at the little bean. All tucked in her bed of wetness and love. Mine are small too.

And maybe in a day or two, you will see that lil root peeking through.

Indeed poetic QTL and right on about spreading the love :adore::Namaste:
No, you will leave some of the bud sites, the small ones that you want to make grow back out...If memory serves me correctly, you will take all the bud's off but leaving the small lower buds on the limbs and then getting it to veg back out whether on 24/7, 20/4 or 18/6 and then switching back to 12/12 when you feel they're ready.

Honestly, I'd like to re-read about it though to see what all I've missed and to refresh my memory as well.

I'll dig around here as well as do some google searching around and bring it back here for us...ok?

This has got me thinking about it again and I just don't want to give y'all bad advice here.

I guess it's kind of like doing a mother plant, in fact this could be a good way to get a mother after you have harvested her once to check potency as well as gotten a good smoke harvest off of her...maybe? IDK? sounds kinda exciting when you think about it though...hmm?

Mothers and clones are most certainly a better way to go for the overall but experimenting is just so fun and interesting...I guess the sky is kind of the limit with canna huh? The coolness factor just never ends! :thumb:

K...before you start asking about "mother plants" they are the host plants you get clones from and a whole other chapter we will discuss l8r...Ok?

:peace: & :love: to my peeps
here is my from bud to veg clone Blue Dream. I took a cutting of one of my Blue dream growing outdoor(summer 2011). It rooted and budded outdoor. I took it inside and put it under light 24/7 . I waited until I saw new growth before trimming the bud. Now she is doing quite well, in full veg mode. Rocking the BPN. I will let you know if her children are as potent as mom.
:love:It does not always work. I had a 6 other attempts not make it. My conditions we not optimal. I knew that most if not all might not make it. I wanted the hardy one.
hmmm ok , so , i know alot about clones alredy :) i know how to make them etc etc :) (i watched a realy good video about that) and OH Warrior i am a boy ! XD (i dont know why you think i am a girl , probly becouse of my wierd english?) xD anyways smoke2js thats a realy nice clone you got there ! i will defnetly make a mother plant hopefully in a near future , but i need to get a house for her to live in ;)
hmmm ok , so , i know alot about clones alredy :) i know how to make them etc etc :) (i watched a realy good video about that) and OH Warrior i am a boy ! XD (i dont know why you think i am a girl , probly becouse of my wierd english?) xD anyways smoke2js thats a realy nice clone you got there ! i will defnetly make a mother plant hopefully in a near future , but i need to get a house for her to live in ;)

Oh damn, I guess I thought I saw someone refer to you as "she" and "her" instead of he and him? lol

Just thought my first impression was wrong and didn't mean to offend, but I guess I was right the first time

Nothing you did made me think that bro, I just need to dig a little further next time....word?

My bad again my friend...I'll get it right sooner or

:peace: my brother :Namaste:
Naa, your English sounds fine to me my good man :goodjob:

Yea, I've had a hard time in the past not knowing a guy from a girl because of the very nature of not actually seeing who your talking to but usually I can tell by just what they say and my first impression of you was a guy...just got thrown off a little there but I'm glad we established that you are for sure a brotha from anotha

Hell man, your a pollinator...not a seed maker!...LOL...LMAO!

Girls are the bomb tho, for sure!

:peace: out...word!
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