My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

On germinating seeds outside of the growing medium. Using paper towels to germinate seeds can help sprout them faster. However, you need to be on top of the seed. When it cracks and just before it begins to send out its tap root, is the time to gently move it , into its pre moistened growing medium, tap root down.
If you wait longer the tap root will send out micro roots into the paper towel. Removing the seed rips the micro roots, most of the time when this happens the seed stops germinating. A cause of many a head ache for growers.

Go from the paper towel to at least a 4" deep pot. The tap root will grow out to 4" quickly. When the roots fill the small pot , transplant to a 1 or 2 gallon pot. this should give you a nice sized, vigorous plant that wants to grow.

If placed in smaller than a 4" pot at the first stage, the tap root curls at the bottom ,causing stunted growth, smaller yield and lower quality flowers. A dense small root ball forms and sets you up for more worries.

I have used many methods successively. I prefer to float them in a glass, set on the window sill, getting sun. When the tap root appears I pluck it tenderly and place gently in 4" or bigger pot filled with my favorite pre moistened growing medium, dirt.
You could skip the 4" pot and go right to the 1 or 2 gallon pot. Less work,and less chance of sending your plants into shock when transplanted .
Hope this helps.:peace:
I am going to have to add that to my list...I need to find the ones that are easy to work with along with a nice high.

The best thing about AK47's is that they do really well in high RH too

These have great potency too, I swear I would almost feel drunk after smoking it all

I can't wait to get back to my growing...I guess that's why I want to help everyone else so bad? I can at least put my little bit of knowledge to good use helping others, I just wish I had my own to look at and take care of...I miss it SOOOO much :reading420magazine::nomo::rollingeyes:
oh btw i know a little about medical marijuana , i have some stress anger issues (im a very nervous person) do you guys think weed can help me ? or will just make me get worse ? :S

Go with the indica dominate strains. The higher THC sativas could elevate your stress and could make the wheels turn too fast in your head . So go with the indica my friend, it will calm you the fuck down. I'm seriously you guys.:peace:
On germinating seeds outside of the growing medium. Using paper towels to germinate seeds can help sprout them faster. However, you need to be on top of the seed. When it cracks and just before it begins to send out its tap root, is the time to gently move it , into its pre moistened growing medium, tap root down.
If you wait longer the tap root will send out micro roots into the paper towel. Removing the seed rips the micro roots, most of the time when this happens the seed stops germinating. A cause of many a head ache for growers.

Go from the paper towel to at least a 4" deep pot. The tap root will grow out to 4" quickly. When the roots fill the small pot , transplant to a 1 or 2 gallon pot. this should give you a nice sized, vigorous plant that wants to grow.

If placed in smaller than a 4" pot at the first stage, the tap root curls at the bottom ,causing stunted growth, smaller yield and lower quality flowers. A dense small root ball forms and sets you up for more worries.

I have used many methods successively. I prefer to float them in a glass, set on the window sill, getting sun. When the tap root appears I pluck it tenderly and place gently in 4" or bigger pot filled with my favorite pre moistened growing medium, dirt.
You could skip the 4" pot and go right to the 1 or 2 gallon pot. Less work,and less chance of sending your plants into shock when transplanted .
Hope this helps.:peace:

I covered allot of these bases with k in an earlier post but it's good to have other outtakes on it as well.

I've heard different things on the tap root on the seedling thing, I've heard to wait until it's 1-2 "s to what you said so...? made sense tho

I told him to get some 32oz Styrofoam cups for starting and advised him on the root ball thing as well.

More advice=more success is my way of thinking so thank you for yours my friend :welldone:
HK is a good one for you too...I think?

Should be fairly short and I know it's potent as hell great for nervous soles like you, it'll help you sleep ;)
Yo, just sitting here...smokin sum hash.. readin over the last few days I've missed.... Stoked that so many people have stopped by to help you man... You are well on Ur way:goodjob:, ill be updating my journal tomorrow mornin.. if u wanna stop by and check it out...almost harvest time..:peace:
Here is my soil mix and so far i am super impressed with the results. I put this mix together after endless hours of web research and exploration. So far every plant that I have put into this soil has done nothing but reward me each day of it's life with a huge smile. I call this recipe my attaboy mix. I stated off with one bag of each: Timberline Organic Compost (28L), Lambert 100% Organic Garden Soil (2pi, Cu), 30lbs worm castings (local providor), Sphagnum Peat moss by Miracle Grow (8quart), Vermiculite by Sta Green (8quart), 1 bag perilite (8quart), 1 gallon worm tea (treats 16 gallons), 4 large cups of lime for ph control.
I have nothing but positives to say about this mix and I am sure that others have recipe's that they swear by but this one is mine and I know what it took to come up with it. It has all the essentials and most of all it is organic. I love the way my medicine tastes when it is grown in 100% organic material. I can't say enough about worm castings. I use 30lbs in my mix and 20 lbs added just before flowering. The worm castings tea is a new way to help keep those nasty spider mites away. Cheers...:high-five:
true queen :) im very exited right now :D cant wait to put my baby in the dirt ! :D

and lord indica ty very much for your help and for sharing your soil mix :D altough since i live outside the usa i might have some hard time finding some of the stuff you are sayng there , i will try to make somthing close to that (kynda like a noob grower sould mix :p) but somthing im sure it will not hurt my plants ;) im still working on my new grow box , it will be a 55cm x 55cm x 55cm box :D but this one will be made of wood , so is taking me a little more time to make it :p but lets see what i can do , for now my carton small box will have to do the job , i hope my babyes can handle it X)
true queen :) im very exited right now :D cant wait to put my baby in the dirt ! :D

and lord indica ty very much for your help and for sharing your soil mix :D altough since i live outside the usa i might have some hard time finding some of the stuff you are sayng there , i will try to make somthing close to that (kynda like a noob grower sould mix :p) but somthing im sure it will not hurt my plants ;) im still working on my new grow box , it will be a 55cm x 55cm x 55cm box :D but this one will be made of wood , so is taking me a little more time to make it :p but lets see what i can do , for now my carton small box will have to do the job , i hope my babyes can handle it X)

Your very welcome. I can't say enough about worm castings (they're the product that is created when worms excrete what they have digested after eating). The list I gave you is guaranteed to never burn your plants. Everything loves it and you can actually grow an incredible garden using 100% worm castings. The recipe I gave you will fill (8) 5 gallon buckets. May I suggest that whatever route you go, use organic fertilizers and composts. If you are not interested in the product that your going to produce then please, please, please give it to a cancer patient or an MS patient. They really do benefit greatly from the medicine that is produced. Thanks and Merry Christmas...:thumb:
Not sure you can actually drown a seed? I've seen people actually submerge their seeds in a small cup with success so I'm not sure about that one?

thats a weird one to hear that. i know that I read somewhere that if you have a seed that just sinks down, chances are that its not going to germ... a root and a seed need to have air to breath!!! every seed that I have seen just drop strait to the bottom of the cup, they never made it out of the shell!!!

But thats my opinion and my experiences!!!

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