My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

ok so , since i whatered my seed too much i havend covered the pot yet in order to perserve moisture , ( i want the dirt to dry a little i dont want my seed to dye ) im gona use 12/12 ligh since seed , so right now its the night shift :) only my fan works 24/7 my light will turn on at 7 am and turn off at 7 pm (like the sun , this way i dont have problems with light going inside the box during the day) , now i need to know , how many times should i whater the plant per day ? and is there anything else i need to know at this point of the progress ?
Well from what I could see of your pic, I would've waited just a little bit longer, the root looks really short to me. Not saying you're doing anything wrong, just my personal preference. But I know you're full of anticipation and eagerness. And from Smoke2J, I learned you don't have to bury the seed under the dirt, just put the root in the dirt, having the seed above ground. I have tried it with my lemon skunk and it has grown. I did the same with the blue mystic, though I just put her in the dirt today.

I usually would water mine once a day but that just me, you do mean now that she's in the dirt right? I use a spray bottle. Again I say this is personal preference not rule of thumb. What kind of water are you going to use? Bottled or tap? If tap, let sit open over 24 hours.

Also once you have it in the pot, lift the pot so you can feel how it is when it is light with no water in it, after you water it lift it again, see how heavy it has become? Light means time to water it. Also was told from someone here that you can stick your finger in the dirt, not sure the length but if that dirt feels moist or wet still then it is not time to water.

I hope I explained that well enough, if not someone will elaborate on what I said. Just smoked one so my head is a lil foggy about now.
Paper towel method has always worked great for me.

good news guys !!! my green seed just poped ! and now its showing a very small little root ! im sooo hapy ! this is amazing !! :D:circle-of-love:

Excellent bro, had my doubts, but you beat the odds...wohoo!!! :bravo:

I guess you did get more than your money's! :thumb:

Get those 32oz cup's ready now, if you haven't already.

I guess you will have 3 now? that's still ok, just use smaller pots, like about 2 gal pots, close to 4 ltr's I think, in metric terms?

Gently use tweezers to place them in the 1/2" deep hole (made with a pen/pencil) in the middle of the soil in the cups. Don't forget to put at least 5 pen/pencil sized holes in the bottom of the cups before you put the dirt in. Gently cover the hole back up after placing the seeds then gently tamp the soil to set the seed in it but still loosely packed...after that, place the cups in a bucket with about 2" of "distilled water" in the bottom and let it soak up in the soil and then gust wait for the little babies to poke their little heads out in a day or two...Easy, cheesy, Japaneezy!

Hope this helps :thumb:

Excellent bro, had my doubts, but you beat the odds...wohoo!!! :bravo:

I guess you did get more than your money's! :thumb:

Get those 32oz cup's ready now, if you haven't already.

I guess you will have 3 now? that's still ok, just use smaller pots, like about 2 gal pots, close to 4 ltr's I think, in metric terms?

Gently use tweezers to place them in the 1/2" deep hole (made with a pen/pencil) in the soil in the cups. Don't forget to put at least 5 pen/pencil sized holes in the bottom of the cups before you put the dirt in.

Hope this helps :thumb:


the seed is alredy in the dirt my friend :)
eheh ok queen :p my seed its jut like one centimeter under the dirt (maybe even less) so thats not a problem i still wonder , when the dirt is starting to get dry whats the right amount of whater do add to it :nomo::scratchinghead:

When the water comes out of the holes in the bottom, it's enough.

Use my water in the bottom of the bucket trick, it's easy.

I like to use distilled water for babies at first then use "settled" tap water later when everything is established with the roots...just better with no chemicals I think for babies?
warrior any advices on the wattering / anything else i need to know at this point ? i have 2 seeds atm , one is on the dirt for like 1 houor now :p and the other one is still germinating

That's cool but I like to bury it in the dirt a little tho and cover it up so the root has a head start and not fighting to dig it's way in...just my opinion ;)
Chill out about too much water bro, the excess will run out of the's ok

Remember what I said about loving them to death? just relax bro, everything's ok
Excellent bro, had my doubts, but you beat the odds...wohoo!!! :bravo:


Oh I'm sorry did I tread on you a little bit warrior? You can have your little class here buddy. I have seen guys like you for years. They always know everything but can never show anything. :laughtwo:

Making fun of proven methods just screams rookie.
Oh I'm sorry did I tread on you a little bit warrior? You can have your little class here buddy. I have seen guys like you for years. They always know everything but can never show anything. :laughtwo:

Making fun of proven methods just screams rookie.

The one thing I have never said in my life is that I know everything...ever!

This guy just needed some help and no one seemed to want to help until I jumped in.

If you know a proven method...bring it on...please! I may learn something too...I ain't to proud to learn.

Never said I was an expert but starting and planting seeds ain't rocket science and this guy is getting confused with all the different info...that's all

Hmm...I don't remember making fun of anything! a little uncalled for comment I think?

Share you vast knowledge with the class...please! not a prob, no haters here!

If this guy starts hating on me? I'm bailing out of the thread K, sorry but life is too short for hate and ridicule!

Happy to help else where ok?

New member huh? must have just come from the forum in NY? nothing but haters there! That's why I left and why I'm here with all the nice ppl! :peace:

this is my seed , its currently covered to keep the dirt moist as it was recomended to me (let me know if im doing it whrong )


and now i have added both my lights :D now im at full power !!! :D Lol
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