My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

peace guys ;) it was just a miss understandmant , you are all here to help me out , one one is trying to hurt no ones feelings :circle-of-love:

Sorry dude but personal jabs ain't cool and totally unproductive at best!

I've seen a lot of ppl do that, they usually have nothing to teach you but they just want to start an argument needlessly. Usually they don't even read the whole thread and jump in on something at the tail end without even knowing what led the conversation to that place in the first ain't cool and ain't how we do things here at :420:

I've been thinking about a new thread explaining just how unproductive starting up crap really is...I just need to think on it a while before I write it.

He just added a recipe for dirt? you don't even need to worry about that kind of thing right now anyway. Just focus on your seeds and keeping them alive is all you need right now...ok
it doesnt need light to sprout, check on it a couple times a day and when it sprouts take the cover off. What may be easier and is what i do is get a ziplock freezer bag and put it over the little pot, therefor the humidity stays high and you can check on the progress without disturbing it.

Yep, that's right :goodjob:
whew all that over wha? any who
you're doing fine, just relax breathe in some good fresh crisp air.
Remember you are growing a wonderful plant, that will never judge you, will always tell you what it wants, just listen.
read, go to the nursery, put your hands in healthy soil squeeze it ,and smell, look closely at it. (then promptly wash your hands)Understanding the growing medium will help you understand her. .As you understand her, the doors of knowledge will burst open with revelations and new ideas. I am high as I type this, heh..With so many giving advice sometimes its hard to decide. That's when I just click the link in my sig on how to grow weed, and read.
There are many preferences, most methods work regardless of what some say, with different degrees of success. Growing this plant has evolved into a science, but when it comes down to it, she does what she wants, we can only encourage her.
A friend once said,"All you can do is plant the seed, water it and pray, God makes it grow."
Wow! Really? I think people need to respect each other's posts. I am fairly new still but how I see it everyone has their own method of how they like to do things. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Regardless of what anyone says, you're gonna pick which way YOU want to go regardless. Ok, Kamy. Right now, you should be soaking all this info in which I know you are. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the flow of info coming to you, keep asking questions. As I like to say, the only dumb question is the one NOT asked. ...
Wow! Really? I think people need to respect each other's posts. I am fairly new still but how I see it everyone has their own method of how they like to do things. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Regardless of what anyone says, you're gonna pick which way YOU want to go regardless. Ok, Kamy. Right now, you should be soaking all this info in which I know you are. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the flow of info coming to you, keep asking questions. As I like to say, the only dumb question is the one NOT asked. ...

I couldn't have said it better my self +420 reps girl, I :love: the way you think! :bravo::adore::circle-of-love:
thx queen :) you are right and im a smart boy , i can handle the information flow :) the more the better! :D :reading420magazine: cheers queen ;)

Good for you bro, I :love: the way you let things roll off your back you get +420 reps too :bravo::cheer:

You've got a nice little cheering section going here, that means you are fitting in juts right here at :420::cheer::cheer::cheer:
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