My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

it says Sorry, this page may have moved or is no longer available :S

LOL, don't you just hate when that happens? I'll let someone else answer your lighting question. I am still trying to get my lights together. I have about 5 23 watt light that looks yellow compared to my other ones that look white. So, I don't think that would hurt but that's just my opinion. And I still don't have the lumens thing down yet. But I think for veg it is 6500k and for flower 2700k. Don't quote me on this but I think that is what it is.
LOL, don't you just hate when that happens? I'll let someone else answer your lighting question. I am still trying to get my lights together. I have about 5 23 watt light that looks yellow compared to my other ones that look white. So, I don't think that would hurt but that's just my opinion. And I still don't have the lumens thing down yet. But I think for veg it is 6500k and for flower 2700k. Don't quote me on this but I think that is what it is.

yep you are right queen those are the recomended lumens , but here in portugal we dont measure the lumens on the lighs :S so i realy have a hard time figuring out the lumens of the lamps , and oh im very relieved to know that the yellow light wont kill my plants :) :Namaste:
LOL, don't you just hate when that happens? I'll let someone else answer your lighting question. I am still trying to get my lights together. I have about 5 23 watt light that looks yellow compared to my other ones that look white. So, I don't think that would hurt but that's just my opinion. And I still don't hav:cheer:e the lumens thing down yet. But I think for veg it is 6500k and for flower 2700k. Don't quote me on this but I think that is what it is.

That is correct, a good way to get quality cfls would be amazon or ebay... But i dont know if they ship to your country, the spectrum for veg is 6500k, I believe its called daylight... Just chk where u bought that one, but save that one for when you start budding
Well Kamy, you can always google for the conversion from watts to lumens....right now I am working with 4100k and 2700k cfls. I am trying to get my hands on some 6500k. But my grow is still doing good with the ones I have.
ugh yeah queen , but for that i need to know how many watts per square cm i have xD its some prety hard math , but oh well , i think my lights will do the job , at least for now (i hope lol)

Yeah, I suck at math too. Eh, is there such a thing as having too much light as long as it is in the right spectrum? Maybe someone will come along and answer that for us. But considering that you only have 2 plants that you will be working with, its not like you're gonna need a whole bunch. Just curious, how many could you fit in your grow box?
you know I don't know if they might have the same thing there where you live, but here in the US, on my android phone, I went in to the app store and I got me a light cam, it measures the amount of Lumens on your plants!!! just like a real ohe that you would spend over 100 bucks on, I mean don't get me wrong, when I can afford 1 of them I will!! but for now, my phone does wonders with that app!!! Hit me up and I can get the link to you!!!

Ok, I've read from where I last left off up til now...shewwww!!! lol :nomo:

I had the same problem with lights too so I finally went to HD and Lowes and looked at everything they had that might just work, here is what I found, (remember that some stores carry things that others may not)

I found high pressure sodium security lights like the ones you mount on a pole or building, they also have MH in these as well. Mine were 150w and I found some 250w bulbs later on to replace them with, I had 2 of these, but I wouldn't go that rout again because a large HPS plant grow light cost less than I paid but I was new and didn't know better, but they still worked. These sec. lights come in Floro's too. I think (if memory serves me right?) I paid like $75-$80 each for these lights? One of these would do you killer K but like I said, actual HPS grow lights are fairly reasonable so...

I also found in the "under cabinet lighting" section at HD, some 24" long florescent, actual grow light's that seemed to have both red and blue spectrum's because they had a purple color when lit up...very cool but I can't remember the lumins on these, I had 4 of these and clones just loved them to death, for real! Seedlings too! I saved the best part of these for last, they were only $12 a piece! what a friggen score was that!!!

As far as a lumin meter, I found the absolute coolest meter for the low, low at HD that had 3 meters in 1 unit, it had a lumin meter, a soil moister meter and a PH meter all in one pkg. what a score this thing was too because I could hold it at the top of my canopy and see where the light was strongest and where it was not. Can't really remember price on this either but I'm sure it was under $20

I seemed to find better stuff like this at HD but lowes has some of it too.

HD also has pretty descent soil but I'm sure our sponsors have much better soil more geared towards canna but back then I had credit cards for both of these places and just baught everything from them so...

You should do some homework digging through the sponsor page looking for quality but cheap lights, soil, nutes and everything else, you might be surprised at how some of their prices compare to HD and lowes? That's my plan when I get ready to get back into it ;)

I would go see if you can find those floro's and that meter tho, I'll have to go out and ck my self again too, sometimes when a product doesn't move well, they will discontinue it, so I'm hoping they still have'm ;)

Hope this helps? :peace:
Interesting....I did peruse the sponsors for lights once and the prices were not that cheap. No fault to the sponsors but my budget can't afford them. Maybe will find something cheaper at HD or Lowe's online or with Ebay. Just my 2 cents. I wanna know about that lumens counter with the android phone.
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