My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

ok guys , 72 houors have passed since i planted my first seed in the dirt , and i still dont have any sighs of anything growing in there , no sprout so far :( im a little woried now , i removed the plastic bag i had over the pot in order to keep the dirt moist , my room temprature now is more stable , i hope my seed is still alive o.o

Awww, don't sweat it, Kamy. Just like a woman she is taking her time! It's what we do. I should follow my own advice on that because I am having the same issue with my Blue Mystic. Though I just put her root in the ground and not the whole seed. She has been in the ground just over 72hrs too. So let's play who's baby comes up seems like when you don't pay them any attention is when they come up. Kinda like when someone is staring at you, it makes you feel uncomfortable. Just give her what she needs and let her do the rest. Don't get discouraged. :thumb:
awwwwwwww :D thx queen i was realy in need of this , (some one suporting me a little on this hard time) i think this is the worst part , becouse since my baby is under the dirt i cant see her :( i cant wait untill she pops of the dirt ! but i must have pacience ! damm me :p being a first time grower its so exiting that i have a hard time waiting for thing's to happen :) let the mother nature folow his course i realy wonder if there is actualy any chance i can kill my seed before she sprouts ... hmmmmm but i belive im doing evrything right ... room temprature is ok ... whater is fine too ... air its prety cool also ... 12 houors of light per day ... and the dirt is quality dirt ... idk maybe my seed is like me ... (a little slow some times lol) cheers !
ok guys , 72 houors have passed since i planted my first seed in the dirt , and i still dont have any sighs of anything growing in there , no sprout so far :( im a little woried now , i removed the plastic bag i had over the pot in order to keep the dirt moist , my room temprature now is more stable , i hope my seed is still alive o.o

How long were the roots when you placed them in, were the seeds just barely cracking?

This has been debated as I'm sure it might here but for me personally, I have always had better results by letting the root get about 1" long in the paper towel before I plant it but like I've said that's just been my own personal experience.

The method I use now is to use jiffy peat pellets and I always use distilled water for germinating but again, that's just me.

If you have placed a just cracking seed in the dirt, it may take a little longer for it to reach the top, especially if you put it in 1" deep...give it 1-2 more days before you get too I said before, there are allot of variables going on here and these things sometimes take some No worries m8! ;)

Just make sure they stay warm...ok? everything is going to work out fine :thumb:
How long were the roots when you placed them in, were the seeds just barely cracking?

This has been debated as I'm sure it might here but for me personally, I have always had better results by letting the root get about 1" long in the paper towel before I plant it but like I've said that's just been my own personal experience.

The method I use now is to use jiffy peat pellets and I always use distilled water for germinating but again, that's just me.

If you have placed a just cracking seed in the dirt, it may take a little longer for it to reach the top, especially if you put it in 1" deep...give it 1-2 more days before you get too I said before, there are allot of variables going on here and these things sometimes take some No worries m8! ;)

Just make sure they stay warm...ok? everything is going to work out fine :thumb:

thx for the support my friend :) well the root was about 3/4 the length of the seed when i planted her ... my room was realy cold the first day the seed was in there :/ i hope she survived to that (the room was like 55F)

but yeah ... lets just wait more 2 or 3 days ^^ :thanks::thanks::thumb:
@420 Warrior--I think you are dead on. If you go back a few pages of Kamy's journal where he took pics, you kinda see that the root is not that long really. His anticipation got the best of him----we all have been there, right?

Kamy--Don't be jinxing yourself. As 420 said there are a lot of different variables. While you're waiting on her to come above ground, do some reading, can't hurt and can only help.
ohhh, yea, 55 deg is pretty cool for seedlings especially.

Full grown plants can die if kept at like 40 so...yea?

They should still be ok if you warmed them up fast enough but...IDK? we'll just giv'em a couple more days to see.

Seedlings take a little more TLC than a small plant in vegg does but it all really depends on how hearty the strain is to determine how much abuse they can really take.

When you got those seeds, I take it you went through a seed bank, right?

Did you read the breeder review? I have found it best to read this to determine which ones to buy like, is it good for new growers or is it for pro growers? I look for allot of other things as well, but what ever it is, I like to make sure it's going to fit my environment before I buy them...does that make since?

Those HK's are Indica's so they should be pretty easy but, IDK? I haven't read the review on those in a long time so...

No matter now, you have what you have now and we just want to see these babies pop out and say HIGH daddy...LOL
@ queen yeah :) ive been reading alot and also been watching some vey helpfull videos :) and yeah probly i planted my seed a little soon , but i belive that's not a problem , worst case scenario takes a little longer untill she sprouts , i must ask you guys , is it realy a good idea keeping my plants under 12/12 light since seed ? or the wise best choise is to do 24 from seed and then make 12/12 ? im still a little worried about that , also becouse my light are not that strong ... and im gona thinking if i should or not remove the covers from my pots , im woried that my seeds might dye due to lack of air goin inside the pot ... let me know what you guys think of this ;)
ohhh, yea, 55 deg is pretty cool for seedlings especially.

Full grown plants can die if kept at like 40 so...yea?

They should still be ok if you warmed them up fast enough but...IDK? we'll just giv'em a couple more days to see.

Seedlings take a little more TLC than a small plant in vegg does but it all really depends on how hearty the strain is to determine how much abuse they can really take.

When you got those seeds, I take it you went through a seed bank, right?

Did you read the breeder review? I have found it best to read this to determine which ones to buy like, is it good for new growers or is it for pro growers? I look for allot of other things as well, but what ever it is, I like to make sure it's going to fit my environment before I buy them...does that make since?

Those HK's are Indica's so they should be pretty easy but, IDK? I haven't read the review on those in a long time so...

No matter now, you have what you have now and we just want to see these babies pop out and say HIGH daddy...LOL

lool warrior here is the review on my kush seeds :
Hindu Kush/Skunk #1 X Skunk #1

This sativa dominant hybrid is great fun. It descends from a Hindu Kush/Skunk| and a Skunk#1 parent.

Thanks to its skunk#1 genes, this strain allows you to grow uniform and sturdy plants with a good environmental resilience in different kinds of weather conditions. The skunk influence also helped to generated more yield.

Its Hindu Kush background provides this plant with dense rock-hard buds, an abundant resin production and a musky, earthy smell and taste with some hints of fruitiness.

Hindu Kush/Skunk #1 X Skunk #1 is an excellent weed for social occasions or moments in which you need to be creative. You may also experience feelings of happiness and euphoria.

Genetic background: Hindu Kush/Skunk No. 1 x Skunk No. 1
Harvest: end of October (outdoors)
Flowering Period: 9 weeks
THC level: 14-20%
Characteristics: Heavy hashish plant
@ queen yeah :) ive been reading alot and also been watching some vey helpfull videos :) and yeah probly i planted my seed a little soon , but i belive that's not a problem , worst case scenario takes a little longer untill she sprouts , i must ask you guys , is it realy a good idea keeping my plants under 12/12 light since seed ? or the wise best choise is to do 24 from seed and then make 12/12 ? im still a little worried about that , also becouse my light are not that strong ... and im gona thinking if i should or not remove the covers from my pots , im woried that my seeds might dye due to lack of air goin inside the pot ... let me know what you guys think of this ;)

I believe there are a few people on here that does 12/12 from seed, can't remember who they are. Maybe you can check out their journal or maybe someone will answer that for you. I never said it would be a problem that you planted too soon, I just said you should've let the root get a little longer. I do believe I also said that was my opinion, not saying your seeds are doomed to fail. And what watt is your lights again? I thought you said 23w, if so I wouldn't think that would be considered a weak light not for just two plants. Maybe you need to add another one? And are you giving the plants air at all or you're just leaving the plate on the plants 24/7? You need to give them some air too. I can't wait to see your reaction when they finally do come above ground...Did you ever post a pic of your setup?
ok , so today i was reading the law in my country about canabis , and i discovered that i can only carry 12,5 grams of weed on the streets , if i have more than that is considered trafic (and trafic can put me 10 years behind bars and no one wants that) if i have less than 12,5g its not a crime , so worst case scenario the police take the weed away from me ;)

soo the law about canabis cultivation is like this : cultivation of canabis for sale is illigal and give up to 15 years of jail time , but if i have only plants worth 25grams of canabis is considered legal , since its for personal use , soooo knowing this i REALY need to know how much grams does a hundu kush weed plant produce ? some one help me out on this one please ;) thx for your time peace ! :D
I doubt you will get 25 grams out of these, with your lights.

You are intending on keeping these small anyway, so even if all three are female, which the odds are against, you shouldn't get very much out of these in the finished product.

I'm taking it that's 25 grams total for all your plants? If they are all 3 fem., you may just get that much but the odds are very much against that being the case.

Like I said before, 3 out of 3 being female? slim chance at should be fine

Remember; more light=more bud production
looks@420Warrior.....Cat got ya tongue? lol...How are you? Um, am I missing some of the conversation here...Kamy, something better than 17 w yes, thought you had 23w like me. I still need to get some more. I was hoping to try to get a hps light next month as a bday gift to myself but that doesn't look like that is going to happen now.
looks@420Warrior.....Cat got ya tongue? lol...How are you? Um, am I missing some of the conversation here...Kamy, something better than 17 w yes, thought you had 23w like me. I still need to get some more. I was hoping to try to get a hps light next month as a bday gift to myself but that doesn't look like that is going to happen now.

yes i have 17w yellow lights (two of them ) but im gona replace them soon by two 30w clf (cold white color) :) 60w cfl should give my plants some nice lumens i belive :love:
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