My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

Yay, it finally came through the dirt!!!!! Now aren't you the proud Papa!!! I guess we here in the US are really spoiled because we basically have everything within our reach when it comes to supplies. If you have a bank card, it would seem like to me your best bet would be to order online, someone has to deliver where you are. But shipping is prolly a major pain in the ass. Have you figured out where you're going to get your nutes from yet? Know anyone in the States? Maybe you could wire them the money to get what you need then send it to you? Just a thought....
well queen , the seed didnt poped :) if you check warrior posts , he told me to dig off the seed to inspect it , so the seed is alive , but still no pop ! but im realy waitng forward to that moment , and now i can sleep well knowing that my seed is not dead , she is just playing it slow :p and no i dont know any one on the us ... the problem realy is the shiping cost (arround 10$ for an item like an y socket) i will try to find one here in my county :p and no i still dont know how im going to work out that nutes problem :S
well queen , the seed didnt poped :) if you check warrior posts , he told me to dig off the seed to inspect it , so the seed is alive , but still no pop ! but im realy waitng forward to that moment , and now i can sleep well knowing that my seed is not dead , she is just playing it slow :p and no i dont know any one on the us ... the problem realy is the shiping cost (arround 10$ for an item like an y socket) i will try to find one here in my county :p and no i still dont know how im going to work out that nutes problem :S

Damn that sucks about the shipping issue, wish I could help you with that. I guess I misread, I thought Warrior said dig around with the toothpick to move dirt away from the seedling, my fault. I told you, we ladies like to take our time!!
Yay, she finally came out of hiding...Now stop staring at your green journal has just begun...Enjoy!!!

ahah queen i just had this rush to open the grow box evry 5 minutes to look at her .. but im tryin to control myself :p thank you for your support queen i realy apreciate it :) and your right , my journal is just starting ^^ :thanks:
Cool! I told you

Good deal K, I'm so happy for you man :high-five:

Now, you really need to get those lights close to them so they will start developing chlorophyll properly.

You need that light about 3 or 4 inches over the top of your plants and for now, I would just stick to 24/7 until they establish them selves really good, then, you can switch back to 12/12 after they are about 5 or 6 inches tall.

You need them to develop as strong as you can get them before you go to flower mode.

I guess, what we need to know now is, just what you do have as far as stores and supplies QTL said, we are spoiled here in the US, with all the different kind's of stores to choose from but we really have no idea what you have to deal with.

Do you, at least, have a nursery near you? Where do you get supplies for your bonsai's? They may have some nutes that will work...IDK?

Their has to be people growing cannabis in Portugal so, they have to be getting supplies somewhere?

Do some google searching for supplies close to you...I would think the shipping cost "in Portugal" wouldn't be too costly...IDK?
soo , now my lights are running 24/7 my oldest seed is just a tiny little bit off the dirt , but my second seed is about one seed size of the dirt (very little i know but she just poked trough this afternoon (about 7 houors ago) ) my lights are a little away from the saplings , i will find a way to make them closer ....

6" from the top might be ok, but remember, the higher above the plants they are, the more they will stretch out.

Do you have a small fan blowing a slight breeze on them? This is important to develop a strong stalk because the subtle movement it creates actually creates microscopic fractures in it which makes them stronger as they are naturally repaired...kind of like working out your muscles, when you work out, it creates small tares in the muscle and when your body repairs these tares, you in turn, get more muscular...understand?

Keep your eye on the temp in your box too...breeze or not, it needs to stay around 70-80 deg you have a thermometer in their? you need one ;)

Someone once told me to make your grow environment like an artificial Caribbean island with a slight trade wind and that has been sound advice for me so

6" from the top might be ok, but remember, the higher above the plants they are, the more they will stretch out.

Do you have a small fan blowing a slight breeze on them? This is important to develop a strong stalk because the subtle movement it creates actually creates microscopic fractures in it which makes them stronger as they are naturally repaired...kind of like working out your muscles, when you work out, it creates small tares in the muscle and when your body repairs these tares, you in turn, get more muscular...understand?

Keep your eye on the temp in your box too...breeze or not, it needs to stay around 70-80 deg you have a thermometer in their? you need one ;)

Someone once told me to make your grow environment like an artificial Caribbean island with a slight trade wind and that has been sound advice for me so

6 inch is a little far since my lights are a little weak , so 4 inch is better i belive , yes i have a computer fan blowing air into the box :) i dont have a thermometer yet .. but i alredy ordered one from ebay about 10 days ago , he should arrive before 2012 :) the one i boght also measures the invirement humidity ^^ and im doing my best to keep my box at a nice temprature , i have a heating fan turned on keeping my room hotter ;) :Namaste:
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