My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

6 inch is a little far since my lights are a little weak , so 4 inch is better i belive , yes i have a computer fan blowing air into the box :) i dont have a thermometer yet .. but i alredy ordered one from ebay about 10 days ago , he should arrive before 2012 :) the one i boght also measures the invirement humidity ^^ and im doing my best to keep my box at a nice temprature , i have a heating fan turned on keeping my room hotter ;) :Namaste:

Ok, your in business! :welldone::bravo::goodjob:

:high-five:<---us :cheer:<---QTL.........:slide::rofl:
lol thx for the support warrior :) you and queen are amazing :D i cant wait to take some nice pics to post here :D

We're more then happy to give back what we were helped with ourselves...It's how we roll here at :420:

Eventually, you will be able to help someone too...someone just like your self, with 420 questions blowing up a thread and then you can calm them down and get them on the right track too...kinda feels good to give something back ;)

Keep in mind that, you still have a lot more to do and this is just the first hurdle.

The first test is over tho because getting them to sprout can be a little trying the first time.

Vegging is usually pretty easy if you have the right nutes, soil and environment.

Flowering can be somewhat taxing at times too, mainly because that's usually when diseases and pests start wanting to invade but these problems can usually be solved by asking the people here what can be done to combat them.

People here are always figuring out new ways to deal with problems and you are in good hands here so, no worries ;)

Always think ahead of the game...what's my next move? What do I need now/next? It's easier to stay one step ahead of the game than to have something catch you off guard
Doin good Kami, it seems like just yesterday I was tellin u little things and now thanks to your research and the help from everyone else, things are workin nicely for you:goodjob:

I haven't had the time to comment on your journal lately, but have been watching it:adore:
Doin good Kami, it seems like just yesterday I was tellin u little things and now thanks to your research and the help from everyone else, things are workin nicely for you:goodjob:

I haven't had the time to comment on your journal lately, but have been watching it:adore:

ahh thx jbud ! :) yeah im still learning , but im getting better and better :D

im glad you've been watching it :) and always feel free to pass by and post bro

thx guys :) my next move is buying some nutes , an Y socket and transfer my babies to my improved grow box , once it is redy to roll ^^ i dont think i need anything else , at least for now (correct me if im whrong)

you already have fans??? thermometers?? RH meters?? pH meters?? PPM meter?? its never done!!!
You should try to contact cory from bpn on here.. he miht be able to work something out with you...

I thought Kamy tried and said that BPN doesn't ship to where he is? I am confused now....Now you have advanced from noob to novice grower like myself...Your next mission should you choose to accept it, is working on better you using a cell phone? I haven't mastered pics yet either.
you already have fans??? thermometers?? RH meters?? pH meters?? PPM meter?? its never done!!!

woooa ! o_O i have fans and i have thermometers , i have no idea what is a RH metter or a PPM metter , and i dont need a ph metter , my water is exelent :)

but man ! thats alot of stuff :Namaste:
I thought Kamy tried and said that BPN doesn't ship to where he is? I am confused now....Now you have advanced from noob to novice grower like myself...Your next mission should you choose to accept it, is working on better you using a cell phone? I haven't mastered pics yet either.

yeah BPN does not ship to where i live but im gona send him a PM to see what he can do ... its worth the shot ;) eheheh yeah i cant do much about good pics , the only camera i have is a 3.2 megapixel (from my cellphone)
I thought Kamy tried and said that BPN doesn't ship to where he is? I am confused now....Now you have advanced from noob to novice grower like myself...Your next mission should you choose to accept it, is working on better you using a cell phone? I haven't mastered pics yet either.

Oops.. musta missed that
woooa ! o_O i have fans and i have thermometers , i have no idea what is a RH metter or a PPM metter , and i dont need a ph metter , my water is exelent :)

but man ! thats alot of stuff :Namaste:

doesnt matter on the water bro!!! your going to want a soil pH meter so you know the pH of the soil, and then you are also supposed to check your run off so you know if your plants are eating the food that you give em!!! you need it bro!!!
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