My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

Update : Guys i woke up today and i went to check on my babies , here is what i found ...


This is a picture of my seedling last night


and this is a picture of my seedling today :) i think is going well :circle-of-love:
I am not sure about the humidity but I think the babies like that. Maybe its just me but I would try to get the temp a lil higher if possible. 65 isn't bad but I would try for 70 but thats just me.
for cannabis to grow, you always want to keep the temps between 68-75 degrees, 5 up or down is ok, but try not to let it get there.

for your RH levels, you should have
95-100% for germ to sprout or fresh cut clones
50-60% for veg
30-40% for flower

yeah queen , i would love to make my room temprature 70 ... but thats impossible during the winter in my country :p i dont have air conditioner , i only have a simple room heater :p

im not sure what is the recomemded humidity leve's either

air conditioner would make it colder not warmer, another heater not in your budget? Do you pay gas? I don't, when it gets cold in my apt, I usually turn that on...not sure how your apartment is but it usually works for mine unless you live in a house and is paying heat.
yeah queen , i ,live in a personal house not an apartment , and i pay my electricity , gas etc :p and the heater i have right now is a 2000W ... soo if i get another one this would make my electric bill go high above the roof , and right now i cant afford any more big expenses , so i will have to live with what i got :p im hoping that my lights will also warm up my box as well ^^
for cannabis to grow, you always want to keep the temps between 68-75 degrees, 5 up or down is ok, but try not to let it get there.

for your RH levels, you should have
95-100% for germ to sprout or fresh cut clones
50-60% for veg
30-40% for flower


im sory , but RH means humidity levels ? pardon me for my ignorance xD
yeah queen , i ,live in a personal house not an apartment , and i pay my electricity , gas etc :p and the heater i have right now is a 2000W ... soo if i get another one this would make my electric bill go high above the roof , and right now i cant afford any more big expenses , so i will have to live with what i got :p im hoping that my lights will also warm up my box as well ^^

Yeah, I know what you mean...definitely..My apartment is poorly insulated due to a cheap ass landlord so I have to keep oven running to stay warm. Plus he has thermostat on a timer, won't kick on unless under 55 degrees. So glad I am moving in May.
Ok...K, how's the babies looking today? have the seed leaves opened and the 1st set of little jagged leaves poking out of the center...just cute as hell!!!?

Just think on it this way, if you think it's exciting now? Wait until you see your first set of little white hairs coming out and signaling that you have a "GIRL!!!"? Now that's the good sh!t!!! Ask anyone!!!...:yummy::slide::high-five::cheer::woohoo::rocker::yahoo::;):
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