My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

It has its leaves they just have to open up...I like to call those the starter leaves, I don't know the technical name for them...Mine are like that with my lemon skunk, just taller. One leaf has opened up and straightened out while the other is still folded over. But she looks like she is stretching or just lanky. She's only 9 days old though.
It has its leaves they just have to open up...I like to call those the starter leaves, I don't know the technical name for them...Mine are like that with my lemon skunk, just taller. One leaf has opened up and straightened out while the other is still folded over. But she looks like she is stretching or just lanky. She's only 9 days old though.

ahhh :) thx queen , my leafes are still hidden :p maybe tomorow they start coming out to eat some light ^^ :Namaste:
It has its leaves they just have to open up...I like to call those the starter leaves, I don't know the technical name for them...Mine are like that with my lemon skunk, just taller. One leaf has opened up and straightened out while the other is still folded over. But she looks like she is stretching or just lanky. She's only 9 days old though.

I believe those to be the cotyledon.
You need to keep that skin like membrane on the seed leafs moist with a spray bottle so that it will come off easy and not dry up because those little leafs need to open up and that membrane needs to come off. If it drys out, it can get hard and then it could potentially kill your plant(s).

What I like to do is, wet the little one until that skin or membrane, is good and moist then, very, very gently use that toothpick to work that skin off the end of the seed leafs...understand?

Be extremely careful with this as to not damage those leafs but it is crucial that it comes off.

Most of the time, it will just come off with a little spray of water but I have had some to die because I left it for nature to take care of and failed to remove it myself so, however it is to happen, it needs to come Just be careful not to damage it!

Y'all may or may not have noticed my new title as "News Hawk" here at 420 Magazine?

I now have a new job with the site again which is a tireless effort to help keep things running smoothly here. This new job will be where I will have to place all my efforts and what little time I have needs to be put towards the mission...can y'a dig?

I totally hate to bail on this thread my friend as I have been enjoying seeing your excitement with your new found passion but I will have to leave the rest of this grow in the truly capable hands of our other experienced members here, to help you further your "new found passion" for this truly remarkable plant.

All the best of luck with the rest of your grow my friend and I'll try and check on you now and then if and when I see some free time here...ok? Still, if you need me, I'm only a PM

Thank you guys for being so great and for all your friendship :peace: & :love: to you and yours

420 Warrior :peace: out :Namaste:
You need to keep that skin like membrane on the seed leafs moist with a spray bottle so that it will come off easy and not dry up because those little leafs need to open up and that membrane needs to come off. If it drys out, it can get hard and then it could potentially kill your plant(s).

What I like to do is, wet the little one until that skin or membrane, is good and moist then, very, very gently use that toothpick to work that skin off the end of the seed leafs...understand?

Be extremely careful with this as to not damage those leafs but it is crucial that it comes off.

Most of the time, it will just come off with a little spray of water but I have had some to die because I left it for nature to take care of and failed to remove it myself so, however it is to happen, it needs to come Just be careful not to damage it!

Oh my god ! you just saved the life of one of my plants ! O.O! The shell was falling , but got stuck in the opening leaves ! and my plant was fighting to stand up and open the leafes , but the shell was in the way :S with a toothpick i managed to save her life :adore:

:thanks: Warrior That was an exelent timing :)

and congratz on your new title ! you realy deserve it ! you are an exelent member of :420:

Hope you can stop by once in a while to check my things up :high-five:

I already know you're not, but this proves that you're not American.

I sincerely cannot recall the last time I heard that phrase. I admire your freedom.

Lord, was life really once that simple? going back to the Garden...

ehehe thx jb , and its the true , if i dont have a 100 milion dollar car and i cant aford one , i have to buy a cheap one , and i have to live with it and be happy :) On this case , i do my best to make my babies have the nicest envirement possible ... But for now it cant be perfect , but in time it will get better , and i will get more experience etc etc.

oh and p.s. Wanting more and more "american style" :p Somtimes its a good thing ... somtimes not .. ;) :Namaste:
You need to keep that skin like membrane on the seed leafs moist with a spray bottle so that it will come off easy and not dry up because those little leafs need to open up and that membrane needs to come off. If it drys out, it can get hard and then it could potentially kill your plant(s).

What I like to do is, wet the little one until that skin or membrane, is good and moist then, very, very gently use that toothpick to work that skin off the end of the seed leafs...understand?

Be extremely careful with this as to not damage those leafs but it is crucial that it comes off.

Most of the time, it will just come off with a little spray of water but I have had some to die because I left it for nature to take care of and failed to remove it myself so, however it is to happen, it needs to come Just be careful not to damage it!

Oh my god ! you just saved the life of one of my plants ! O.O! The shell was falling , but got stuck in the opening leaves ! and my plant was fighting to stand up and open the leafes , but the shell was in the way :S with a toothpick i managed to save her life :adore:

:thanks: Warrior That was an exelent timing :)

and congratz on your new title ! you realy deserve it ! you are an exelent member of :420:

Hope you can stop by once in a while to check my things up :high-five:


Good deal K, glad you saved it bro :thumb:

I will try and come and see you when I find chances to do so but I have tons of learning to do for now and will spend most of my time reading and learning for a while until I get it all down.

At least you have some really fine people willing to help you so, your babies are in good hands.

Thanks for all the kind words my friend and I'll c-u soon :Namaste:
Good job Kamy...I had to pull the shell off of my big bang it seems like I am right there with you, doing the same things...
at this time... NONE!!! the seed has enough nutes already loaded into it for an explosive growth, its in week 3 of after seed pops out of soil to start a 1/4 strength solution of food to your baby!!!

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