My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

ok , little update , 26 houors have passed since my seed is inside the dirt on my grow box :) i just checked it up to see if it needed whatering , the dirt was still moist and "heavy" so i just added a few drops of whater to make sure it wouldn't dry out :p still no sign of a growing weed what so ever :p but i gess thats normal since she is just in there for a little over a day ... lets hope we see somthing coming out soon :)
eheheh thx for the support my friend :Namaste:

You have any idea how long it usualy takes for a seed to pop off the dirt ?


Someone once said "patience is a virtue" I predicting they will pop out by later on today or over night tonight sometime but fear not if they don't...they will!

Just make sure they stay warm because cold will slow them down a bit...ok?

In the mean time, we will figure out your lighting situation.

I have some family Christmas stuff going on this weekend, so I'll be in and out but I'll do all I can to
Someone once said "patience is a virtue" I predicting they will pop out by later on today or over night tonight sometime but fear not if they don't...they will!

Just make sure they stay warm because cold will slow them down a bit...ok?

In the mean time, we will figure out your lighting situation.

I have some family Christmas stuff going on this weekend, so I'll be in and out but I'll do all I can to

thx warrior ! :D hmmm my plant maybe its a little late then :p its quite cold here in my house on the winter ! :)
get a small cheap heating pad and put it under your pot, it will work wonders!

Great advice! :welldone:

You can warm them up several ways, you can place them on top of any appliance that stays running and is warm ie; refrigerator, tv, deep frezer etc...

I like the fridge, I just wrap a towel around the pots for insulation.

You can also use a small space heater to warm the room and if your house is cold, you may like one of these anyway...unless you just like it cold.

Too hot would be around 90 deg F. or more, 90f would be kinda ok but not ideal any more would be way too hot and probably kill them so keep an eye out on the heat.

Someone may know better than this so let us know...ok?

I've said this before and I'll say it again, I'm not a pro grower but I do have several successful harvests under my belt so I'm just giving of what has worked for me in the past in experimenting with things...please no one jump on me for bad advice..ok? just let us know if I've said anything to throw a wrench in k's program...10-4?

That heating pad works for all kind of apps for growing, you can use it to warm your pot's, start seeds and probably may work for clones too. Just use a bath towel on top of it so you will not get them too hot and insulate around the pots
Great advice! :welldone:

You can warm them up several ways, you can place them on top of any appliance that stays running and is warm ie; refrigerator, tv, deep frezer etc...

I like the fridge, I just wrap a towel around the pots for insulation.

You can also use a small space heater to warm the room and if your house is cold, you may like one of these anyway...unless you just like it cold.

That heating pad works for all kind of apps for growing, you can use it to warm your pot's, start seeds and probably may work for clones too. Just use a bath towel on top of it so you will not get them too hot and insulate around the pots

yeah i just gona use a space heater for now untill i get a electric heating pad
(just need to be REALY carefull not to spill whater on it ! x):thanks:
hi guys , i need a little help , im thinking about buying some nutrients for my plants , what do you guys recomend me to buy ? (somthing cheap and easy to use please)

You need to get with Cory @ Blue planet nutrients, he seems to be the "go to guy" here and from what everyone is saying, he will take good care of you.

I haven't met him myself yet but from what everyone is saying, he's a really good heart'ed guy and eager to help.

Here is his link; Helping Professional Growers Succeed - Blue Planet Nutrients
You need to get with Cory @ Blue planet nutrients, he seems to be the "go to guy" here and from what everyone is saying, he will take good care of you.

I haven't met him myself yet but from what everyone is saying, he's a really good heart'ed guy and eager to help.

Here is his link; Blue Planet Nutrients

unfortunatly he does not ship to my country :/
How deep are you putting them in the dirt? If too deep they will take a little longer but they should still pop out soon.

Keeping them warm just gives them more vigor but if you got them over an inch or so in the soil, it just takes them a little while to pop out.

Actually, I read once to plant them deeper because it helps to shed the seed shell and makes them a little stronger with the growing process but I'm only telling you what I've read and that's subject to interpretation as well as newer, more proven method's.

There are a lot of variables in play when it comes to how long things take, the object is to determine which one works best for you particular needs.
ok guys , 72 houors have passed since i planted my first seed in the dirt , and i still dont have any sighs of anything growing in there , no sprout so far :( im a little woried now , i removed the plastic bag i had over the pot in order to keep the dirt moist , my room temprature now is more stable , i hope my seed is still alive o.o
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