My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

I dunno. I still haven't gotten around to looking in the Cervantes book where I thought I saw it at. Like I said with me, I put just enough water to cover the bottom of my cup. Place seed in it, put tissue on top of seed then soak tissue. Place black cloth over cup, usually within 48-72 hours I have a root. Has been some occassion when it has happen in 24hrs but not many.

Lord Indica, so you're saying you can just fill a pot with worm casings alone and it would grow mj with no soil? If so, that sounds like something I may want to experiment with in the future. How much does worm casings cost, I assume the lil buggers are expensive.
Queentoke, Yes you can. If the castings are quality and the medium will still drain and not be compacted. I pay 1.00 US per lb.

Get out of here, really? $1? I doubt I could find that here where I am, the price I mean. Next time I hit the garden center I will have to check it out. What strains have you grown in it? How is the yield?
i dont know why , but i think worm casting smell baaaaaaaad xD (at least i think so ) lol not somthing good to have inside my bedroom x)

Yep they smell like composted dirt. I take it you don't have an exhaust system? How then do you deal with the smell of flowering? If you seen what the castings do for your plant you would definitely get an exhaust system going. I have mine hooked up to a carbon filter.. No smell baby.:thumb:

ok , here it is ! its barely visible becouse is night in here and my camera realy sucks at close range ! but the root is about 3/4 of the size of the seed right now , i need to pro opinion .. is it time to put my seed in the dirt or should i wait for it to get a little bigger ? 8D
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