My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

Answer to question 1---if you plan on breeding or want to make seeds then it is good to keep the males. That is their only purpose to be a love slave and polinate the

Answer to question 2---To me that would be up to you if you wanna grow in your room. I do. And from what I have been told from people here, the best way to get rid of the aroma of mj is to buy carbon filters. If you can't find them in your neck of the woods, try online. I am sure 420 has sponsors for them. And I have never heard of a plant being affected by being in the same room as you unless you smoke cigarettes or something. But if your grow is in a closet, I don't think the cigarettes will affect it much.

Once again, I can't stress enough about reading but its nice that there is someone who posts questions I can curious, how many plants do you plan on growing?

thx again queen , there are some flowers that die if you keep then in your bedroom during the night ... ( at least some flowers in my country )

i have a very small grow box , so i will only grow one plant at the time , witch means if it is a male = discart it :/ (since i dont have a femal to polinize) :thanks:
Your welcome and no problem, Kamy. As long as your room doesn't get cold at night I don't see where it would be a problem. I think I read on here if temps drop below 55 degress, it can possibly kill or stunt growth of the plant.
I never knew how much they cost, just that it was mentioned as the best thing to use. I don't have to worry about the smell or anyone else smelling it..You might want to invest in some regular air freshners like Glade Plug ins or some incense.
LOL, you don't have to put it in with the plants, silly. Just in close proximity outside the grow area.. Maybe one in the hallway or something, I don't know how your home is set up. Basically in doorways. You can't go wrong, depending where your outlets are you may have to buy a few..
whats up man, ive just read your journal and i have a few suggestions.

first: i would recommend turning you box vertical instead of horizontal, without some serious LST in that box it will be very hard to make it work. At least vertical you have some more space.

second: Make sure you have 6500k bulbs for veg and 2700k bulbs for flower, different stages like different light spectrums.

Third: I beleive it would be very possible to add a y adapter to your light socket. A Y adapter allows you to plug 2 bulbs into one socket, very useful and would cover the area in your grow box nicely, Highly recommended! here is a link of one Y Adapter

Fourth: You should have 2 exhaust fans, one for intake and one for exhaust. Make sure they are the same size fans too so the airflow is about the same. The exhaust should be higher sine heat rises and the intake should be lower.

Good luck man and if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask them, there are a lot of cool people here on 420mag that will help. My only advice for you first grow, since i am just finishing my own, is that less is more. The less you mess with your plant the better it will grow. Later man!

Check out my first grow if u like, its in my sig!

whats up man, ive just read your journal and i have a few suggestions.

first: i would recommend turning you box vertical instead of horizontal, without some serious LST in that box it will be very hard to make it work. At least vertical you have some more space.

second: Make sure you have 6500k bulbs for veg and 2700k bulbs for flower, different stages like different light spectrums.

Third: I beleive it would be very possible to add a y adapter to your light socket. A Y adapter allows you to plug 2 bulbs into one socket, very useful and would cover the area in your grow box nicely, Highly recommended! here is a link of one Y Adapter

Fourth: You should have 2 exhaust fans, one for intake and one for exhaust. Make sure they are the same size fans too so the airflow is about the same. The exhaust should be higher sine heat rises and the intake should be lower.

Good luck man and if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask them, there are a lot of cool people here on 420mag that will help. My only advice for you first grow, since i am just finishing my own, is that less is more. The less you mess with your plant the better it will grow. Later man!

Check out my first grow if u like, its in my sig!


First of all TY SOOO MUCH for helping me out :D :thanks:

I have a few questions now ... what is LST

Second and final, i use cfl light , can you tell me those measures in wats ?

once again ty :D :thumb:
there are two things to know when reffering to CFL's, those are spectrum and actual wattage. Actual wattage's usually range from 3w - 48w watts in major stores like home depot and walmart. Spectrum is the measure of light Kelvin. When veggin the range should be from 6500k to 5500k at the most, flowering is 2700k-3500k. That number should be somewhere on the light bulb box.

LST means low stress training. That is bending the stems in such a way that makes all undergrowth growing at equal heights, making all bud sights get equal light. Look it up, there are tons of usefull posts on low stress training.
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