My First Atempt Growing Big Bud & Hindu Kush Skunk

Nice bro, sounds like great soil to me:goodjob:, srry haven't had time to post more links, but always revert back to the first one I gave you or look around the growers forum..

uff im glad this soil is good , ehh no problem about the links ;) yes ive been looking arround alot and i finding loads of usefull information evrywhere :)

I alredy know how to destinguish male from female plants and my seeds havent even arrived yet hehe :)

Im gona try to assamble my light system in my grow box .. i will post some pictures when i have some results (probably tomorow becouse im a little buisy today) :thanks:
ok ... soo ive finished instaling my light system right now :) it was a little hard but i think i managed it , please guys let me know what do you think about the hight of the light and the exaustion holes in the top of the box , if you think im doing somthing whrong please let me know ;)


The exaustion holes i talked about ( they also serve as a suport to the light)

This is my growbox with a small and a medium pot inside

This is the distance between the medium pot and the light (the lighter is a medium sized one) I putted the lighter there to give an idea of the distance

Sooo guys let me know what you think :)

Keep growing
There ya go bro! Now your gettin it:goodjob:, everything looks great man, when you switch your lights to 12/12, your gunna want to make sure that no light gets in during the dark cycle
There ya go bro! Now your gettin it:goodjob:, everything looks great man, when you switch your lights to 12/12, your gunna want to make sure that no light gets in during the dark cycle

Yess :D thx bro ^^ i have the box running now (to test the heat etc etc ) making sure evrything is right , well when i switch to 12/12 cicle i will cover the holes with some black rag or somthing :)

p.s. do you think that the weight of the lamp is cool too ? i cant put the ligh higher than that , its on top of the box :p
Ya the height is cool, you just can't let your girls get too big.. maybe you can try 12/12 from seed...

ohh yeahhh your righ ! i cant let them get too big , otherwise they will be stuck and burned in the lamp :S that just raised a new question , let see if i keep my plants in a 12/12 cycle will my plants be able to grow enough to produce the buds ? is there anything i can do to alow my plants to grow a little more in my small box ? im a little worried :S
No they have diff cycles, and yes you should have just the right amount of room for 12/12 from seed, if anybody can back me up who has experience with stealth grows or 12/12 from seed that would be great
Hey Kamy---

A lot of the questions you are asking is here on the site, you just need to do the reading. Not that I mind answering your questions and I am sure others don't mind either. I will help you on your way by providing you with the links to some of your questions....

How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

This should keep you busy for awhile.....Wow, you're gonna grow but not smoke it? I am sure the friend you give your harvest too is gonna love don't know if I would be bold enough to place plants in the window if the police comes by your neighborhood on a regular basis. And you don't know if it is illegal? I think you should be trying to find out for sure if it is or not.

You can harvest a plant and make it veg again plenty of times. Or you can clone...Once again these are things you can read about on the site..So, I suggest one day you get comfortable in your fave chair and do some major reading my friend....
Hey Kamy---

A lot of the questions you are asking is here on the site, you just need to do the reading. Not that I mind answering your questions and I am sure others don't mind either. I will help you on your way by providing you with the links to some of your questions....

How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

This should keep you busy for awhile.....Wow, you're gonna grow but not smoke it? I am sure the friend you give your harvest too is gonna love don't know if I would be bold enough to place plants in the window if the police comes by your neighborhood on a regular basis. And you don't know if it is illegal? I think you should be trying to find out for sure if it is or not.

You can harvest a plant and make it veg again plenty of times. Or you can clone...Once again these are things you can read about on the site..So, I suggest one day you get comfortable in your fave chair and do some major reading my friend....

ty so much for your post :)

well i think in portugal the law is like this : its legal to have the seeds , but its illigal to plant them ... (stupid law i know )

just one thing , explain me that "You can harvest a plant and make it veg again plenty of times. Or you can clone" i know how to make a clone but i never heard about harvesting a plant and make it veg again plenty of times , can you tell me how that works ? once again ty :)

im going to bed now , hope to see your posts tomorow ;)
oh p.s. im gona smoke my weed once or twice probably (becouse whats the point of having a plant like this one and never actualy flavour the final product ? ) but i dont smoke weed on a regular basis so i will probably give it to one of my closest friends :)

and maybe once in a while keep a little part of it for my own fun time :p
Re vegging consist of letting a female flower. cutting all the buds off and switching the light cycle to 24/0 or 18/6 until it starts to grow new leaves again and oh yeah a good flush and new veg nutes. Thats probably in the link that queentokelove gave you. I have not practiced this method yet but have read abot it in many differrent publications.
Buying a good grow book helps a lot. Good luck my friend!:goodluck:
Re vegging consist of letting a female flower. cutting all the buds off and switching the light cycle to 24/0 or 18/6 until it starts to grow new leaves again and oh yeah a good flush and new veg nutes. Thats probably in the link that queentokelove gave you. I have not practiced this method yet but have read abot it in many differrent publications.
Buying a good grow book helps a lot. Good luck my friend!:goodluck:

ooooohh i see :O i hope i can find some information about that here in the forum , that sounds realy good for me since my grow space is prety small ...

but hey thx alooot for your post :) i hope to see you arround here again :)

Cheers :thanks:
hello again my fellow readers :) i have to questions today , after reading like 50 posts on the how to grow marijuana help center i found no awser for my questions , so here they are :

Question Number one : Are male plants useless ? ( i belibe they do not produce any bud's) Correct me if im whrong

And Question Number two : Is i viable to put my grow box inside my bedroom ? (please take in consideration that i dont want my bedroom to smell like drugs and im not sure if the fact of a person sleeping in the same room as a plant afects his grow / Health ....

I hope some one can awser my 2 simple questions :)

hello again my fellow readers :) i have to questions today , after reading like 50 posts on the how to grow marijuana help center i found no awser for my questions , so here they are :

Question Number one : Are male plants useless ? ( i belibe they do not produce any bud's) Correct me if im whrong

And Question Number two : Is i viable to put my grow box inside my bedroom ? (please take in consideration that i dont want my bedroom to smell like drugs and im not sure if the fact of a person sleeping in the same room as a plant afects his grow / Health ....I hope some one can awser my 2 simple questions :)

Answer to question 1---if you plan on breeding or want to make seeds then it is good to keep the males. That is their only purpose to be a love slave and polinate the

Answer to question 2---To me that would be up to you if you wanna grow in your room. I do. And from what I have been told from people here, the best way to get rid of the aroma of mj is to buy carbon filters. If you can't find them in your neck of the woods, try online. I am sure 420 has sponsors for them. And I have never heard of a plant being affected by being in the same room as you unless you smoke cigarettes or something. But if your grow is in a closet, I don't think the cigarettes will affect it much.

Once again, I can't stress enough about reading but its nice that there is someone who posts questions I can curious, how many plants do you plan on growing?
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