MNS - My New Spot

Hey Grizz, I used the last of the trim from that hawaiian skunk haze I had, about 5 oz, took ages to cook down, the result wasn't as good as I'd hoped yield wise, but better than nothing. The stuff was no good for smoking.
I've heard it's nothing inside compared to what it is out.. that's no good mate, silver lining though :rofl:
That's good mate.. to get quarter of the good oil from what would otherwise be thrown away, awesome..
That MM nug was tasty af. Dunno about the sex for sure, I don't think anyone does. But everything that the plant does, has a balance to it. A function that allows it to adapt to it's best advantage. I think sex might be somewhat coded into the seed, but since sex is fairly fluid in this plant, there's room to swing it one way or the other, if the plant sees an advantage in it. The stimulus could be temp and light, which would tell the plant the date, and how much time it had to make seed. It could be roots touching up against several males, swinging that plant female. Few studies out there, Sensi did one with light I think. Reds for fem. Humidity. Temp. Got 70% fems.
Oh man, I've just taken out the new light and replaced it with some old panels with only blue turned on,thinking I might have been a little on the red side.. :rofl::rofl: Am I at the start of chasing my tail? :rofl: humidity could be a factor.. this has only started in the last six months.. way out of whack..
Veg tent.. notice the blue.. how many males in here? One definite, the shark shock clone.. I can always turn off blues and turn on reds if this doesn't help, lmfao



Shark shock male.. his been switched from lights on during dark to be now in daylight hours. I don't need power and not too much overstress to show pistil but enough to see what he's carrying.. I like structure, thick branches,looks strong, is where my interest to look is..


Outdoor Master Kaze.. she's getting a shit load bigger than what I thought she'd be.. I took a photo of her base. Lots of branching happening here,I forgot how much I topped her and cut her back before planting her outside..


Thanks mate :passitleft: :rofl:I know :rofl::rofl: Im going to have to sort something out.
I'll start with the ropes. I should get on to it.. I've been holding off, as I know it's just going to open up the middle and soon have that at the same height the rest is at now ,lol.. I want her to be able to air if we get the early rains, not be a mass of flowers... we've been getting rain and sun, the plant is loving it..
I think it was start of November I put her into the ground.. I know it was about a month later than I usually like too, winter never left and allowed spring to happen..
seed started inside. Yes good soil... it's the main spot in my garden I look after. It gets used for around seven months of the year and then it gets feed :rofl::passitleft:
It didn't get used last year as a male turned up there and a fence/house was built.. it should have some real goodness init this year..
Anybody watch that show full custom? Only just got on to dudes awesome at what he does.. my new favourite car show..
Yeah some good ones.. this dude was just doing this mad shit with plastic, fiber glass etc.. watching it, makes me want to tinker around doing the same.. I'm hopeless though. I'll watch gold mining show next and want to buy a gold detector :rofl:
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