MNS - My New Spot

I use a hopper vape and I recon it's the best I've tried.I just wish they would make a table top version.There are a lot of returns on the hopper from heater failures or sensor probs but so far mine hasn't missed a beat and they offer a lifetime warranty which is good.

Still would like a move Grizz but happy enough to stay put while the work is here and that'll give me time to get things done to the house at my pace instead of getting it rushed.
Going to try a hempy pot for some herbs over the summer to get my hands wet so I can make a decision on what I'm using this season coming up
La Niña


Medicine man


Mango widow


Mango widow just flipped


Super Silver Haze


Super Silver Haze just flipped


Shark Shock

La Nina and Medicine Man just beautiful. I'm thinking about moving down to 3 gallon softies with handles so I can move them around a little easier. Those 7.5 gallon pots strained my back a bit during this last grow.

What size pots are those two in? Are they in soil? You got some in hempy and my memory not good...:rofl:
G'day Jim.. thanks mate.. tried to rep you for that pv but I need to spread the love. A message in your thread reminded me.. critical skunk both medicine man and La Niña have been or are in all perlite 9lt Hempys,touch over 2gal.. shark shock and a ssh are in 9lt coir/perlite Hempys.. the orange pots (mango widows and a ssh) are 3gal.. that's all I use.. easy to move around but more to move :rofl:
G'day Jim.. thanks mate.. tried to rep you for that pv but I need to spread the love. A message in your thread reminded me.. critical skunk both medicine man and La Niña have been or are in all perlite 9lt Hempys,touch over 2gal.. shark shock and a ssh are in 9lt coir/perlite Hempys.. the orange pots (mango widows and a ssh) are 3gal.. that's all I use.. easy to move around but more to move :rofl:
How do you start a plant from seed in perlite?

Oh I won some winter cleaning auctions. G13 widow and dreamtime. So excited will definitely stay away from the site now lol . I swear. (Fingers crossed behind back). Lol
I crack mine in tissue paper, usually until tail few inches.. I plant it in a cup..some start in final pot.. just little bit of water into the seed area,just enough to keep seed alive until it pops its head..
We both got a g13 widow clearance :high-five:
Ortega.. I'm really excited about growing these.. hopefully I get a few girls..






How do you start a plant from seed in perlite?

Hope ya don't mind my two cents on that...

I use Perlite (with about 10% vermiculite mixed in for just a touch more water retention) and until my current grow I always started my plants separately in a hydro tank and transplanted into the main container once the roots were a couple feet long.

This time I simply used a rooter plug, moistened it thoroughly in a solution of plain PH 6.0 water with a tiny bit of GROW nute added, (just enough to say there was something in there) then stuck the plug in the Perlite...that's it!

My system gently top-waters three times a day, so I just directed the feed tubes near the plug so they would keep it moist and the perlite wet all the way down and nature did the rest. 15 out of 17 seeds came up, four varieties so the method works.

Hand-watering gently twice a day would work fine too in a hempy bucket.



September 01




I will never start plants separately again. Mother Nature's method works for me.

Peace, Hyena
Hope ya don't mind my two cents on that...

I use Perlite (with about 10% vermiculite mixed in for just a touch more water retention) and until my current grow I always started my plants separately in a hydro tank and transplanted into the main container once the roots were a couple feet long.

This time I simply used a rooter plug, moistened it thoroughly in a solution of plain PH 6.0 water with a tiny bit of GROW nute added, (just enough to say there was something in there) then stuck the plug in the Perlite...that's it!

My system gently top-waters three times a day, so I just directed the feed tubes near the plug so they would keep it moist and the perlite wet all the way down and nature did the rest. 15 out of 17 seeds came up, four varieties so the method works.

Hand-watering gently twice a day would work fine too in a hempy bucket.



September 01




I will never start plants separately again. Mother Nature's method works for me.

Peace, Hyena
Thanks so much . However I won't be able to get my hands on those rooter plugs locally. So was wondering if it would work planting a paper towel germinated seed.
that's how I do it.. of course it will work... don't plant the paper, just the seed.. all your trying to do is get a tap long enough to support its own life, three days..
Thanks so much . However I won't be able to get my hands on those rooter plugs locally. So was wondering if it would work planting a paper towel germinated seed.

The only problem with planting a seed that has already sprouted directly into perlite is the tap root is covered in thousands of tiny micro hairs which are very delicate, they will develop into the roots but can be damaged VERY easily by a rough substance like perlite, no matter how gentle you are. That's why an intermediate item like the rooter plug helps protect the seed's taproot from damage.

So be gentle.

Peace, Hyena
The only problem with planting a seed that has already sprouted directly into perlite is the tap root is covered in thousands of tiny micro hairs which are very delicate, they will develop into the roots but can be damaged VERY easily by a rough substance like perlite, no matter how gentle you are. That's why an intermediate item like the rooter plug helps protect the seed's taproot from damage.

So be gentle.

Peace, Hyena
Good point . Thanks again. @Hyena_Merica
I wouldn't be too concerned.. I've seen plants grow between the cracks in concrete.. I respect them but I'm their master :rofl:
Show them who's boss grizz! Roots grow back... personally I don't let them get too long. But there have been ones that got over an inch long and never skipped a beat. Just popped out sooner
That was just to show you don't have to be too gentle.. I'm not touching the 1/4 inch of tap where the roots are starting.. common sense is the best approach to all things in life.. I think gardens in a way represent our personalitys.. some have it detailed out, everything in its spot, clean and vibrant, I imagine their lives and houses are same.. mines a little bit everywhere :rofl:
La Niña.. love this girl up until I've taken her pictures.. I just can't get her to show what I'm seeing. Not through a lack of trying :rofl: The leaves are getting in the way.. she's a sticky thing.. might have taken same bud twice, not sure, sorry if I have.. we should start to see some swelling in the next weeek...







Dabbler :rofl: yeah, I've mainly been an outdoors grower.. I've still got that mentality.. there plenty of time outside for these girls to correct themselves :rofl: maybe i should cradle them a little more. Probably why my plants are 2nd rate :rofl: old dog new tricks or something
Dabbler :rofl: yeah, I've mainly been an outdoors grower.. I've still got that mentality.. there plenty of time outside for these girls to correct themselves :rofl: maybe i should cradle them a little more. Probably why my plants are 2nd rate :rofl: old dog new tricks or something
Don't look so second rate to me.... But they do enjoy some abuse and often what DOSENT kill them makes them stronger imo. (To an extent obviously). I've had to tear the tap root out of the paper towels with no I'll effects... roots are quite resilient. Not that I'm advocating to abuse seedlings ever, but we are growing weeds hahaha!
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