MNS - My New Spot

Wounded.. yeah couple wild falls and some wind but geez, what constitutes extreme weather these days? Anything outside 24 and blue sky?
Hey carestaker :passitleft: looking forward to med man drying.. I'm all about the critical skunk though. Shattered I only grew the one and didn't clone it.. I've got this deep horrible feeling I stuffed up. I hope not..
Thanks wounded.. GDP is a nice smoke and good to grow..
The vape.. well... judgement reserved.. last night was brilliant, just kept giving vapour clouds.. today,all I'm getting is taste.. maybe I'm not packing as much today.. going to take some effort from me to be a vaporist though. Already got itchy bong fingers.. I love the idea of vaporising. Love the reality of combustible stonedblessness :rofl:
I love my vapes but combusting is so much more time friendly when you are in a rush but to hard to hide the smell of smoke from the boy.
Stopped looking for a new place Grizz for now,just getting this one back to its glory days with some improvements but gotta start doing room by room so I don't go crazy on how much needs to be done.
Hopefully get a good wet this year so the lawn can start winning the battle over the weeds.
Fires going :rofl: 2nd day of summer :rofl: was depressingly hot during the week. Two days ago actually..
Wounded.. yeah couple wild falls and some wind but geez, what constitutes extreme weather these days? Anything outside 24 and blue sky?

Yeah bit over the top. I seen heaps of photos of puddles too. Just pretty normal rain. There was an act and watch fire report on the radio the other day saying to leave now, blah, blah, was a 100m/sq. grass fire once the bullshit was over. Lol. Media gone wild. God forbid we had a cyclone or something. Oh well... what do ya do...
New plants looking very healthy .
Since those fires, black Saturday, media is crazy with their weather warnings.. it's getting to the weatherman cried wolf, which could be dangerous.. last year or year before there was a tornado warning, after that wee willy in shepperton. There was no tornado.. not sure we have ever had a tornado :rofl: thanks mate.. these Ortega seedlings (if that's what you mean) are some of the best seedling I've had. I'll fuck'em up now with, I've got a good feeling about them :rofl::rofl:
I've tried a few times to love it.... but I just need fire. It's part of the ritual, it's the full plant, and it's just more satisfying.

My daily is a 10" lab beaker bong from Grav, Was on Sale, and then discounted to $40 at the porn store because it was Hump Daaaay!

99% of the time, it's one of two implements. 1. Bong/bubbler 2. 70-80% THC honey oil pen cartridge vaporizors. One for home, one for stealth. Also the oil is for occasional use only. I consider the oil vaporizer to be less healthy, as the source plants were "medical" grown, versus home grown. /gumpyoldfukcers

Critical eh?

Glad you Oz guys still got yer tits on straight. :thumb:
Yeah fire. also I love that resistance when drawing back and release when it pulls through, that mass of smoke hit.. effects are different. More body in combustion (maybe I'm justifying why I like bongs to myself).... dont do oil here, I will one day.. it's a matter of making it..
Critical Skunk :thumb: stinky garlic tasty goodness.. doesn't taste like garlic :rofl: like the skunk of 95. thick smoke,that expands..heavy but cruising. Red eyes, lol.. tasty.. good..
Tits on straight... walking upside down..
Black thumbs.. that's sounds like a good plan mate.. don't do yourself in, just a room at a time.. if you like the area or if mrs and kids do :rofl: no point leaving. You might get some big winds to blow the weeds out followed by some rain to drown them. Careful what we wish for :rofl: if ya need a hand during winter let me know, i need a holiday :rofl:
Yeah cant say ive ever heard of a tornado in Oz, maybe in the wizard of oz...

Well we need to go to meteorology school Aussie.. yeah we get tornados. Been documented since 1775 :rofl: seems to be one every few years lmfao.... they try to keep that stuff quiet. Nobody knew we had cyclones in Australia until Christmas Day 1974.
Just harvested Medicine Man... geez she looks and smells nice. nice mightn't be the right word, it only nice from a smokers perspective,smells a little rank, which is nice :rofl::rofl: enough of that confusion..



Wow shes got a nice bud structure. Nice solid looking grenade nugs
The vape.. well... judgement reserved.. last night was brilliant, just kept giving vapour clouds.. today,all I'm getting is taste.. maybe I'm not packing as much today.. going to take some effort from me to be a vaporist though. Already got itchy bong fingers.. I love the idea of vaporising. Love the reality of combustible stonedblessness :rofl:
Thats what I love about the mighty. I could pack a half dry eucalyptus leaf in there and still put out clouds. My firefly 2 just would take forever. Lol storz and bikel has it in the manual, the recommended temps for eucalyptus and other leafs
I wish I'd justified the mighty.. those clouds it produces.. this thing, it takes four hits that's taste awesome but produce no clouds or minimal, then taste goes downhill fast and the clouds are massive.. Get a lot of hits from it but it also goes through herb, as it does need to be packed to get the clouds.. I'll wait until s&b make a full convection portable. I will use this thing, just not as much instantly as I'd hoped, itll take some time. Even just breaking the habit of making a mull and packing cones before I realise what I'm doing.. ive also plugged the dbv in, trying to get a vape craving :rofl:
Thanks matey.. they are some nice buds. I'm happy how this one come out..
Yeah it is hard to change from cones to vaping. Im lucky I had a break from weed. Had already quit smoking so when I started taking weed for my back I started vaping with the firefly 2 and moved on to the mighty. But I cant imagine going straight from bongs to vapes
yeah I can see how vaping is big for kids. They can still partake without smoke. And be cool with their different models etc. I would have been into it.. having a break and not smoking tobacco would allow vape to be the way to use mull.. been thinking about having a break, the only thing stopping me is, I don't want to :rofl:
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