Mars II 1600! Super Monster Scrog Pounder

Hey CO are you running your Mars II 1600w on 240V or 110?

110. I was going to do 220 but I use that for my welder
Holy cow thanks for the quick reply! I am getting ready to hang mine now and my room is already wired for 220.

Outstanding. 220 is better. It will draw less and put out more...
I'm on 240v in the UK & it draws 170w from the wall.

Can I ask CO, what do you expect to get gpw wise out of the Mars?

A g and a half should be what I get. I did just over a gpw using two 144x3 500watts from the wall so 750watts from the wall with my grow style should yield good. Only time will tell. Godzilla is almost done with week two and only needs six weeks to finish so we will know in four weeks or so.
Long read but well worth it , big time learning soak on my part on things I need to know
I enjoy your common sense , well thought out plans of attack , I look forward to seeing the fruits of the labor :yummy:
Thanks for that CO, it gives me an idea of what to expect on my grow.:) :thumb:

I've just noticed in my last post I didn't say my lights are 400w Mars II that draw 170w in the UK @240v. I thought I'd best add that to stop any confusion. :)
Well hello there my fellow growers. It has been a few days sense I have done a update. I just got done adding another exhaust fan. Now running two exhaust and one intake. When I had only one exhaust I was not able to control the pressure the way I wanted to with running all the lights in there made some extra heat that the last grow did not have so I got her all fixed up. I am also doing the first video of the start to finish series in about a hour. Starting off with the transplants. The Mars 1600 is kicking a$$. I am really liking how the finial stretch has went and now they are starting the fill in stage. These are going to be some solid nugs with no gaps aka candy cane nugs lol. The three 144x3 are doing outstanding as well. Most of us seen what two can do. Three is really doing well with the cola development. I think this time with three the colas will pack on more weight from the looks of them already. I will be posting pics and videos soon. The outdoor grow is doing awesome. I have learned not to ever...ever put bigbuds near other plants. That freaking girls is a bully and sun hog lol. I had to tie her back from the train wrecks. Now I do not think the Hawaiian Haze will make it. It was to late in season when she came outside. She flowers for 3-4 months so I believe CO October and November weather might take her out. Live and learn as we go my friends. We are not perfect. You guys have now heard of my first no no. I was going to throw her away so at lest I gave her a chance. I will add more when I post the pic. I was on break so I thought I might start this update off. BRB soon, for now thank you all for stopping by and I wish you all the best. Keep it growing green..
I will start off with the three 144x3 over Mothra

Now over to the Mars 1600 over Godzilla

Now the cab drivers that just get out of there cars and yell Godzilla!!! and never just drive away..

Well that's all for the flower room. Now Heading over to the Veg room. Girls are getting big and ready for the scrog nets..

Here is the clones from the clone off,just kicking back in there solo cups. I am transplanting four of them for the start to finish video series tomorrow.

That is whats going on in CF land. Thank you all for stopping by. Videos are uploading now and will be posted soon. I did add a bit about my fan system so for the fan? you might find some ideas in the Super scrog update video... Keep it growing green my friends. :passitleft:
I forgot to add I will be doing the finial lolly popping at week three and clean them girls up.
mothra's beautiful but i prefer a lot godzilla !!

Thanks for the air setup lesson, sounds noisy :) but very effective, i've been cofinested again.
Ok I am going to take a deep breath on this one. You are the lucky winner of a long reply. First off let me break down your room numbers.
5'X6'=30SQF. So 30sqf X 35=1050 true watts from wall to have the best yield for sqf. Now for a outstanding grow witch can make a gram per watt you can run 700 true watts and up. Now you said the word (heat) and only oscillating fans. That would be a BIG NONO for one 1600 Mars with 5 watt led. What I do not see growers talking about is the heat difference between 5 watt and 3 watt led. I will tell you this. If you do not have a 450 cfm or more fan removing heat from your grow space witch is small then 50 sqf then start looking at 3watt or a smaller 5 watt led.

Why do you recommend 35 watts per square foot? Have you tried more and gotten less gpw? If you have, did you have the lights farther away? I.E. using bigger lights instead of more small lights.

Since you're using SCROG do you think there are any real benefits to the 5 watt chips? It would seem with a level canopy that 3 watt chips would do just as well and that 5 watt chips would be bad because they raise the temps too much.
Why do you recommend 35 watts per square foot? Have you tried more and gotten less gpw? If you have, did you have the lights farther away? I.E. using bigger lights instead of more small lights.

Since you're using SCROG do you think there are any real benefits to the 5 watt chips? It would seem with a level canopy that 3 watt chips would do just as well and that 5 watt chips would be bad because they raise the temps too much.

30-35 watt is a good average to start with. Yes more is better. But 30-35 you can get a gpw with no problems is you know how to grow.
Now as far as 5watt and 3 watt go's they both can do the job very well. Yes 5 watt puts out more heat for the main reason it draws more watt power from the wall,but some times for space if you have the right air exchange and temps then 5 watt can give you more power in a smaller space. We can go back and forth on this all night but the heat ends up being the same if you match wall watts for 5 and 3watts. My three 144x3 are putting out about the same as the one 1600. Now I can not say nothing about the buds yet. This is the first 5watt (Mars1600) I have grown with. After this grow I will be able to see what difference in buds they may make. Now to your scrog ? I can only answer half for the same reason I have not finished a grow with 5watt so please bear with me. I will not make comments on something I have not done first hand to give info out. It cost me 700$ for three 144x3 to draw around 750watts from the wall. The Mars 1600 cost me 650$ to draw around 750watts from the wall. The weight is 55.5 pounds for three 144x3. The weight is 32.4 pounds for the mars hanging from the tent. Bottom line is true power from the wall = heat and we all have our own preference on how we want to set our grow rooms up.We also have different temps in out areas to deal with. I am only here to show what I can do and help others the best I can with how I do things. I also buy these lights and do grows to see if they work and how they work. If there is more info you would like me to give then please ask away.
Dannggg CO F..... I wanna live by you bro!!! I subscribed to your youtube channel too!!!! :volcano-smiley: sicccckkkk growwww!!!
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