Lions Head Mixed Grow Outdoor Sesh, Cape Town 2019

Great photos!! :thumb:
Thanks dude. How was your day with the lil one? When I was little, nobody could be a match for my daddy... precious. Looks like you have your hands full with the harvest etc. Your photos are awesome too as usual. Been having a late winter here. Are you freezing extraneous items off? Keep warm :circle-of-love:
The dreaded Powdery M has hit Mama TK with all of the cold rain. I have pulled off the leaves most affected and will try the baking soda remedy. I need to get a spray gun though as have been hand washing for other pests.
Thanks dude. How was your day with the lil one? When I was little, nobody could be a match for my daddy... precious. Looks like you have your hands full with the harvest etc. Your photos are awesome too as usual. Been having a late winter here. Are you freezing extraneous items off? Keep warm :circle-of-love:
Thanks Carmen! The day with the little one last Saturday, was alright.. I mean, I felt like a bag of smashed ass holes. I slept for most of the day, (Off and on). My daughter didn’t get into anything so that was good. Try again tomorrow. It’s going to get cold and snow all weekend, so it sounds like we’re bunkering down and hiding from the cold. Maybe light a fire in the fire place inside with some hot cocoa and have a nice chill day for daddy daughter day.

my parents divorced when I was a really young age, and didn’t see him much. I was a wee bit of a mommas boy when I was younger. Saying the first part, is why I try to be a good father. I truly think it was meant to be, because I never really knew what a “good father” did. Since the first time I held her in my arms, everything just came to me naturally, and Everything just falls into place, I like it!:circle-of-love::thanks:

Are you freezing extraneous items off?
Hahaha I see what you did there! :rofl:

once the temperatures start dipping below the+5C mark, I put long johns on, and they don’t come off till spring time! It’s the Canadians way of shedding off their winter skin!

lol ok, ok, ok! Before I get called out on it, yes, I do wash them... at the end of the season!:rofl:

lol I joke! I’ve got several pairs! I wouldn’t be a Canadian unless They have atleast 4 pairs of long johns!
Thanks Carmen! The day with the little one last Saturday, was alright.. I mean, I felt like a bag of smashed ass holes. I slept for most of the day, (Off and on). My daughter didn’t get into anything so that was good. Try again tomorrow. It’s going to get cold and snow all weekend, so it sounds like we’re bunkering down and hiding from the cold. Maybe light a fire in the fire place inside with some hot cocoa and have a nice chill day for daddy daughter day.

my parents divorced when I was a really young age, and didn’t see him much. I was a wee bit of a mommas boy when I was younger. Saying the first part, is why I try to be a good father. I truly think it was meant to be, because I never really knew what a “good father” did. Since the first time I held her in my arms, everything just came to me naturally, and Everything just falls into place, I like it!:circle-of-love::thanks:

Hahaha I see what you did there! :rofl:

once the temperatures start dipping below the+5C mark, I put long johns on, and they don’t come off till spring time! It’s the Canadians way of shedding off their winter skin!

lol ok, ok, ok! Before I get called out on it, yes, I do wash them... at the end of the season!:rofl:

lol I joke! I’ve got several pairs! I wouldn’t be a Canadian unless I had atleast 4 pairs of long johns!
Aren't all boys Momma's boyz ;) I know what you mean though. I raised my son without his dad and he suffered. I think Dad's are a very important part of the equation. It's a big and important job but with love it is a pleasure.
I am so pleased you have 4 pairs long johns hahahaha... I love the idea of the fireside cocoa but the snow not so much :p
Ohh I’ve got much more then 4 pair of LJ’s :rofl:

I also see I miss typed my last message, in regards to the LJ’s... it’s all fixed up now! (Brushes hands off)
Have an awesome weekend... "naweek", your Afrikaans word for the day... pronounced 'narveahk' :hippy: :circle-of-love:
Long day in the garden today. I harvested the last of the seeds; did a bit of training and defoliation in places. The plants had a severe adverse reaction to their feeds; Leaf burn. I flushed them with rain water from the tank and I hope they are ok now.

I am panicking a bit. I have been checking the plants periodically throughout the afternoon and the leaves are burning progressively. I flushed them again with the rain water but that turned out to be a bad idea when I did a ph test on it. The acid is the rain water, and the green is tap water, which is what has been going into the feed. I think the tank must be contaminated. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate them because I am worried that the plants are in shock.


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That’s almost looking like a potassium def. on some of those leaves. The rain waters ph is a concern. You could probably try lowering the PH of that water. Give it another flush, and then water again with the right ph’d water with nutrients to get rid of the old stuff and, give them what their craving! :nervous-guy:
That’s almost looking like a potassium def. on some of those leaves. The rain waters ph is a concern. You could probably try lowering the PH of that water. Give it another flush, and then water again with the right ph’d water with nutrients to get rid of the old stuff and, give them what their craving! :nervous-guy:
Hi BLS and thank you. I am nervous still. I will take photos of the damage in an hour or so when the sun is up. The Cape Doctor has been blowing all night, which in my case helps because I am still flushing. I am using the alkaline tap water to flush and have done 4 flushes now, including the dreaded tank water flush. That water is going out today and I won't use that tank again except to flush toilets etc. I am changing feed too. I don't like how this feed has upset them after the rain. I will be using Swamp Juice from now on.

Hi BLS and thank you. I am nervous still. I will take photos of the damage in an hour or so when the sun is up. The Cape Doctor has been blowing all night, which in my case helps because I am still flushing. I am using the alkaline tap water to flush and have done 4 flushes now, including the dreaded tank water flush. That water is going out today and I won't use that tank again except to flush toilets etc. I am changing feed too. I don't like how this feed has upset them after the rain. I will be using Swamp Juice from now on.

thats a real bummer there Carmen, same thing happened to me a few years ago, im used to using river water so there's no CalMag issues, thought i would try Reverse Osmosis water for a change...all sorts of things like what happened to you happened to me, lost a full crop to that water change, so i went straight back to river water after that, i didnt want to lose more plants trying to work out the CalMag & other issues associated with that type of problem, good luck with your quest to find the answer!
i found trying to rescue plants that get sick like that dont recover well, maybe cull everything & start again, dunno, possibly others more knowledgeable can offer better advice & prognosis
thats a real bummer there Carmen, same thing happened to me a few years ago, im used to using river water so there's no CalMag issues, thought i would try Reverse Osmosis water for a change...all sorts of things like what happened to you happened to me, lost a full crop to that water change, so i went straight back to river water after that, i didnt want to lose more plants trying to work out the CalMag & other issues associated with that type of problem, good luck with your quest to find the answer!
Thanks so much MrX. I am watching the plants closely. I will give them tap for now until the new feed arrives. I have seen this muti in action and it looks promising. The plants look strong again this morning and hopefully the damage has been contained.
Thanks so much MrX. I am watching the plants closely. I will give them tap for now until the new feed arrives. I have seen this muti in action and it looks promising. The plants look strong again this morning and hopefully the damage has been contained.
good to hear they are doing better, so many things can go wrong with them, no wonder some people give up trying to grow & just resort to buying it, been near that point more than a few times!
good to hear they are doing better, so many things can go wrong with them, no wonder some people give up trying to grow & just resort to buying it, been near that point more than a few times!
Agreed. Also, most people I know do not have the time / knowledge / resources and or may be disabled and unable to grow their own plants. Catch22
I am pleased to report that the plants are looking strong. I did a fourth flush thanks to the Cape Doctor and the full sun today. They were infested with White Fly this morning (vultures), so I made some of my muti which has been working. It consists of a small onion raw, a teaspoon of garlic raw, a tiny piece of cayenne, home made soap also about a teaspoon, juiced with just over a cup of water. I hand bath the underside of the leaves and the pests bugger off. Oh, and a teaspoon of olive or whatever oil... probably some neem if handy. I added a few drops of Penny Royal too. I et a bowl of infusemuuush to cure an aching tummy, and am going to pass out for my siesta having also dosed on a tincture and a fat joint. :peace:
I am pleased to report that the plants are looking strong. I did a fourth flush thanks to the Cape Doctor and the full sun today. They were infested with White Fly this morning (vultures), so I made some of my muti which has been working. It consists of a small onion raw, a teaspoon of garlic raw, a tiny piece of cayenne, home made soap also about a teaspoon, juiced with just over a cup of water. I hand bath the underside of the leaves and the pests bugger off. Oh, and a teaspoon of olive or whatever oil... probably some neem if handy. I added a few drops of Penny Royal too. I et a bowl of infusemuuush to cure an aching tummy, and am going to pass out for my siesta having also dosed on a tincture and a fat joint. :peace:
great news the plants are coming along! these yellow sticky whitefly traps work well too
great news the plants are coming along! these yellow sticky whitefly traps work well too
Good idea, thank you. I used those when I was indoors. I didn't know they could work outside too. I like the idea of nuking them somehow, so I am looking into my options.
Good idea, thank you. I used those when I was indoors. I didn't know they could work outside too. I like the idea of nuking them somehow, so I am looking into my options.
i like nuking them too, those bugs can cause huge damage so they become an especially loathsome creature lol, there is one type of butterfly here that every 7yrs or so breeds into plague proportions & their special place they like most to lay their eggs are cannabis, infesting the buds with thousands of caterpillars, really bad news those things, i approached a large Homoeopathic company if they could make up an vaccine/deterrent out of that specific butterflies crushed bodies...unfortunately they declined? one can only try! regardless i found the answer to those butterflies larvae below, if the plants have been sprayed with this substance the butterfly will land on the plants yet will not lay eggs...thereby stopping the problem, its a great product and recommend it if you can obtain it in SA, i buy it off ebay
the eco oil is an all natural sustance that not only deters many things like mites/aphids etc but also is an attractant to natural insect predators like mantis, ladybeetles & wasps!
i like nuking them too, those bugs can cause huge damage so they become an especially loathsome creature lol, there is one type of butterfly here that every 7yrs or so breeds into plague proportions & their special place they like most to lay their eggs are cannabis, infesting the buds with thousands of caterpillars, really bad news those things, i approached a large Homoeopathic company if they could make up an vaccine/deterrent out of that specific butterflies crushed bodies...unfortunately they declined? one can only try! regardless i found the answer to those butterflies larvae below, if the plants have been sprayed with this substance the butterfly will land on the plants yet will not lay eggs...thereby stopping the problem, its a great product and recommend it if you can obtain it in SA, i buy it off ebay
Niccce! @ilikemsticky suggested a product called Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew, which looks to be a bacteria but I am not 100% sure yet. Still trying to make contact with the manufacturer, as Amazon will not ship the product here. The ones here are oils too. I found someone who does biological control for agriculture so their product is not available in home use quantities yet. There is such a range of fabulous stuff happening in organics now... it gives me hope! Yes, and don't get me started on the butterfly plague here. I have taken to swatting them or hand picking the bustards and ending their existence fast... they come through in waves at different times of the day... I feel like a goat herd with my plants but at least the plants smell better than goats :passitleft:
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