Hey sisco, are you sure that's not slaked lime or builders lime? As near as I've been able to find out, dolomite doesn't do fast. It takes up to 3 months for results to show. If it's fast acting lime it's more likely to be hydrated or slaked lime rather than dolomite in it's natural form. A lot of flushing might help if the lime you used is fast acting.
Don't know? I'll check the bag in the morning.
The biggest issue I've found with liming is trying to figure out doseage, so I used 1/4 cup in 2 to 3 gallons of promix. I think thats on the light side and I'm not certain that dolomite helps in containers but promix is available with dolomite so I assume it has some benfit toward the late flower stage if not sooner.
You know if you stop growing I'm gonna feel guilty because I brought up dolomite lime as a way to handle your soil problems early on. I've had decent luck with it but went pretty low dose. I guess we all deal with different soil issues.
I understand your urge to close your journal, I felt the same when I went through 4 sets of clones to get my 126w grow running. Of course you have a finite season when outdoors, so there are only so many restarts that can be attempted. Sometimes a chance to step back and reset can make all the difference. Start with fresh soil next round even if you have to make a road trip to get a couple of bags of promix or Fox Farm and you'll probably cruise through your next grow with no issues.
Back pain is nothing to snear at, I've dealt with it since I was 16. I can't tolerate prescription meds very well. When it's getting into the leg as well it's particularly nasty. I'm usually down for 7 to 10 days per episode.
I hope you'll still be amongst us until you're ready for amother stab at a journal, wouldn't be the same without you. My apologies for any negative impact I may have had on your plants by suggesting ideas that didn't work out.