Lions Head Mixed Grow Outdoor Sesh, Cape Town 2019

After your long pause for a reply, I just so happened to delete it. :thumb: Not a problem at all!! You have some amazing photographs!! I:thumb::bravo:
Sorry BLS, I'm really busy in the garden so I don't get on here a lot at present. I wasn't avoiding you :) It's fine though. At least you told me. A lot of people just take photos and don't say anything. I took a bunch on my phone today. I wonder if you could help me identify the pest and explain the odd leaf formation?
I am going to visit people's journals and try to catch up. I did a major prune yesterday in my garden, sawed off a lot of branches. It has opened up nicely and there is a lot more light, space and breathing room now. I tried to gently train my blueberry plant and broke bits instead ugh... so I put them in rooting gel and into the humidity dome.
I need to get back out there tomorrow and continue pruning the rose bush which has gone mad and is into the electric fence now. I love it. I am getting fit and tan.
My other big news is that I have perfected a tincture, and it is so effective that I have not felt much need to smoke!

You’ve definitely got something chomping on tour plant in the last picture. The first picture, looks to have a bit of wind burn, and or under watered, on top of what could be PH fluctuations, maybe the roots are starting to get cramped and may be getting root bound... or a bit of a magnesium def. so saying all that.. let’s narrow it down... I’m sure you’ve been on top of the PH. The roots, what are you in for size of pot? Wind burn..... maybe..? Mag def. maybe? :hmmmm:

just trying to help narrow it down here, let’s use our Sherlock homes skills and eliminate unrealistic possibilities...

Don’t be sorry for spending time on your self! To the hell with us! We’re just robots for all you know :laugh:

Youve got skills with a camera Carmen,:bravo:
Sorry BLS, I'm really busy in the garden so I don't get on here a lot at present. I wasn't avoiding you :) It's fine though. At least you told me. A lot of people just take photos and don't say anything. I took a bunch on my phone today. I wonder if you could help me identify the pest and explain the odd leaf formation?
I am going to visit people's journals and try to catch up. I did a major prune yesterday in my garden, sawed off a lot of branches. It has opened up nicely and there is a lot more light, space and breathing room now. I tried to gently train my blueberry plant and broke bits instead ugh... so I put them in rooting gel and into the humidity dome.
I need to get back out there tomorrow and continue pruning the rose bush which has gone mad and is into the electric fence now. I love it. I am getting fit and tan.
My other big news is that I have perfected a tincture, and it is so effective that I have not felt much need to smoke!

Wow blueberry looks amazing!
The odd shape one looks Like lettuce... Sure it's not lettuce? :laugh: joke!
I'm also having a pest problem but yours looks like snails or something like that. Hmm maybe put salt around the outside of the pot? Could stop them from sliding on up the pot. Just make sure you have a tray so the salt doesn't get into contact with the plant. I'm not sure if it will be effective but it's worth a shot.
You’ve definitely got something chomping on tour plant in the last picture. The first picture, looks to have a bit of wind burn, and or under watered, on top of what could be PH fluctuations, maybe the roots are starting to get cramped and may be getting root bound... or a bit of a magnesium def. so saying all that.. let’s narrow it down... I’m sure you’ve been on top of the PH. The roots, what are you in for size of pot? Wind burn..... maybe..? Mag def. maybe? :hmmmm:

just trying to help narrow it down here, let’s use our Sherlock homes skills and eliminate unrealistic possibilities...

Don’t be sorry for spending time on your self! To the hell with us! We’re just robots for all you know :laugh:

Youve got skills with a camera Carmen,:bravo:
Hey hey, it has been a busy week :) Thanks for the support and encouragement BLS. The plants are all in big enough pots for their sizes, so they are in no danger of becoming root bound. I do pot up if necessary. I od'd the nutes absent mindedly one day and it also happened to be a day that I put a thick layer of my oily, stinky casteel on the leaves to chase away white fly, so that is why they are burnt I think. It rained nicely yesterday for a long time so the pots will have flushed naturally, which is good.
I haven't seen a bot on a skateboard yet :ganjamon:
Wow blueberry looks amazing!
The odd shape one looks Like lettuce... Sure it's not lettuce? :laugh: joke!
I'm also having a pest problem but yours looks like snails or something like that. Hmm maybe put salt around the outside of the pot? Could stop them from sliding on up the pot. Just make sure you have a tray so the salt doesn't get into contact with the plant. I'm not sure if it will be effective but it's worth a shot.
Hahaha, yes another friend said the seedling looks like mint :) It is a C99 bagseed. I did a bit of research and the leaves look like they might be of the duckfoot family. I don't recall the name of the Dutch breeder now, but he created a strain of Cinderella 99 using the duckfoot a while back. It would amuse me if this leaf feature is a genetic throwback to the original. It is interesting too from a breeding perspective... possibly one for the collection, who knows.
Dkmg, your salt suggestion has me thinking. I am a bit nervous of salt near the plants, so what I am going to try is beer in empty pot trays, between the plants. I remember from veggie gardening back in the day, that this was quite effective... they love the smell and they drown. The butterflies are a real issue at present. I don't know what causes them but they are a bit of a plague. I must ask around. So I have to take regular turns through the garden with the fly swatter.
I hope your week is being kind to you. Nice selection of new seeds there from @Smeegol. I have been wondering how he is. I don't see him around anymore. I kinda miss his :snowboating: He made a brilliant photo documentary of how to cut and root clones in my first journal. I wonder if he has a separate link to that tutorial. It was excellent but it is hard to find it again after all this time.
Tell me more about your tincture. Sounds good if it works enough on it's own to ease some pain.
I am using a gin infusion in the freezer after decarbing 110:110, and a concentrated evoo tincture for the slow release. I select strain and blend according to my experience of the entourage effect, much like finding the right blend of herbs and spices in food / fragrance in perfumery. It is really just a slow process of trial and error and dosing subtly until the right balance is found. My theory is that even though we all have completely unique electro-chemical composition etc, it is possible to find blends that can help others too, and that can be further refined for individuals. I am working with a few people who are trying to break Opiate addiction.
@SweetSue is the site guru on all things oil, and she has a thread that I follow. I will try to link you in, or just look in her signature.... something about oils and extract... I'm a bit sleepy now so I am not recalling detail. That thread has been going for years and the contributors are largely highly experienced in the field, with loads of amazing advice and conversation. I also joined the Green Flower network. I am studying Herbalism online to get some certificates and diplomas, but I have lived my life researching and trying botanical healing alternatives, so I think I have a good sense of how the different elements go together from intuition rather than science. Happy alchemy :)
Hahaha, yes another friend said the seedling looks like mint :) It is a C99 bagseed. I did a bit of research and the leaves look like they might be of the duckfoot family. I don't recall the name of the Dutch breeder now, but he created a strain of Cinderella 99 using the duckfoot a while back. It would amuse me if this leaf feature is a genetic throwback to the original. It is interesting too from a breeding perspective... possibly one for the collection, who knows.
Dkmg, your salt suggestion has me thinking. I am a bit nervous of salt near the plants, so what I am going to try is beer in empty pot trays, between the plants. I remember from veggie gardening back in the day, that this was quite effective... they love the smell and they drown. The butterflies are a real issue at present. I don't know what causes them but they are a bit of a plague. I must ask around. So I have to take regular turns through the garden with the fly swatter.
I hope your week is being kind to you. Nice selection of new seeds there from @Smeegol. I have been wondering how he is. I don't see him around anymore. I kinda miss his :snowboating: He made a brilliant photo documentary of how to cut and root clones in my first journal. I wonder if he has a separate link to that tutorial. It was excellent but it is hard to find it again after all this time.
I have vaguely heard of the beer thing... Hope it works out well.. In my garden it would be a fight to see who get the beer
Me or snails :laugh:
Yet.. ;)

Lol hope your plants are doing okay? Are you still having the same problems? I’ve been busy the last couple days!
It's been pouring with rain for three days... somewhat of a deluge. On seedling got buried by the rain and lost but the coco perlite mix is excellent in these conditions. It drains beautifully and retains enough to keep the plants happy. I bought jiffy pellets yesterday and I have transferred my cuttings that appear to be rooting into them and out of the cups of water I had them in. My first F1 popped overnight and has a looong taproot already. I put that into a pellet too and as soon as the rain passes I will put that straight into a 15 liter pot.
Security has become an issue. I live in an house that has been compartmentalized into 4 independent units. We have a lot of Bergies around here, begging for food and trying to get into peoples properties for opportunistic pilfering. People are starting to take notice of my plants through the shade cloth screen and all I need is a dagga hungry opportunist watching my plants through flower and then harvesting while we sleep. My housemate and I were chatting last night and we are going to make a reed screen to prevent people from looking in. I did a lot of pruning last week... I mean a LOT. Our electric fence is out of action because it is choked with vegetation. I need to clean that up next week. That will mean climbing on a ladder and I do not like heights at all! I have very poor eyesight as a result of a degenerative corneal issue in both eyes, and I get vertigo too, so my chances of having an accident are increased. R works very hard at home and he has a demanding job, so I feel I really must pitch in with the domestic labour to give him a rest.
Two days ago, J saw a guy on the other side of her fence trying to get over using a wheely bin and I had to instruct two Bergies to move on when they harassed me through the fence the day before, soooo..... My bedroom does not have any windows. Instead it has a double wooden door leading onto a balcony that wraps around the house. I usually sleep with this open for the fresh air, even in winter when I keep it on the latch but ajar. I am questioning this a bit, but it is too stuffy if I keep it closed.
I topped Mama TK yesterday and tomorrow I will clean those cuts and put them into pellets to root. She is too bushy and I need to clean away some of the growth excess. This is new for me, so I am nervous. One of her main branches split away from the stem from over zealous handling on my part, so I cable tied it back to the main stem in the hopes that it will have enough stem still intact to stay alive.
The temperatures are up and down, sometimes going below 13 degrees still, but the leaves of all of the plants look like they are recovering. I may have burnt them a bit I am not sure, but they are enjoying the rain. I am going to do some research on organic feeding rather than the chemical solutions, as it might be less shocking for them if they process their own as needed in the outdoor environment. So, if anyone has any great ideas for me to try, I would be interested to experiment. I don't want to change from the coco-perlite... it is working very well for me and it is clean and affordable. The fancy soils are terribly expensive on the market because people are making hay while the sun shines. I need to find a local farmer who is not trying to tear a new one for us all. Once I "weed out" my plants into a stable stock, I will probably try half of the F1s in organic soil mix, and half in coco-perlite.
My gawd, this has turned into an essay!
My rugby team are playing today against England and I am a sucker for the boys in black, so even though it is probably not good for our chances for the win, the All Blacks just are the best team in the world and honestly there is not much contest at this level. If you are not from a part of the world where rugby is the national religion, then I urge you to look on Youtube and find a Haka to see just how impressive the New Zealanders are. In fact, why don't I do that for you :D Farewell Haka Sept 2019 ... sjoe all that power! It's quite unstoppable... Having said this, the South African Springboks have beaten them on several occasions, and my first loyalty is to my country, so if we do make to the final and we are up against them, I would have to support the South African team. Go NZ!!! :cheer:
It's been pouring with rain for three days... somewhat of a deluge. On seedling got buried by the rain and lost but the coco perlite mix is excellent in these conditions. It drains beautifully and retains enough to keep the plants happy. I bought jiffy pellets yesterday and I have transferred my cuttings that appear to be rooting into them and out of the cups of water I had them in. My first F1 popped overnight and has a looong taproot already. I put that into a pellet too and as soon as the rain passes I will put that straight into a 15 liter pot.
Security has become an issue. I live in an house that has been compartmentalized into 4 independent units. We have a lot of Bergies around here, begging for food and trying to get into peoples properties for opportunistic pilfering. People are starting to take notice of my plants through the shade cloth screen and all I need is a dagga hungry opportunist watching my plants through flower and then harvesting while we sleep. My housemate and I were chatting last night and we are going to make a reed screen to prevent people from looking in. I did a lot of pruning last week... I mean a LOT. Our electric fence is out of action because it is choked with vegetation. I need to clean that up next week. That will mean climbing on a ladder and I do not like heights at all! I have very poor eyesight as a result of a degenerative corneal issue in both eyes, and I get vertigo too, so my chances of having an accident are increased. R works very hard at home and he has a demanding job, so I feel I really must pitch in with the domestic labour to give him a rest.
Two days ago, J saw a guy on the other side of her fence trying to get over using a wheely bin and I had to instruct two Bergies to move on when they harassed me through the fence the day before, soooo..... My bedroom does not have any windows. Instead it has a double wooden door leading onto a balcony that wraps around the house. I usually sleep with this open for the fresh air, even in winter when I keep it on the latch but ajar. I am questioning this a bit, but it is too stuffy if I keep it closed.
I topped Mama TK yesterday and tomorrow I will clean those cuts and put them into pellets to root. She is too bushy and I need to clean away some of the growth excess. This is new for me, so I am nervous. One of her main branches split away from the stem from over zealous handling on my part, so I cable tied it back to the main stem in the hopes that it will have enough stem still intact to stay alive.
The temperatures are up and down, sometimes going below 13 degrees still, but the leaves of all of the plants look like they are recovering. I may have burnt them a bit I am not sure, but they are enjoying the rain. I am going to do some research on organic feeding rather than the chemical solutions, as it might be less shocking for them if they process their own as needed in the outdoor environment. So, if anyone has any great ideas for me to try, I would be interested to experiment. I don't want to change from the coco-perlite... it is working very well for me and it is clean and affordable. The fancy soils are terribly expensive on the market because people are making hay while the sun shines. I need to find a local farmer who is not trying to tear a new one for us all. Once I "weed out" my plants into a stable stock, I will probably try half of the F1s in organic soil mix, and half in coco-perlite.
My gawd, this has turned into an essay!
My rugby team are playing today against England and I am a sucker for the boys in black, so even though it is probably not good for our chances for the win, the All Blacks just are the best team in the world and honestly there is not much contest at this level. If you are not from a part of the world where rugby is the national religion, then I urge you to look on Youtube and find a Haka to see just how impressive the New Zealanders are. In fact, why don't I do that for you :D Farewell Haka Sept 2019 ... sjoe all that power! It's quite unstoppable... Having said this, the South African Springboks have beaten them on several occasions, and my first loyalty is to my country, so if we do make to the final and we are up against them, I would have to support the South African team. Go NZ!!! :cheer:
I was watching a video of a guy who fed plants in coco with organics. You need something to activate the organics as it needs to be broken down unlike the synthetic or salts. I'll look it up again and share it to you...
The sun is out! Yay, we can sommer braai vandag after the rugby. I popped out to buy ciggies (vape died two days ago) and bumped into a local tour operator. He says the forecast for tomorrow is 100 % rain again. My app tells me that it will clear again on Tuesday.
I am super happy because my veggies are peeping heads out of potting soil blend. I have brandywine tomatoes, peas, Turkish eggplant, Okra in different colours, leeks, NZ spinach, and leafy salad stuff. It's all heirloom.
Today I ceremonially planted the first offspring of Mama TK x Studley. I have set pairs of seeds to pop since 14th and this is the only one to have popped so far, and was put to sprout on 21st. I will watch the others but maybe they were not mature enough yet. I will move all of my sprouts undercover as soon as the rain returns.
Yesterday I bought some jiffy pellets and moved the cuts that show signs of rooting, into the pellets. I discarded a couple.
Does anyone want this Swazi Skunk Weed (ditch weed)? I hate killing things.

The sun is out! Yay, we can sommer braai vandag after the rugby. I popped out to buy ciggies (vape died two days ago) and bumped into a local tour operator. He says the forecast for tomorrow is 100 % rain again. My app tells me that it will clear again on Tuesday.
I am super happy because my veggies are peeping heads out of potting soil blend. I have brandywine tomatoes, peas, Turkish eggplant, Okra in different colours, leeks, NZ spinach, and leafy salad stuff. It's all heirloom.
Today I ceremonially planted the first offspring of Mama TK x Studley. I have set pairs of seeds to pop since 14th and this is the only one to have popped so far, and was put to sprout on 21st. I will watch the others but maybe they were not mature enough yet. I will move all of my sprouts undercover as soon as the rain returns.
Yesterday I bought some jiffy pellets and moved the cuts that show signs of rooting, into the pellets. I discarded a couple.
Does anyone want this Swazi Skunk Weed (ditch weed)? I hate killing things.

Again you are just too good with photos...
And there England beats New Zealand! What a game!
Antipodean demise. Africans must stop the Colonists in their tracks and bring home another cup :yahoo:
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