Life In The Day Of A Coco Grower

I think you do have to catch that perfect angle, good cameras work too as I have a camera on my phone but it's no where near as good as the Samsung phone I borrowed, I have an Insta acc so it's nice to upload the off nice plant I have growing.
Definitely the angles. For sure. I entered my most favourite pic in the photo of the month. I have that saved on my phone my computer. .
So my clones are doing well now after lifting them out of the run off, their not specifically on a water schedule as such as the system is lacking a great deal but a great guy here @Rich Farmer is planning to help out so tomorrow the full setup will start.

My new tent arrives 5 days ago apparently and they sercharged me an extra £45 on top for storage fees, no card left through the mail box just a neighbour saying someone had been and had to ring them, great service don't you think :laugh:.

Now I need to find some more clip hangers they supply so I can make a floor to stand the autos or the veg in undecided at the moment because of I put them on top then the humidity will be dragged through the flowering autos or if I put them on the floor and the seedlings ect up top I'm going to end up letting the smell out every time I'm working on the small vegging plants, catch 22.

I'm going to also update my extractor to a Hyperfan Stealth so it's more compact and takes less room up so if anyone has one or tried one of love to know what their like, I love quiet acoustic fans as I can't sleep otherwise.

I plan to create my work station at the end of the tent that will be 90cm long and 60cm wide which is pretty much the same as kitchen undercover cupboard, I'm going to have lots of little sections so all my space is used, so underneath there will be a 60L tank for flower nutrients, 20L tank for veg nutrients and a 20L tank for fresh water with both being square upright tanks so there's minimum amounts left over what the pump can't pick up, above the water tanks I'm going to put a shelf to store all my nutrients as I plan to use 5L nutrient bottles with valves on so it's easy to extract and put straight in the tank.

On top to the right in going to put a small cupboard to store all of my electrical bits and monitors, I will also put a small pc style fan in the top of the cupboard to prevent heat building up, there will only be the electrical timer boxes which is at most 6 plugs, which I'll explain in the next part, but my ph monitors will be in there but I'm looking for one of those ph monitors that also corrects the ph by adding it automatically.

The electrical cupboard part will house two Black Box timers which one is a 2 socket set which will feed the two SP250 lights and the other is a 4 socket Black Box which will feed a 96w T5 setup, 175w Unit Farm 80 light, TSL2000 and a humidifier, I'm also adding a 4 socket Wi-Fi power strip to feed fans and 2 water pumps that are around 200w max, so there won't be a lot of power being used which I think will be roughly 1200w every hour, 500w being the flower tent and the rest is for the veg tent but I do plan to upgrade to two TSL2000's for the veg tent.

I'm lining the whole back of the work station with a white board I have so at least I can right my nutrient mix ratios down for that week, everything will be white and sealed properly to prevent contamination, my main goal is to make the post perfect setup overtime so it's basically technology that's doing everything for me.

Has anyone seen the new watering device you can buy, it's app based that used Wi-Fi, you buy nutrient cartridges that connect into this device that you can then control from your phone and it adds what you tell it to, I was thinking could this maybe work by adding our own nutrients to the cartridges maybe, more research is needed for me, the only reason I want to make changes like this is simply to help me as I'm getting problems on top of problems with health.

Finally picked up and setup my new veg tent, same setup being a Homebox R120 which is a 1.2m long, 0.90m wide and 1.8m tall, I'm using a Unit Farm 80 Led which I got free of a Mars Hydro order and a 5 Bar T5 light and I also plan to add either a Tsw or Tsl 2000 for flowering autos above the veg plants, once I get in a good rotational pattern I will then start adding autos to the mix starting with some Glue Gelato & LSD Autos.

I moved my flowering tent and there was loads of dust clogging up the side vent filter, it's surprising how much dust will have been going on my last plants as I never filtered most of the time, the pictures do no justice at all but it was clogged up real bad.

My flowering plants are doing absolutely great with them looking like there starting to finish of nicely, I plan to harvest them on the 29th of this month and plan to give plain water with a flush agent when they have 10 days left I will also try and pluck a few leaves as I'm hoping I don't run into any bud rot problems or I may have a few panic attacks :laugh:.

Got all my black boxes plugged in too.

So I have given the small seedlings a small feed which I used water from my dehumidifier which is 33ppm:
Cal Mag up to 200ppm
House And Garden Root Excelurator
Great White

Total ppm was 300 which is a little to much I know.

The first three are White Widow.

This is the best growth out of the 6 clones which the others have some mutilation going on but their still growing so I can't complain, I'm hoping these two good clones from the centre plant yields well so I can take a clone from them and put them in soil so I can grow out as mother plants so the mother plant will be the second clone from the original mothering plant.

After taking a look at the trichomes their all pretty much cloudy with the 3rd plant looking to be a full amber soon, the purple that is coming through looks beautiful as some of the colour travels up to the trichome which is amazing to look at!

Not seen so many Cheese plants with lots of purple in as I have read a lot of the time it's a really light green and in fact I seem a nug once it looked perfect and now it comes to mind it looked like one of those PGR grown buds so who knows.

Noticed that Royal Queen Seeds have got some New strains in as well as they have bred some of there photos to autos and I can't wait to try them!
Looking into getting myself a Flora Flex 8" Potpro system next week and take 6 more cuttings from my current clones, I'm also looking into either running Megacrop or the Floraflex nutrients, they look an ideal setup to just replace the coco cubes every grow which I'm sure I will find a use for them afterwords when I break them up and maybe use it in the garden to mix with top soil.

The top buds on my plants are maturing nicely at 51 days in to flower and I plan to chop on the 63rd day with hopefully no problems inbetween as I have started dropping my feeds by half of what I was feeding.

Water PPM 40ppm (Total 5L)

Cal Mag 1ml/L 200ppm
A&B 1ml/L 550ppm
Cannazym 2.5ml/L
Boost 2ml/L

I plan to cut the Cal Mag down to 150ppm, A&B down to 0.5ml/L tomorrow until day 55 and then straight water.

Looking at buying a humidity controller for my extractor has anyone used one?
One of the worst problems I run into, few of the big colas has small leaves die off back into the bud and the buds are so tight it's instantly done them over, nightmare and I even have the dehumidifier on.
Damn man I’m very sorry to hear this. This is one of the worst feelings to have worked so hard for so long only to have that happen. Not sure if you did any defoliation but this is why I always defol.
It is mate and the airflow I thought was great but this is my first time in the tent so no worries this time around but next time in just running mainlined plants so each branch can move around with the breeze.
It is mate and the airflow I thought was great but this is my first time in the tent so no worries this time around but next time in just running mainlined plants so each branch can move around with the breeze.
Cool bro. These things happen it just hurts when they do. Stop by my journal sometime we feed very similar and I run coco.
I sure will buddy, battling a headache today with the rest of the problems and my eyes feel like there going to burst out :straightface:.

Took a few photos and I'm going to invest in some more ventilation kit, don't see how on earth there is any moisture in there as I run a 8*20" filter so it takes up a good amount of room above, think I'm going to go for a Hyper Fan Stealth extractor and then I will use my current extractor to be my intake.

Has anyone used a Humidity Controller?H

I was looking at the floraflex bloom nutes too. Maybe compare when I start running low on megacrop.

Check out vpd for cannabis

And you want a good amount of circulation. 1 fan may not be enough. I like to have fans for circulation above and below(like a floor fan) the canopy so there is no stale humid air
I plan to harvest in the 29th so a good 12 days and it's time to get the trimmers out, I have a fan on top which is an oscillating fan and another under the canopy blowing towards the pots, I have raised the lights up and left the fans on all night as I usually turn the inside ones off and leave the extractor on.

The exhaust blows towards the doorway of the room where the dehumidifier is on the next room but if I'm honest these lights don't produce any heat and my intake is just the side vent on the opposite end of the tent which is near the wall which is cool.

We have been having problems with high humidity so he's your probably right, that's where I have been getting my water from being only 30-40ppm.

This is those problems I didn't want to run into that I mentioned, I have the frame I made up that is vented all the way around is going in the next time I run plants, if you didn't see it I think it's around page 10-12, sits on the inside of the frame and spreads cool air around the canopy.

Mainlined plants from now on, scrogs are nice but they can be tricky like this situation, so, the 6 clones I have should have been a lot bigger, I have been lacking in the watering as the base of the pot is soaking and still no roots yet so that was a big fault on my side but having said that I can't switch them to flower until another 20-25 days till my current plants have dried.
Is their such a controller that I can plug my inline feed can into and my extractor?

I'm going to remove both drivers and place them on the outside of the tent and reduce heat, somewhere down the line one of my temp and humidity sensors but that's my own fault not investing in a new one.
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