So I'm roughly at around week 7.5 as I'm pretty certain I switched to flower on the 21st of December and they seem to be finishing off already so plan is to cut at 9 weeks which should hopefully have a high % of amber but I was interested in this time around pushing till they are 84 days purely based on information I've found online from others pushing there Strawberry Skunk and it turning out to be incredibly strong and that's something this time around I could do with harvesting as I don't plan to grow again until September/October so in reality it needs to last me until March of next year so before I do attempt going past 9 weeks I really need to find out how long it is until they can potentially start seeding themselves just the buds are already densely packed.
Will update soon however in the meantime I'm looking some recommendations based around the medical side for restless leg syndrome, chronic severe muscle pain, muscle fatigue, appetite and sleep aid but I can only work with certain terpenes that aren't citris, but almost like a creamy ice cream taste like an old school skunk taste in which I'm more than happy for old strains from genuine consistent breeders.