Life In The Day Of A Coco Grower

Nothing I can see, the head of the seedling was almost dampened off that's why it's fell off but there was water sitting on it and the two othera, hoping I don't loose the other two.

May have been mould forming from the water sitting on top?
Another seedling lost unfortunately, down to one Critical + 2.0 so if I loose this one I will need to do another order but I am due an order from Seedsman.

Clones are doing very well for only being in a pot only 5 days, now their in the final 12L pots, mixed what I thought was 50L of Perlite to 50L of Coco but only ended up getting 72L unless it's due to it being compacted down maybe.

Sprinkled some Great White in the root zone to help with growth, they will now be fed Great White, Canna Rhyzotonic and H&G Roots Excelurator to promote a mass of roots, the great thing about the coco/perlite mix is it feels so light and airy and the last time I ran plants this way the root mass was unbelievable.

So I have the choice of either two TSL 2000's, one Adjust A Wing 750w Hellium or one Series 2+ Red Spec 350w to choose from and I'm swinging more towards the Mars range but someone may have had some experience with the others.
Those root riot cubes are brilliant mate but it could also be to do with the Great White powder, brilliant rooting powder that stuff.

Well tomorrow is day 28 and I can honestly say I'm over the moon with the growth of these buds, heavily trichomed with the majority of every leaf covered which is a bonus for me as I plan to create concentrates with that and the popcorn bud I get, lower leaves are causing a little too much humidity from leaves rubbing on each other and at the moment I need those leaves so I'm going to wait until there around the end of week 6 and do a heavy defol to prevent any rot starting when they start to tighten and ripen unless they start tightening before that time.

Hoping to see some good growth from my clones, due to them taking extra time to root in not going to be able to switch to flower the date I wanted but not to worry as it shouldn't take that long to veg 6 up for a 4*3 space, what the biggest must should be is I'm aiming for at least 10g per branch and 60g of bud per plant is not a lot to ask for while continuing to keep quality high, with them being manifolded too I would hope the airflow is better.

Getting to be very musty with a touch of sweet in there somewhere but it's a shame as I never seem dry or cure it the greatest so I'm thinking of buying one of those freeze dryers that can dry cure and serve in 24h but I'm struggling to find any.
I usually strip the large fan leaves and leave all the heavy trichomed leaves on them I usually trim them when I come to smoke them but their never big leaves.

I usually dry for around 5-7 days but the buds are never snappable when I jar them and the taste always seems to quite sharp, almost acidy at first and I think it's because I'm not letting them properly dry.
Well today is 4 weeks since I switched to 12/12 and I have to say these lights are absolutely amazing, it's hard to say if there overall producing bigger buds than hps with me not ever running this strain before but these are for sure bigger and more healthier buds than I have ever grown in a very long time, I was always on the side line wether or not to use Led's and I was always told they gave quality and never quantity in terms of yield but with the amount of tech upgraded over the years has truly shown it was worth it!

Week 5 Feed Schedule:

Cal Mag 1.5ml/litre
A&B 2.5ml/litre
Cannazym 2.5ml/litre
Boost 3ml/litre
PK 1.5ml/litre
Great White 1 full scoop to 5L

Thinking of adding Bud Candy or Botanicare Raw or Berry to see if there is a difference in taste.

Well today is 4 weeks since I switched to 12/12 and I have to say these lights are absolutely amazing, it's hard to say if there overall producing bigger buds than hps with me not ever running this strain before but these are for sure bigger and more healthier buds than I have ever grown in a very long time, I was always on the side line wether or not to use Led's and I was always told they gave quality and never quantity in terms of yield but with the amount of tech upgraded over the years has truly shown it was worth it!

Week 5 Feed Schedule:

Cal Mag 1.5ml/litre
A&B 2.5ml/litre
Cannazym 2.5ml/litre
Boost 3ml/litre
PK 1.5ml/litre
Great White 1 full scoop to 5L

Thinking of adding Bud Candy or Botanicare Raw or Berry to see if there is a difference in taste.

Looks good man and I would definitely get some sweet raw you will be able to cut cal mag way back. Are you using ro or tap water?
Using tap water at the moment but I am looking into getting a 5-6 stage RO system next month, thinking of getting the berry as apparently Cheese has berry tastes so it may enhance them more.
They are the same and will do the same thing. The flavor won’t change the terpene profiles of the plant. But right on man they look good. Stop by my journal I’m basically running the same nutrients actually no boost in mine but all the others the same
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