Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

The 24k Gold (Tangie x Kosher) seedling is doing alright, given the fact I tore its tap root! Really didnt seem to slow it down a whole lot. Not that I can tell anyways. Dont have any shots of her either but will get to it this evening! Honestly not much to show at this stage anyways. As soon as the LA comes down I will be starting another as well. Thinking maybe some strawberry glue, or pineapple express!

Going to wait until winter to try reg seeds (namely the Devils Carnival and Lotus). I'll have much more down time that I feel will be needed. Especially if I end up wanting to collect some pollen or try some CS!

Oh! I almsot forgot the outdoor garden. Its doing awesome! Already have too many cucumbers to know what to do with. Had our first few red tomatoes a couple weeks back! Mhmm. Yarrow is going crazy also and comfrey has now popped up in over 10 different places! Bring on the worm "food" :thumb:
How goes the C99 Head?
Addressed the C99 on my last "update" of sorts...pretty unhappy with her performance. Probably not her fault entirely, outdoors in these parts seems kinda far fetched! Bugs are unstoppable, even with twice weekly neem/Essential oil/yucca foliars!

On top of that her time in the sun is at about 5 hrs..the rest is fairly shaded. 90% certain that's what is causing the insane stretch/lankiness. Am most definitely opting out of outdoor grows in the future, maybe try again if I get a greenhouse lol (or if it becomes legal).

Her stems are wayyy to fragile. Ive even added silica in fairly high quantities with every watering but it isnt cutting it. I'm sure as soon as the flowers start coming on the shoots are going to simply topple over :rolleyes:. Some of them even snap with a heavy rain! So not much hope for her but I will continue to water her..ill throw up some pics in just a few!

Once flowering begins, I will try once more to tie down a few of her branches to the cage in hopes I get at least an oz or possibly 2.

Really, the only thing to look forward to is the leftover soil lol...there's about 30 gallons of some high quality stuff! Should be able to make good use of that after a topdressing or two! At the very least the worms could work through it:thumb:

Soooo, for now I'm focusing on the indoor beautys! Got a couple new seeds dropped, 1 of which is about a week old. The other just got dropped in soil last night. Got my new light ordered so I should have sufficient lighting/space to keep a few more going at most all times. Much easier for me to care for them in a controlled environment!

Sorry for the long winded post to a simple question lol! :rollit:
Okay, for some long awaited Cindy pictures! By now im sure everyone is aware of where she stands in my garden (bottom of the list). She is still getting watered as needed and also the ocassional neem foliar but im definitely not using up all my resources on her!

I know it doesnt look that bad..but those stems are scrawny as shit :rolleyes:
Next up we got the new arrivals! Well, technically only the 24k gold has popped up but im fairly confident the Pineapple Express isnt far behind. The veg tent is looking mighty fine finally, have had some pretty bad luck with seeds recently! So pretty nice to see a couple plants in there!

Obviously not much to see with the PE, but shes in there :thumb:

And finally, the LA Confidential! Thinking we will harvest her this Friday. That will put her at about 56 days with hairs, the usual time this strain is pulled is around day ~67 of flower...thinking the MBP and coconut water have sped her up a little! The foxtailing is coming on pretty strong now, not sure if that's a bad thing? Any info on that would be greatly appreciated!!

Ive checked the trichomes and although they are very hard to see with the loupe I have, I'm thinking they are about 5% amber. Mostly just cloudy though!

Realllly hoping I can hit the half pound mark at the very least, that may have to include the larf though!

And last but not least, the outdoor garden. This one tomato plant is a monster in the making, pretty sure its up to 6 feet already. And these comfrey leaves are huge!

Thanks for following along! Hope all your gardens are flourishing :passitleft:
That all looks good. Looks like you could tie that girl up in knots.
No kidding! Do you happen to have any info on fox tailing? Would you wait until trichomes show you they are ready regardless of the foxtail? From my understanding, they're not the "bad" kind! Thanks JM! :passitleft:
Pineapple Express - Seedling Day 1

We have lift off on this girl! I think I have gotten my seed issue I was having all sorted out. I thought ~72° would be warm enough to sprout/germinate, but had zero luck doing it that way. Set them on the back porch where its approx. 85° and im back up to 100% success! Talk about a relief.

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