Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Thanks Dajerm! Yeah. I think you are correct. I'm going to replace my filter. That should help with the smell.
You might not need to replace it Sis. Many of them have reverseable flanges so you can just flip them over and get another 4-6 months out of it before truly needing to be replaced. I know you are a bit of a DIY gal, so might be worth experimenting with if you haven't already replaced it. Just a little 411 for ya!
I absolutely love raw honey. I have a customer that trades quart jars against their bill. :thumb: Thank you so much for sharing some more insight on it's usefulness. :Namaste:
We are going to be starting our own bee hives next spring. A friend of ours has like 12 hives and he has jars and jars all over his house. We trade some of Stank's finest herbs for honey....both are very pleased. Can't wait until we have our own hives!
You might not need to replace it Sis. Many of them have reverseable flanges so you can just flip them over and get another 4-6 months out of it before truly needing to be replaced. I know you are a bit of a DIY gal, so might be worth experimenting with if you haven't already replaced it. Just a little 411 for ya!
Thanks Van! I have not. I was useless this weekend! I'll check it out.
We are going to be starting our own bee hives next spring. A friend of ours has like 12 hives and he has jars and jars all over his house. We trade some of Stank's finest herbs for honey....both are very pleased. Can't wait until we have our own hives!
That sounds nice. Hubby told me to stop accumulating hobbies! No to the bees...haha...the goats, cows, and chickens I'm still working on :rofl:
I gave the girls their TP drench this morning. I will have 1 more water and then finish up with a GE drench. That should take me up to harvest time....or close to it!:slide:I'll get tent pics up tomorrow. This cold is kicking my ass. Off to bed early tonight.
Hi all! This is a bit off topic, but I wanted to share this anyway, because it is health related, and this journal is all about that. I think my cold is not a cold, but pneumonia...again. I have no immune system because of the drug I am on shuts my overactive immune system down. This can be problematic.

I was having a bad time of it tonight gasping for air and was not due for my inhaler or more cold medicine. I watched one of my favorite shows where a beloved character was heart wrenchingly killed off. I cry every time! After I did this, an amazing thing happened. My breathing got better and my nose started to unblock a bit. It got me to my next dose to free up my breathing. I got curious...and when I get curious...I turn to Google. :)Here is what I found. Pretty damn cool! Our own tears promote healing!

I am intrigued now, and I will do a little more research on it! Grab a box of tissues and let life move you! Hopefully the mods won't disapprove. ;) Intuitive healing is what crying and cannabis both are really. That may be a great idea for therapy! Brilliant! read the link below.

Healing benefits of tears
Interesting find there Sis!!
I was always the tough kid in the family. Not going to cry....nope! Not me! Years ago I went to a therapist because I was overstressed at work, and home and the therapist asked me if crying made me feel better. I said I don't, because when I do it makes me sick. She told me it wasn't healthy to hold it in. When that pressurized lid comes off, it really unleashes a blast of hurt. Since then, I cry all the time. A good book, movies, a cute commercial, weddings, funerals...yup. I weep like a big baby! It does make me feel better. I never thought it would help a bad cold, though. Thought it just prevented stress induced ails. Who knew?:)
I always found my heavy bag was the best release of frustration, anger, bitterness....whatever. I would just work my issues out and nothing ever lingered after 15-20 minutes. But we gotta find what works for us. I can't do it anymore.....just kind of bitch to my plants now LOL.
Hey Sarge! I am doing good! Kickin' some virus ass right now! lol. I got some stinky girls almost ready for harvest, too. :slide:These girls are looking like a hot mess right now. Looking forward to wrapping up this grow and starting a new chapter!

Still a taste and smoke report on these two is pending. It's been months in anticipation. Can't wait!
I always found my heavy bag was the best release of frustration, anger, bitterness....whatever. I would just work my issues out and nothing ever lingered after 15-20 minutes. But we gotta find what works for us. I can't do it anymore.....just kind of bitch to my plants now LOL.
LOL! Yup...bloodied a few knuckles myself on the bag. Those days are long gone! Whatever works! :)
just kind of bitch to my plants now LOL.
:D this is perfect Van. I’ve been reading an interesting book that talks about how plants will take on energy from us and how that influences and enhances their healing properties - that they can become somewhat attuned to our needs. Since then, if someone visits who is interested in trying my CBD for example I’ll take them to the garden to meet the plant - so it can get input from everyone (mostly me tho of course ;) ). I don’t profess to understand or be able to explain it scientifically, but energetically it makes a lot of sense to me.
been months in anticipation. Can't wait!
:slide: :popcorn:

Hope this virus gets out of your way soon m’lady ... it’s been a little while it seems. I cry easily (joy, despair, anger excitement... I’ve been told it’s to do with my ANS problem (?). But I have that problem now that it makes me sicker... triggers a flare up. So I have a strict no crying policy these days - which I don’t always manage to keep :cool: Ganja helps
Feeling better. Nagging cough, but breathing is easier.

I talk to my plants all the time. My husband thinks I'm a bit nuts, but I think he sees it as an endearing quirk of mine. I stopped calling them by names in front of him...:rofl: makes me appear a bit over the top.
Talked to my oldest sister today. She asked me how my vegetable garden produced this that? vegetables this year, but I have been growing cannabis in my laundry room!:battingeyelashes: :rofl:

She is now intrigued...and a little jealous! She thought she might want to grow a plant in her bay window. :rofl: I gave her a quick tutorial on why that won't work, but I said I'd be happy to show her how it's done! :rofl: We've come far Young Grasshopper! :peace:
I've got an itch to buy some seeds....I'm thinking Tangerine Dream. I need a giant grow space to grow all of the strains I want to try. I have enough to keep my grow space busy for a few years! Keeps me off the streets and out of trouble I guess! :battingeyelashes: Blue, purple, sweet, sour, skunky, luscious, lemony...mmmmm!
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