Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Completely agree! My parents and their friend used to pretend like they were all against it! Over the past 2-3 hrs with it getting more and more close to legalization they have all come out of the woodwork showing how many people truly use medical cannabis!

It’s great to see this plant is finally starting to get recognized for what it truly is! A Gift!
Yeah! I'm amazed. I need to make another batch of salve. I gave most of the last batch away! I'll be growing some high CBD plants for both my sister and I to use.
Watered this morning. The girls are super stinky. I get hit in the face with the smell when I open the door to the kitchen. I'll take a look this weekend. I may start the chop a little early. They don't seem to be throwing more white pistils out and seem to be receding. More gold and rusts to the hairs too. We will see this weekend where they are at. Social conflicts are coming up too where an early chop might be warranted. Not like I can really hide these anymore. They kinda announce their presence! :rofl:
OK. Here are the pics I took last night. Sorry for the quality...I'm torn about when to chop these girls. I can do it this weekend...but next weekend I won't be able to do it. You know you are a stoner when... you want to postpone your dinner party, because you need to harvest your plants! :rofl: Not sure these can wait another 2-1/2 weeks.

Morning LG, hope your'e doing well today. I don't have as much experience as some brixers... but if they were mine I would wait the 2.5 weeks. They still have a lot of white pistils, at least it looks it in the pics. I bet those buds will swell a bit more as the calyxes swell and pistils recede. I would, of course, wait for more experienced peeps to jump in.
At any rate, those ladies are looking good LG! Keep up the great work!
Thanks Dajerm! Yeah. I think you are correct. I'm going to replace my filter. That should help with the smell.
Why thank you Dutch! They smell good to me, but hubby is not a fan! Lol

That Pua sure has an exotic and old school sativa like look about it. (Based on photos I have seen of old school sativas! :rofl: And maybe ones I saw growing in the bush as a teenager... many years ago...)

Thanks! I never saw the plant grow to flower before I started growing. I think they all look exotic! Such a joy! She is just one twisted mass of buds! Nothing like what I have grown before for sure! Can't wait for a cured taste!
I think by looks they're growing true to form. It may be the real deal.
o_O:yahoo: Yum! She may become my special selection cupboard star then! :slide:
I'd say not ready yet. Lots of white pistils as mentioned. What do the trichomes look like? Ppl like to say 12 weeks for most sativa's. I'd be surprised if they were done this early.
Hiya Turbo...I'm going to let them ride for two more weeks. I really don't want to rush these girls. Too much effort to be wasted! Not a lot of cloudiness yet in the trichomes yet. I'm told I won't likely get ambers growing high brix.

I turned up my inline fan a bit, and I will replace my charcoal filter this weekend, too. The day I have folks over, I'll be filling the place with some strong cooking aromas. I think it will be fine. I'll open the window slightly in the laundry room and throw a door snake to seal the crack under the door. All combined, I shouldn't have issues. :)
Hey lady try these for some cooking aromas! Just made today!
Cannabutter Cookies ! Light and fluffy cake cookies yummy !

Recipe is in my cooking thread!


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Hey lady try these for some cooking aromas! Just made today!
Cannabutter Cookies ! Light and fluffy cake cookies yummy !

Recipe is in my cooking thread!
Yum! I bet you feel light and fluffy after eating one! :rofl::rofl: I saw the doc yesterday...she didn't beat around the bush...she discourages my eating of cookies! She all but made the famous "HooHoo" sound that the Pillsbury Doughboy makes when you poke him in the belly! How rude! :rofl:
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