Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Hey kiddo, long time no chat! That's on me, busy busy busy. And quite selfish with my free time. Elated to catch up on some of your journal, drooling at the your beauties in your tent. :yummy: :drool:

My Mom has ceased any and all treatments, including the FHO oil I was making. That's the choice her and my Pops made, so I support it. Her cognition continues to deteriorate, but the smiles laughs and joy still show and grow. Thankful for that.

I beg your pardon in advance for any future radio silence from my end. I just love that I can still come here and find the inspiration I need. You and the hubs take care, all the best to you! :ciao::love::thanks:
Hey kiddo, long time no chat! That's on me, busy busy busy. And quite selfish with my free time. Elated to catch up on some of your journal, drooling at the your beauties in your tent. :yummy::drool:

My Mom has ceased any and all treatments, including the FHO oil I was making. That's the choice her and my Pops made, so I support it. Her cognition continues to deteriorate, but the smiles laughs and joy still show and grow. Thankful for that.

I beg your pardon in advance for any future radio silence from my end. I just love that I can still come here and find the inspiration I need. You and the hubs take care, all the best to you! :ciao::love::thanks:
Hiya Dale! I think you wanted to message my lil Sis by another mother! @Lady G2HM :) We're practically twins! ;) Glad that you popped in! Sorry about your Mum's deterioration. :( Wretched disease. My Mum had it as well. Smiles, laughs, and joy! A great combo. You have each other. That's the best meds right there! Sis will be by at some point. She is on a little break working on a project. She's got something up her sleeve as per usual! Cheers! The other Lady G:circle-of-love:
So I peaked at the girls. The tent smells like the cheetah pen at the zoo...and that's not being at all fair to the cheetah! Damn! It's really rank in there!

The Nirvana Maui is picture perfect normal, but the Pua is a twisted hot mess of buds that are so top heavy she's giving me a back ache just looking at her. I had to put some stakes in there. Looks like some fox tailing too on the Pua.

Here are the pics from tonight. They will be ready for a drink tomorrow.

Looking good Lady! Not sure I'd like the smell of a cheetah pen. :rofl:
Haha! That nice herbal licorice smell they had is gone. These are some stink bombs for sure! :rofl:
I can't wait to see what a tent full smells like
Haha! Good luck with that! It's the Pua that stinks the most!:rofl: I have a dinner party on the 28th...might have to postpone it or fill the house with some cooking smells before the guests arrive.
Lol I can't wait to run mine.
You will do well with her Penny. I should have done some training early. The buds are super heavy. I learned a lot from my mistakes with her. If the smoke is good, I'll run the remainder once we move and I can have room for experimental purposes.
So I peaked at the girls. The tent smells like the cheetah pen at the zoo...and that's not being at all fair to the cheetah! Damn! It's really rank in there!

The Nirvana Maui is picture perfect normal, but the Pua is a twisted hot mess of buds that are so top heavy she's giving me a back ache just looking at her. I had to put some stakes in there. Looks like some fox tailing too on the Pua.

Here are the pics from tonight. They will be ready for a drink tomorrow.

Wow lady those are some lovely colas you got there! Amazing job! I can’t wait to hear how they smoke !! Hope all is well for you !
Wow lady those are some lovely colas you got there! Amazing job! I can’t wait to hear how they smoke !! Hope all is well for you !
Thanks Dutch! Not bad for 2 plants in a 2 x 4 tent. Doc's High Brix kit gets the real credit. When you start with good can't go wrong! The only job I have is to water and feed when they need it, and keep their environment where it needs to be. I haven't tested my soil or my runoff in two grows! The kid can have my probes along with the old nutes I gave him. Some day he'll grow up and use Auntie's Microbes and Magic! The only probe I use now is my meat thermometer for my roasts! :rofl:
O fer embarrassing! Please laugh with me as I'm laughing at myself here! You two do have many similarities, my apologies. Thanks for your kind words, what an incredible community! Back to your regular scheduled programming. All the best :rollit:
Haha! It happens all the time. I am laughing with you of course! That's a complement for me. Lady G2HM and I found each other one day and we just stuck! I love her like she's my own sister. You are welcome to drop by here any time! :hug:
Haha! It happens all the time. I am laughing with you of course! That's a complement for me. Lady G2HM and I found each other one day and we just stuck! I love her like she's my own sister. You are welcome to drop by here any time! :hug:
You're a beauty, and you're stuck with my inconsistent following and commenting now! MUHAHA She's my sister, so you're my sister too. :high-five:
I can't help but wonder what would happen if my "two lives" were to intertwine! Would it suck all of the fun out of hiding the secret of my cannabis growing, or would it liberate others by my embracing it openly? I'm finding the latter to be the case.

Young and old alike, I am finding more folks becoming interested in the healing properties of cannabis. Folks with chronic illnesses who are tired of feeling like test subjects, and want to feel good, without the side effects caused by Big Pharma.

Oh Dear! Where the hell did that soapbox appear from? :p G'nite! I leave you all with just a smidgen of Anarchy!
I can't help but wonder what would happen if my "two lives" were to intertwine! Would it suck all of the fun out of hiding the secret of my cannabis growing, or would it liberate others by my embracing it openly? I'm finding the latter to be the case.

Young and old alike, I am finding more folks becoming interested in the healing properties of cannabis. Folks with chronic illnesses who are tired of feeling like test subjects, and want to feel good, without the side effects caused by Big Pharma.

Oh Dear! Where the hell did that soapbox appear from? :p G'nite! I leave you all with just a smidgen of Anarchy!

Completely agree! My parents and their friend used to pretend like they were all against it! Over the past 2-3 hrs with it getting more and more close to legalization they have all come out of the woodwork showing how many people truly use medical cannabis!

It’s great to see this plant is finally starting to get recognized for what it truly is! A Gift!
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