Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Here is this morning's smoothie. Back to my Whole30 diet. This makes two servings. Packed with good healthy ingredients
High in fat, but these are good fats, and will keep you full longer.

Liquids and soft ingredients go first into the blender. Add your frozen fruit on top.

2 cups frozen blueberries

1 (14 oz) cans lite organic coconut milk. I get Native Forest Organic

1 banana

1/2 avocado

1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1/2 tbsp fresh peppermint leaves

4 tbsp chopped raw cannabis leaves

2 tbsp hemp seeds
Ooh - that’s quite the power smoothie! Lots of protein too. :D

Ive just started adding hemp seed powder to my green juices too, and it’s excellent - packs quite a punch! And softens the flavor of the greens as well :)
Hemp seeds are yummy! I sprinkle them on my peanut butter and celery sticks and put them in my tuna or chicken salad! ;)
Have to get a batch of turkey bone broth going. My coworkers were thoughtful enough to share their cold with me!
Oh how lovely of them :rolleyes:

I know! Yesterday I was blessed with the addition of the seeds to my lunch salad. They’re so good to eat, excellent texture and yummy smooth flavour. Adding to peanut butter and celery is an awesome idea. Oh m’Lady, we’ve grown the yummiest celery I’ve ever had in our garden this year. It’s in the bed where I made w hole lot of special mineral amendments plast season so we think they’re really paying off :slide: celery is a fave for me so to have it in my own garden is just amazing. I can’t take credits for actually growing it, the lovely other does all of that - but I did help build the soil ;)

Hope you kick this cold to the curb swiftly! :Namaste:
Oh how lovely of them :rolleyes:

I know! Yesterday I was blessed with the addition of the seeds to my lunch salad. They’re so good to eat, excellent texture and yummy smooth flavour. Adding to peanut butter and celery is an awesome idea. Oh m’Lady, we’ve grown the yummiest celery I’ve ever had in our garden this year. It’s in the bed where I made w hole lot of special mineral amendments plast season so we think they’re really paying off :slide: celery is a fave for me so to have it in my own garden is just amazing. I can’t take credits for actually growing it, the lovely other does all of that - but I did help build the soil ;)

Hope you kick this cold to the curb swiftly! :Namaste:

I have not attempted to grow celery. I'd like to try it some time.
I've never been accused of having patience! I am sitting on my hands knowing that these girls have 2 weeks yet! I trimmed a small bottom bud on my Nirvana Maui.

If this is what a lesser bud is...then I have to say, "Oh my!". Mmmmm! Yummy!
So I am going to conduct a little side experiment. I'm going to compare taste, appearance, and effects from the bud taken early vs a bud that has been fully ripened. I've always read you get a racier head high in immature buds vs. a more couch lock high with mature buds. I find "experience" is the best teacher!:rollit:
Awesome Trich Pic Lady! Looking good! Patience young grasshopper. Do you know the story about the bull and his son? They're standing at the top of a hill looking down at a herd of cows, the son says " let's run down there and F*#+ one of them" the father looks down at his son with a content smile and says "let's walk down there and F*#+ them all!" :rofl: just figured I'd share that gem.
Awesome Trich Pic Lady! Looking good! Patience young grasshopper. Do you know the story about the bull and his son? They're standing at the top of a hill looking down at a herd of cows, the son says " let's run down there and F*#+ one of them" the father looks down at his son with a content smile and says "let's walk down there and F*#+ them all!" :rofl: just figured I'd share that gem.
:rofl: Nice!
Hey lady good morning! The Maui looks delectable and frosty ! Nice trich photo there! Getting close now be patient! Don’t want to rush your pineapples off the tree haha:thumb:
Thanks! I'm super curious about cannabinoid production during the grow. It would be very cool to pop this to a lab with a mature bud sample of the same for a comparison.
Hiya Lady G,

Very nice collection of trichomes! They look so inviting. I'll be right over, lol. I did an auto that had similar trichomes, and was very "hashy" tasting. I'm sure you won't be disappointed! Enjoy
Hiya Lady G,

Very nice collection of trichomes! They look so inviting. I'll be right over, lol. I did an auto that had similar trichomes, and was very "hashy" tasting. I'm sure you won't be disappointed! Enjoy
Hey Bode! :ciao: The bigger buds look even more intense. Looking forward to the finished product for sure.
I think this week...I need to make some cannabis infused Manuka honey for my cold. Put that in my Throat Coat tea and spend a day on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching movies. Corinne has a recipe for making it on her site. I'll drop the link. Manuka honey has great healing properties all by itself. As expensive as cannabis, but worth it. Wake + Bake Cannabis infused honey
Found this in my iPad. I was messing around with a budlet that got trimmed away. :420: Rocks!
Nice! Well, circumstances considered and such that sounds AAAMazing! Thanks for sharing another great tidbit with the community. :thumb:
I learned about Manuka honey and it's healing properties a few years ago. I keep a jar at my desk at work. People I work with get a dose when they are sick. It's become known as my "Magic Honey" ...don't know why it took me this long to think about infusing it. :rofl: Needs to be done at low temperatures to protect the Manuka factor.
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