Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Heya Lady, get your ass to work LOL... A couple of pics of my BHB before she comes down today... Greenest of days to all
final days 003.jpg
Heya Lady, get your ass to work LOL... A couple of pics of my BHB before she comes down today... Greenest of days to all
final days 003.jpg
Nice! Tree farm!
Happy Thursday all! I missed seeing the girls this morning before the lights went out. I'll get some tent pics later tonight. Yummy, sticky, heavy buds....Hawaiian or not Hawaiian, these girls are full of medicine!
Hi all! Disappointed once again on the job front! "Always the Bridesmaid...never the Bride" kinda thing happening there! I Keep Calm and drudge on! :surf: I am full of awesomeness! They don't know how lucky they would be to have me! :rofl:

OK! Fun aside! Time for more fun! The girls smell divine! I have some tent pics as promised!

The Nirvana Maui is at 89 days and 33 days into flip! She is stacking and packing! She is not as far along as the Pua Mana Ohana at 84 days and 33 days into flip. Both smell and look lovely! Enjoy!

G'night all! May your days be green and your nights be frosty! ;)

Thanks m’Lady! That’s some pretty sights there to see! I’m loving the Pua freak show... fairly unconventional buddage... at least more so than the other, which looks more ‘conventional’ (it’s not the right word... hopefully folks get what I mean...)

Keep ya chin up on the job front... something better will be coming! I’m gunning for you - accross the oceans! :)

Thanks m’Lady! That’s some pretty sights there to see! I’m loving the Pua freak show... fairly unconventional buddage... at least more so than the other, which looks more ‘conventional’ (it’s not the right word... hopefully folks get what I mean...)

Keep ya chin up on the job front... something better will be coming! I’m gunning for you - accross the oceans! :)
Thanks Amy! Yeah...that Pua has been unconventional from the start!
Good morning Lady G
Things are looking good.Too bad about the job thing.Keep your chin up woman....someone will appreciate you soon..your attitude is 'on point'
About those blooming beauties ya got there...sock the light to em...give em all you can can...nows the time.
Cheers and enjoy the day!
Morning Duggs! Thanks! Off to work!
Mornin Lady G ! The girls are looking fantastic and getting frosty !! Excited to see how they turn out for you and looking forward to your memorable smoke memories !!
Thanks! Can't wait for a taste! I'm going to order the Kona Gold this weekend! That will be for my spring grow! Have a great day Dutch!
Sorry to hear about the job Sis!! Things happen for a reason and sometimes we don't understand them but I truly trust that they do happen for a reason. The right one will come along..just keep your head up. Cheers!

Amazing looking buds on those girls! Bet it smells awesome!
Sorry to hear about the job Sis!! Things happen for a reason and sometimes we don't understand them but I truly trust that they do happen for a reason. The right one will come along..just keep your head up. Cheers!

Amazing looking buds on those girls! Bet it smells awesome!
Yeah! Things do happen for a reason. Taking a break from looking. Need to house hunt. Hope to be in a new place by next summer. :)

Every grow gets better! :slide:
I have to say...I am torn being growing and watching other folks grow here! I am just amazed when I "attempt" to catch-up on what everyone else is doing with their journals, it makes me realize just how far I can go! Wow! Love you guys! :love:
Yippee! Waiting for that taste test. :slide:I have pretty keen taste buds. It's probably why I love my wine and food pairings so much. It was very distinctive in taste and the high.

I can see where they (Pua) would want to protect their turf, and not everyone that runs a business can remain objective when the competition tries to tear you down, but I hate to say it, that's life! Business is business. You got to ramp it up and fight back by proving you're above it...and better!

You see collaborations now with breeders. Check out CBD Crew's website. I ran a few of their high CBD strains. They are heavily vested in research. They are folks I can really admire in the industry. I'd like to see that with folks who are trying to preserve the landrace strains. Togetherness people...not apart! Here too! I want a place where people can come, can agree to disagree, then shake hands and smoke a bowl! :bong:

For those that have the Pua seeds and want to try them, maybe scuff em or soak them. The ones I lost were cause the helmet wouldn't come off.

Cheers all! I love you guys! :love:
Have you tried Mrs Vickie’s salt and vinegar paired with a nice red vino?

Don’t judge it til you try it so good lol
Yippee! Waiting for that taste test. :slide:I have pretty keen taste buds. It's probably why I love my wine and food pairings so much. It was very distinctive in taste and the high.

I can see where they (Pua) would want to protect their turf, and not everyone that runs a business can remain objective when the competition tries to tear you down, but I hate to say it, that's life! Business is business. You got to ramp it up and fight back by proving you're above it...and better!

You see collaborations now with breeders. Check out CBD Crew's website. I ran a few of their high CBD strains. They are heavily vested in research. They are folks I can really admire in the industry. I'd like to see that with folks who are trying to preserve the landrace strains. Togetherness people...not apart! Here too! I want a place where people can come, can agree to disagree, then shake hands and smoke a bowl! :bong:

For those that have the Pua seeds and want to try them, maybe scuff em or soak them. The ones I lost were cause the helmet wouldn't come off.

Cheers all! I love you guys! :love:
So you didn’t offer the poor baby help to take off his jacket ? That’s like helping them die lol

Just kidding but I do always help remove lids that look like they need help very carefully if coutse lol

Happy thanksgiving from Canada this weekend lady G and gang :Namaste:
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