Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Gave the girls their 2nd cat drench tonight. The Pua's hairs are starting to turn already. Noticeably more frost on them both too. No loss or yellowing of fan leaves. I've been super vigilant not to miss any steps and keeping their moisture level and environment optimal.

They are loving life right now. Future pics will have to be tent pics until harvest. They are just too big and floppy to drag out of the tent at this point, and I don't want to damage them. The Pua is going to be a breeze to trim. Snip snip and done! They are making me drool now. :drool:

After harvest and drying, the tent is going to get a good cleaning. The dehumidifier, too. I have to replace the charcoal filter as well. I'll wipe down all of the fan blades and make things purdy for the next grow :battingeyelashes:!
l like the sounds of that!! :slide:
...and that too :)

Hope your day is a good one m’Lady!
Thanks Amy! Rainy fall day here. On my way home. Enjoy your day!:surf:
OK,...can someone please turn off the tap now. Three solid days of wet blahh.
good thing there's Stella , and some fine produce nearby....:ganjamon:
Yeah...tired of the rain here. Better than snow!
No...stop it!!!No use that bad word....
:rofl: I have dreams of being snowed in for days with jars and jars of Maui bliss! :surf:
Ya Ween, snowblower isn't running the best. It's comin...
Bring it! I'm ready. One of my famous hot flashes and I'll cause global warming!:rofl:
Bring it! I'm ready. One of my famous hot flashes and I'll cause global warming!:rofl:
I’ve often said when trying describe the intensity of a hot flash, that “I could lie down naked in the f*cking snow and I’d still be burning up!” ... except I usually get a chill right after so ... ;)

:passitleft: bring on the Maui!
I’ve often said when trying describe the intensity of a hot flash, that “I could lie down naked in the f*cking snow and I’d still be burning up!” ... except I usually get a chill right after so ... ;)

:passitleft: bring on the Maui!
I'm the office hand warmer! I say "Holy hot flash!" and the girl in the cube next to mine turns my fan on! It's like being tossed in a microwave and heated from the inside out. Yikes!
Hey @LadyGaea !
I’m just getting all caught up slowly but surely! Hope all is well in you end of the world! Happy green days my friend!
Hiya Dutch! Welcome! We have a great bunch of High Brix and Non-Brix folks here! Lot's of food and recipes too! Enjoy!
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