Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

I just figured out I need live to at least 80 just to get through the stuff I already bought!

Hiya @HoBrah808

I love when people have a solid reason to live as long as possible! Another added bonus in the cannabis medical bag. Live long!
Oh boy, just had a flashback of the time and effort I spent trying to hitch a ride on that unicorn. If you decide to do it (holy crap those beans are pricey!), I will be front row center for that grow. Especially after spending several years of growing what I think is Kona Gold. It's funny because now that I have been embracing the wonders of online seed purchasing, I am all fired up to try these Cali and Euro strains that were all the rage 10-15 years ago. I just figured out I need live to at least 80 just to get through the stuff I already bought!
Yeah...they are a bit pricey, but I've spent more on an outfit without batting an eyelash...well it's been a while since I have been frivolous. There are worse things I could spend my OT money on!:rofl: My next grow is planned already, but I would like to run the Kona with the Durban Poison I've been sitting on my hands to THAT would be a fun cross I think!
Hiya @HoBrah808

I love when people have a solid reason to live as long as possible! Another added bonus in the cannabis medical bag. Live long!
....and prosper. Sorry. It had to be said! :rofl:

"I'm sorry Death, I still have 102 strains I need to try. You'll have to wait!"
Hiya Lady G, Hobrah, guys,

Beautiful colas you have there! So big, so frosty, so early! They look so yummy. Good luck trying to smoke it, lol. They'd go real nice with angel hair and homemade pesto!

Hope you get a decent job soon!
Thanks Bode! Yeah. They look really good. Nice and healthy plants. Doc's kit really produces some outstanding terps. The licorice scent is a nice surprise. Before that I was getting a basil/sage like scent.
Interesting, I didn’t know that - I think I’ve assumed they come from the one operation. I’ll am watching yours with interest too - I have a little pot of them on the short list to grow outside this coming southern summer. I can only grow one out though...
for flowering right? Its still ok to veg them on longer lines cycle - yes?:hmmmm:

Brava lady G! They’re bulking up fast! :slide:

Yes mine are on 18/6.:thumb:
Too short of a dark period and the plant can't produce enough hormones to build flowers.

The story goes that they are all from small medical grows. Some indoor some outdoor. They are still battling with a nefarious group of haters that are trying to destroy their business. Their Instagram has been blocked, their pay pal revoked, square readers suspended it's crazy. The seed hustle ain't no joke. Lots of cutthroat fools looking to make a buck on the flavor of the month at someone else's expense.
Warning...I'm dragging out my soap box here. Leave the room for a moment if you don't want to get bored to death!:rofl:
We are at that pivotal point with cannabis becoming legal nationwide in OUR lifetime! With luck, we will see medical advances as a result of that sooner than later. We have all seen, heard, and experienced first hand how this plant and it's medicine helps us all. Our doctors are seeing this too, as a result of us sharing our successes with them. If you aren't doing should be.

We will see more BIG research universities offering classes in growing cannabis, and in researching it for medical breakthroughs in the foreseeable future!....We are going to see ambitious and "hungry" seed crafters sprouting up everywhere (pun intended). This is good for us and the economy! Think of just how far microbreweries have come along!

That being said...and I'm putting on my "marketing" hat here. The discussions in this very journal have brought up some interesting conversations and passionate feelings and loyalties. While running two breeder's variation of the same strain, it has evoked a bit of spirited discussion. I think that is very cool, by the way. Thank you!:thanks:

Why should I pick one breeder over another? Honey, that list is getting longer as the second hand moves around the clock, as are the number of breeders throwing their hat into the ring. Ok...well not really, but you get the idea. Here is what I am looking for...and if you are a breeder (not seedbank..though they should pay attention too), pay close attention! If you aren't doing this NOW, you are going to see a lot of us getting smaller in your rearview mirror! You may have a great product, but to stay in the game Cupcake, ya work harder...every damn day! Ya gotta keep it fresh!

Consistent quality control - Do it right, not fast.

Availability of stock on hand - I don't mind waiting, but let's keep that the exception and not the norm.

Transparency/Integrity - Don't blow smoke up my ass. Fool me once, you won't get a second chance. Consumers average telling 10 people about a negative experience, and two if it was a good one. In my case, more on both! @Chris Scorpio will tell you...I like to share my thoughts! :battingeyelashes::rofl:

Creativity /Artistic ability- I like old school, but I like trying something exotic if you have a masterpiece to share. You know...special occasions and all that! I'm a girl. I like pretty things.

Price- Actually I don't mind paying for quality goods, but rewards to your frequent flyers are good business practice.

Now...I like to be fair minded. The Pua Mana 'Ohana strain is coming along, despite some setbacks with germination and a couple of nanners. It's been an interesting plant to grow. I will grow the remaining seeds out, when I have the extra room to see how they turn out. I would have given them another shot and bought from them again, had they not come on strong like an over-eager adolescent boy on a first date. Yuck! No points there. I also wanted to pick up some Kona Gold...not in stock...every time I looked.

I know they have been slammed around a bit in print, and I am partial to an underdog. I don't want to turn anyone off from trying a breeder. I just hope they learn from an old QA specialist, you need to be smarter than the average bear in this competitive market. Speak fresh from your heart. Don't regurgitate a marketing campaign that worked 10 years ago.

All done! Soap box away. Hard to believe in just a few short weeks I'll have a smoke report on these two. :slide: Happy Saturday all!
Yeah, that's why I am so happy to have purchased stuff online from breeders and strains that have been around for many years and well documented. I also like to give new companies a shot but in this arena, too much time is invested to just take a shot. And with this kind of boom market, separating the sincere newbies from the fly-by-night hucksters is not easy. That's why I am so grateful to those who take a chance and document their findings in real time.

Running Kona Gold and DP would be awesome! Love me some Durban Poison. When I was perusing the Gold Crown offerings, they actually have a cross of those two in their inventory! It definitely caught my eye - a psychedelic, full energy high. Hmm...
I agree a lot with what you're saying it's also why I found strains, base strains, that I really liked and then started creating my own seeds

I mean are my strains I've created stable, perfect now, no far from it, but they're fantastic and they can just get better if I choose to make them more stable

It will be interesting how the industry expands wants legalization does take place at a federal level

I think a lot of us here that create strains do it for the fun and enjoyment of it, that said seed banks and actual breeders do need to make sure the stability of a strain is there unless they note that it's new, unstable, so good luck and have fun LOL
Checked out the girls tonight. I found only one other nanner on the Pua. Like the last, looked to be no pollen. We will see if I turn up any seeds at harvest. I think not.

The Nirvana has an interesting scent which I really like. She smells a bit like licorice!

I got some pics tonight. The Pua's buds are full and pretty hefty. I think because she is more colas than leaves. The Nirvana buds will have more petite buds, but she is starting to stack.

27 days into 12/12 and 83 days total for the Nirvana and 78 total for the Pua. We have some nice sticky buds and some lovely frosting! Plenty of time yet for another Cat drench I think. I'll drag these girls out for a bit. My job searching has stretched my supply out since I still want to not test positive and answer awkward questions.

In the HB zone.....looking good.
In the HB zone.....looking good.
Thanks for popping in Doc!:thanks: What's a gal to do when those millions of little helpers of yours create such nice healthy plants? :battingeyelashes: I'll have to get another hobby! :rollit:
Thanks lady G - I agree! I mostly am perturbed by the lack of actual information from Pua Mana Ohana crew. Too much promo speak and no actual info it feels like and that bothers me.
The story goes that they are all from small medical grows. Some indoor some outdoor.
I really think that information should be provided at their website when you’re shopping then. Where did you find that out TB?

They are still battling with a nefarious group of haters that are trying to destroy their business. Their Instagram has been blocked, their pay pal revoked, square readers suspended it's crazy. The seed hustle ain't no joke. Lots of cutthroat fools looking to make a buck on the flavor of the month at someone else's expense.
Interesting - because their own posting behaviour is fairly questionable at times and I find it hard not to feel like (suspect) that they are actually doing exactly what you say at the end there. I’m not making that accusation exactly, I don’t really know, but they are yet to post anything anywhere that stops me finding it dubious. And I’m a bit nervous to schedule it into my summer grow now because I don’t have much opportunity to go through sprouting seeds trying to find one that grows ok.

I think transparency was something Gaea mentioned... and consistency. @$100 per seed pack I actually expect something a little bit stable to come out... is that unreasonable? Not having a go at you Turbo, really, not at all! Im just taking what you say there as a springboard. :)

I want my seed pack to be full of high quality authentic genetics like they told it was when I bought it... it strikes me as dubious that after some time everybody’s ‘jury’ is still out on that question.

I would feel a lot better about that pack of seeds if the marketing hype was a bit more ‘real’ I guess.
Like I've stated I'm waiting for the taste test, I smoked Hawaiian Sativa back in the late 70's and the taste is very distinctive. What I've seen of the Maui Wowie it looks like a hybrid, it doesn't have the long skinny leaves that most tropical Sativas have. Maybe like a Durban poison in a way.
:thumb: are you going to swing down to Gaea’s for a sesh and let us all know tho!!? :D
:passitleft: hmmmm dakine!

I’m hoping Lady Gaea’s taste sense memory is going g to tell her something too!
I’ll very likely pull out the best (and most ‘girly’) looking seeds to drop and give it a go... Just was sharing my perspective that it’s hard to have confidence in the operation.
Does the nirvana one look hybrid like to you too PW? I thought you’d mentioned once that Maui wowie was a hybrid ... or maybe I’m misremembering that.
I did my piece, that's all I had to say seems quick to judge. Idc who's beans people buy. My goal is to not need seeds eventually. I also didn't pay $100 for the pack I used one of those coupon codes they always throw around on Instagram it was like $6.70/ea plus shipping that's also where I found the stuff about being small medical grows. $100/10 regs is a far cry from ripping people off when folks are willing to pay three (3) times that much for less fem seeds.
Every grower has different needs, I want a strain, not a single seed. Am I sold on these guys? Nope but I'm giving them time to prove themselves. I haven't been hounded by them as you attest to either though.
Maybe he's got a crush on you.
Ok cool - I’ve liked for them on insta so now I know why I can’t find them. Seems cannabis stuff on insta is a pretty crazy landscape with lots of conflict a lot of the time. So I don’t follow much there.
I didn’t mean to offend you! I actually have found your info about them the most helpful I’ve come accross, aside from these actual grows you and the good Lady are running, so thanks. I was just commenting that they aren’t sharing that info themselves very much.

I don’t think any judgments here are based on only one plant... I think lady G went through a few that didn’t make it, or were male, to find this one that’s growing out now.
I want a strain, not a single seed.
This is exactly true for me too.

Personally my biggest hope is that the smoke turns out to be legit for the folks that remember it and that I find some healthy and robust specimens in my pack to hopefully make my own seeds as well.

Yippee! Waiting for that taste test. :slide:I have pretty keen taste buds. It's probably why I love my wine and food pairings so much. It was very distinctive in taste and the high.

I can see where they (Pua) would want to protect their turf, and not everyone that runs a business can remain objective when the competition tries to tear you down, but I hate to say it, that's life! Business is business. You got to ramp it up and fight back by proving you're above it...and better!

You see collaborations now with breeders. Check out CBD Crew's website. I ran a few of their high CBD strains. They are heavily vested in research. They are folks I can really admire in the industry. I'd like to see that with folks who are trying to preserve the landrace strains. Togetherness people...not apart! Here too! I want a place where people can come, can agree to disagree, then shake hands and smoke a bowl! :bong:

For those that have the Pua seeds and want to try them, maybe scuff em or soak them. The ones I lost were cause the helmet wouldn't come off.

Cheers all! I love you guys! :love:
It doesn't look like Thai or Colombian, it has shorter and wider leaves maybe like a Skunk #1. The high is definetly Sativa though.
Definitely a sativa high. I never saw the plant, sadly. If you have ever tasted a papaya seed, it had that tropical peppery taste like those.
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