Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Haha, yup! Yeah doc just let's em go but I think he has a pretty nice sized grow space. A lot of us that train have limited space. I'm pretty interested in the Quadline method I just learned about in New brixxer @Mr. Magoo journal. Pretty impressive. Flux is pretty cool too. I did scrog on my first grow, non brix, but will probably never do that again.

Thanks Ween! I'll check @Mr. Magoo
as well. I have fallen so behind on everyones journal. Not enough hours in the day. If I don't get any of the latest jobs I have interviewed for, I'm going to take a health break and focus on enjoying my plants.
So the Cat drench did it's "Magic"! The buds swelled in a matter of a day! It's my belief that Mother Earth provides us with the food and medicine that we need!

I gifted some of my Super Lemon Haze to a co-worker who has a sister that was in hospital for 3 months in an induced coma. It was a really bad car wreck. She was med-flighted to Boston. The Docs in Boston saved her leg, but chronic pain beyond my comprehension is her life now. This was a few years ago. After getting off morphine she chose MJ over pain meds. Her Docs still offer still to amputate her leg to give her peace from pain. The SLH knocked her out and gave her restorative sleep and pain relief. That stuff wires me, her?...knocks her right out. How funny!
Hey m’Lady, awesome news about the SLHaze. That’s actually really great to hear about the difference you mention. It’s something that fascinates me about cannabis. SweetSue and I have talked about this once or twice too... the phenomena that when there are certain kinds of systemic damage or dysfunction/disregulation to treat, the herb can have really varying effects. For example (oops! “Hermione” moment ;) ), and I don’t know if this happens for you or not, if I have a lighter pain day (because I’ve been resting like, all the time), then my usual dose of the high THC oil can feel fairly sedative, but when there is significant pain to treat, it doesn’t sedate me at all - actually it enables activity and I’m quite alert. So I have this notion that there’s an aspect of it where the cannabinoid system is able to direct the cannbinoids where they’re most needed... I would love to learn more about it and see if that phenomena is understood or described anywhere.
SO it’s also because strains can be differnt for differnt people, but I am sure ones physical condition can also influence how our body receives the cannabis. :yummy:
Hey m’Lady, awesome news about the SLHaze. That’s actually really great to hear about the difference you mention. It’s something that fascinates me about cannabis. SweetSue and I have talked about this once or twice too... the phenomena that when there are certain kinds of systemic damage or dysfunction/disregulation to treat, the herb can have really varying effects. For example (oops! “Hermione” moment ;) ), and I don’t know if this happens for you or not, if I have a lighter pain day (because I’ve been resting like, all the time), then my usual dose of the high THC oil can feel fairly sedative, but when there is significant pain to treat, it doesn’t sedate me at all - actually it enables activity and I’m quite alert. So I have this notion that there’s an aspect of it where the cannabinoid system is able to direct the cannbinoids where they’re most needed... I would love to learn more about it and see if that phenomena is understood or described anywhere.
SO it’s also because strains can be differnt for differnt people, but I am sure ones physical condition can also influence how our body receives the cannabis. :yummy:
It is very interesting. As the cannabinoids are studied more, the findings will be fascinating!
Hey m’Lady, awesome news about the SLHaze. That’s actually really great to hear about the difference you mention. It’s something that fascinates me about cannabis. SweetSue and I have talked about this once or twice too... the phenomena that when there are certain kinds of systemic damage or dysfunction/disregulation to treat, the herb can have really varying effects. For example (oops! “Hermione” moment ;) ), and I don’t know if this happens for you or not, if I have a lighter pain day (because I’ve been resting like, all the time), then my usual dose of the high THC oil can feel fairly sedative, but when there is significant pain to treat, it doesn’t sedate me at all - actually it enables activity and I’m quite alert. So I have this notion that there’s an aspect of it where the cannabinoid system is able to direct the cannbinoids where they’re most needed... I would love to learn more about it and see if that phenomena is understood or described anywhere.
SO it’s also because strains can be differnt for differnt people, but I am sure ones physical condition can also influence how our body receives the cannabis. :yummy:
I was talking about this with Ms Stank the other day. We were in the process of tearing down the outdoor garden and moving all our stuff out of the basement and my back was just freaking toast. I fired up a bowl of Tangie Ghost Train (very energetic sativa) thinking I should be able to coax another hour or two worth of work out of me and NOTHING. No energy at all.....back felt better but I wasn't getting up to work. The conversation I had was kind of one way with Ms Stank as she doesn't use much and is either a "I'm high" or "I don't feel much" kind of girl, but it kinda was about this topic. In my mind, the ECS has a complex system of measuring and determining what you need from the plant and what's more important. What I mean by that is I can smoke the same strain at the same time of day and get greatly differing experiences in highs based on what was going on with my pain situation or energy situation. On days where the pain is less....I feel much higher and have more enjoyable medication periods. On the days where the pain is way up there, my body insists I sit and rest despite what I try to smoke to accomplish what needs doing and I generally don't feel real high....just more pain free and relaxed. I think the ECS knows that I am pushing my back beyond what I should (which I do cause I can always just light up another bowl if necessary and slap on more topical) and refuses to help me hurt it more. It made a strain's effects completely different. Sativa?? Nope.....we are gonna alter the effects and put your ass on the couch so you will rest.

I find that amazing. Its happened a couple times but I am finally getting better at listening to what my body is telling me and I swear that cannabis strengthens and tightens the bond between body and mind. I didn't know if it was only me that kind of had this type of experience....but seems its not that uncommon.. I think you have to have a pretty good functioning tolerance in order to really start picking up on all the subtle differences, but the more I use, the more ways I find to use different strains. But still find it amazing that despite what we think we know about certain strains, the ECS can and will alter the effects as needed (I firmly believe it now).
It really is. LOL, I don't think Ms Stank was quite as fascinated as I was but she is an amazing sport when I try to get my thoughts out of my head and into words. My brain tends to go way too fast and turn 10 different ways as I am talking to her its hard to stay on topic. I have to ask her to remember the basic starting points for WHEN I forget what I was saying. I think sometimes people mistake cannabis users as being dumb or stupid when we forget what we were saying but as I experience it more, its not about forgetting....its about staying on point cause the brain is actually firing far more quickly and vividly than without the use. I swear some of the internal conversations I have when medicated about different thoughts or ideas are fascinating.

I wish she experienced the differences the way that I do so we could discuss it, but I don't think cannabis will work the same for her as it does for me. She doesn't have the chronic pains to treat so she only uses occasionally and I don't think its often enough to become intimate in understanding the nuances in effects and strains.

I do believe that there is a certain degree of understanding or familiarity that I have now that I lacked even after being a regular user for 6+months with the back issue. I can't help but to think the bond/understanding (for lack of better term) between the user and symptoms being treated will become better over time. Where will my understanding of cannabis and using to treat it for different things be in 2+ years after getting to know another 25-50 strains intimately? Pretty cool shit for sure!
I love the discussions that go on here!:circle-of-love:

I agree Van! This plant is amazing! It does seem to target those areas in our body that are out of balance. For me it is sleep when I need it, pain relief, or calming my Crohn's. I don't even need a lot to achieve relief. I can't wait until we start seeing results from ongoing and future medical studies now that it is being used by more and more patients like us. Patient heal thy self! The more strains I grow, I add to my knowledge base as to which ones I want in my pantry.
Hiya Lady G, Guys,

I agree, I love this discussion. I have to wholeheartedly agree with the thoughts going so fast when trying to explain that you get distracted by something you wanted to think about, then it's gone again. Getting so now I can get a long winded explanation out even with the thought distractions. Lotsa practice, lol.
Well...I am sad to report that I pinched a nanner off my Pua Mana 'Ohana tonight. It was unmistakeable. I did not see any others, but she's going to get a thorough once-over tomorrow. I'm not going to pull her out. I will pinch any more nanners that I see and continue. I'm close enough to harvest to let them go. Seemed to be an empty sac with no pollen. I doubt I will run the Pua again, unless she turns out to be some super duper bud experience. The trouble began with her tough germination, odd lanky growth, 3 fingered fans, and now nanners. Too much of a risk for me. I have not been crazy with the seedbank either. Strong sales pitches irritate and their product line is out of stock for most of their produce. Sorry folks! just not feeling it. I may garner some loss of admiration for my written opinion, but my intent was for an unbiased opinion. I really wanted to knock it out of the park. :(
Knowing it's your unbiased opinion actually enhances my admiration of what you have to say. I do not consider you a negative person, so it carries weight when you say it's been a disappointment. Following your journey on these Maui strains has been informative and appreciated and it seems the Nirvana has been the better growing experience from the start, but what you see everyday is the real scoop. Hopefully you make it to the finish line with no damage from this or any future sacs, but what a pain in the ass to manage. That's why any strain that gives a hermie will make my blacklist very quickly. Plenty of very stable options out there.
Knowing it's your unbiased opinion actually enhances my admiration of what you have to say. I do not consider you a negative person, so it carries weight when you say it's been a disappointment. Following your journey on these Maui strains has been informative and appreciated and it seems the Nirvana has been the better growing experience from the start, but what you see everyday is the real scoop. Hopefully you make it to the finish line with no damage from this or any future sacs, but what a pain in the ass to manage. That's why any strain that gives a hermie will make my blacklist very quickly. Plenty of very stable options out there.
Thanks HoBrah! The fat lady has not sung yet. I still have the yield and smoke report to do. She still might surprise and delight. Her buds are stacking. The Nirvana really enjoyed her Cat drench, and she's approaching fast in the rear view. They both look healthy. I'll post more pics when I pull them out for nanner patrol! :rofl:
Thanks for the candour Lady G - it is disappointing to hear. Luckily I hear a lot around the place that nanners are often sterile so hopefully that will be the case here. Did she ever grow out of the 3 bladed fans?
She did not grow out of the 3 fingered fans. I think that might be genetic. She looks healthy. Otherwise. I can tolerate anything really but nanners. When we move and I have space, I'll grow out the remaining seeds and see if they grow out the same way. I love experiments.
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