Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Acceptance of the diversity at the table, and diversity in our lives is key to a well rounded existence! :Namaste:

And BACON!!!!


Sorry couldn't resist

I forgot to mention since my wife and kids are lactose intolerant, we use the wally world brand of lactose free milk. Its actually very yummy to drink. I'm not lactose intolerant and i enjoy it. Could use it as a dairy creamer replacement.
I'll eat spaghetti squash for pasta.
I've got one of those gizmos (not electric) that I push a green or yellow squash into and I turn them clockwise and they come out thin spirals. I very quickly brown them in light olive oil and use that in place of spagetti. With some sauce it's very tasty.
Bacon was my last bastion when I went vego... for the first few years I’d have bacon a couple of times a year (so technically wasn’t a veggie) because I missed it so much :D. Then there was a time when the bacon (at a cafe) wasn’t ‘ok’ - I got really sick and that did the trick!

Nice words about diversity around the table m’Lady. Always makes me a little sad if folks get ridiculed for how they choose to eat - whatever direction that happens in.
Circle of love around the canna infused feast
I've got one of those gizmos (not electric) that I push a green or yellow squash into and I turn them clockwise and they come out thin spirals. I very quickly brown them in light olive oil and use that in place of spagetti. With some sauce it's very tasty.
I have one of those and I love it! Veggie noodles are fun to cook with. :thumb:
Right! Why I’m self employed... not like I’d smoke before work or on the job... never sink alcohol so never hung over. Makes no sense to me why we can’t just be responsible smokers and have great jobs too.

I’ve always been of the mind they needed a way to test accurately to tell when you smoked last. That way they can tell if you were high on the job when a situation occurred. But I’ve beem thinking that for a decade I’d not more. Finally they are trying to make a breathalyzer for that but it will not tell you the last time you smoked, only if you’re currently high. So still need the other option as well.
I told my gm and ops manager I use for medicinal reasons is it an issue

They said no but what they don’t see they don’t know more or less lol
As far as all this is concerned ..i tell people i treat cannabis and our youth , the same as 18 , no drink , no 18 , no smoke. Driving is a big question too. Lots of us have been driving high for a very , very long time , some 40 plus yrs. with Zero issues or obvious imparement....i can smoke all day and drive perfectly.....but when i drink ...i set's TOTALLY different than cannabis!!!! Not sure how they will decide on legal limits...all i know is...i'm NOT changing how i live or drive surrounding it. Part of me actually wishes things would go back to the old ways...Today it's all about much money....pftt!
Medicinal or not, this world is still not cannabis friendly. My current job, I can continue without worry, but I need a healthy change in careers.

Alcohol is way more destructive, as are prescription meds. I am astounded by the lack of knowledge out there on the benefits of cannabis. are going to have folks that do stupid shit while smoking cannabis. It's the "natural selection process" at work. Look at how many people are addicted to alcohol, barbiturates, and pain killers, where cannabis could and should have been the first line of defense. I blame the Dr's that want to give a pill for everything! They over-prescribe antibiotics and pain meds. Our bodies have become medically resistant time bombs!

We have genetically altered our food crops to create larger yields and to promote disease resistance. We poisoned our food supply in making a fatter chicken with a larger white to dark meat ratio. NATURE now has to create stronger bugs to keep everything in check. You can't beat Mother Nature! Yeah...maybe for a while...but Mother Nature is one bad MOFO! Bringer of gentle winds and sustaining rains, but also appears as a cleanser to wipe the slate clean.

Sorry! I'm pissy again because my body is a product of stupidity and apathy of those who are supposed to be smarter than me! Goddamn soap box won't stay in the closet! :oops: One is always impotent when preaching to the choir! Think I need to write a letter to someone who wants to get shortage of them :rofl:
Alcohol is way more destructive, as are prescription meds. I blame the Dr's that want to give a pill for everything! They over-prescribe antibiotics and pain meds.

We have genetically altered our food crops to create larger yields and to promote disease resistance. We poisoned our food supply in making a fatter chicken with a larger white to dark meat ratio.

Sorry! I'm pissy again because my body is a product of stupidity and apathy of those who are supposed to be smarter than me!

I would like this twice if they let me!

Too bad our country values $$ over well being and the profit machine seems to treat our huddled masses like sheep to be shorn. But that requires my soapbox, which I inverted and turned into a planter box...
I would like this twice if they let me!

Too bad our country values $$ over well being and the profit machine seems to treat our huddled masses like sheep to be shorn. But that requires my soapbox, which I inverted and turned into a planter box...
Haha! Greatest use for a soap box award goes to...HoBrah!:p Love it!
Ok....I promised! Here it is. This is my veggie chili. It's good enough for my cookbook. Sorry for the crappy pic. Once we are in the new place I'll have my photographer come for a day of cooking. He's also my proof reader! The man is multi-talented. He just so happens to like to eat!

I have a really f'ugly looking kitchen right now. I need to get this book moving.

If I had some applewood smoked dulse, it would have been a nice add-in too.

Lady Gaea’s 4 Bean Veggie Chili

1 can Eden Organic kidney beans

1 can Eden Organic pinto beans

1 can Eden Organic black beans

1 can Eden Organic garbanzo beans

1 - 1/2 cup onions, diced

1-1/2 cup carrots, diced

1 large poblano pepper, seeded and diced

*1 eggplant, roasted (see below)

4 cloves of garlic, pressed or minced

1/2 habanero pepper, finely diced

1 serano pepper, seeded and finely diced

2 -3 tablespoons olive oil

1 -32 ounce can of peeled whole Marzano plum tomatoes, crushed by hand with juice

4 cups lower sodium vegetable broth- Imagine Foods is what I use

I tablespoon of real maple syrup or honey

1tablespoon of ground cumin

1teaspoon dried Greek oregano

1 teaspoon of sweet paprika

1 tablespoon sundried pasilla chile, seeded and finely diced

1 tablespoon sundried guajillo pepper, seeded and finely diced

1 teaspoon of ancho chile powder

1 teaspoonof chipotle chile powder

1teaspoon new Mexican chile powder

1 teaspoon salt – I use coarse ground pink Himalayan . You can always add more salt later….you can’t take it away once you have added too much!

1 - 3 inch piece of dried Kombu seaweed

1 tablespoon of grated bittersweet or dark chocolate, Yes. Chocolate. REALLY.

Sauté the onions, poblano pepper, carrots, and fresh chilis until the onions are soft. Add garlic and cook 1 minute more stirring. Add the dried spices, salt, and chili powders. Stir well. Add the tomatoes, the eggplant, and veggie broth. Stir until it slowly comes to a bubble. Throw in the beans and the dried Kombu (remove Kombu after cooking) Cook on low…just simmering for about an 30 – 45 minutes. Take off the heat and add the chocolate

* Peel eggplants and slice into ½ inch rounds. Salt both sides generously. Let sit for 45 minutes. Rinse in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Brush both sides with olive oil and bake on a foil lined cookie sheet for about 20 minutes @ 375 degrees. Cool. Dice into chunks. This method takes the bitterness from the eggplant and it holds together better.
For those of you meat can use chicken broth, and replace the carrots and eggplant with 2-1/2 pounds of diced broiled steak tips!;) For meat chili I either use all kidney or all black beans.
Ok....I promised! Here it is. This is my veggie chili. It's good enough for my cookbook. Sorry for the crappy pic. Once we are in the new place I'll have my photographer come for a day of cooking. He's also my proof reader! The man is multi-talented. He just so happens to like to eat!
I have a really f'ugly looking kitchen right now. I need to get this book moving.

If I had some applewood smoked dulse, it would have been a nice add-in too.

Lady Gaea’s 4 Bean Veggie Chili

1 can Eden’s Organic kidney beans

1 can Eden’s Organic pinto beans

1 can Eden’s Organic black beans

1 can Eden’s Organic garbanzo beans

1 - 1/2 cup onions, diced

1-1/2 cup carrots, diced

1 large poblano pepper, seeded and diced

*1 eggplant, roasted (see below)

4 cloves of garlic, pressed or minced

1/2 habanero pepper, finely diced

1 serano pepper, seeded and finely diced

2 -3 tablespoons olive oil

1 -32 ounce can of peeled whole Marazano plum tomatoes, crushed by hand with juice

4 cups lower sodium vegetable broth- Imagine Foods is what I use

I tablespoon of real maple syrup or honey

1tablespoon of ground cumin

1teaspoon dried Greek oregano

1 teaspoon of sweet paprika

1 tablespoon sundried pasilla chile, seeded and finely diced

1 tablespoon sundried guajillo pepper, seeded and finely diced

1 teaspoon of ancho chile powder

1 teaspoonof chipotle chile powder

1teaspoon new Mexican chile powder

1 teaspoon salt – I use coarse ground pink Hymalain. You can always add more salt later….you can’t take it away once you have added too much!

1 - 3 inch piece of dried Kombu seaweed

1 tablespoon of grated bittersweet or dark chocolate, Yes. Chocolate. REALLY.

Sauté the onions, poblano pepper, carrots, and fresh chilis until the onions are soft. Add garlic and cook 1 minute more stirring. Add the dried spices, salt, and chili powders. Stir well. Add the tomatoes, the eggplant, and veggie broth. Stir until it slowly comes to a bubble. Throw in the beans and the dried Kombu (remove Kombu after cooking) Cook on low…just simmering for about an 30 – 45 minutes. Take off the heat and add the chocolate

* Peel eggplants and slice into ½ inch rounds. Salt both sides generously. Let sit for 45 minutes. Rinse in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Brush both sides with olive oil and bake on a foil lined cookie sheet for about 20 minutes @ 375 degrees. Cool. Dice into chunks. This method takes the bitterness from the eggplant and it holds together better.
Looks and sounds delicious LG!! I’ll need to give this a try soon, thank you for sharing!!
Looks and sounds delicious LG!! I’ll need to give this a try soon, thank you for sharing!!
You are very welcome. Let me know how you like it! It's a lot of ingredients, but the flavors rock.
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