Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Good luck with finding the right job! Isn't pot legal where you're at and wouldn't it be discrimination to not hire someone that tested positive for THC or is that up to the employer?

Did I read this right, you already flipped but have not up potted?
Hiya Ween. I am flipping starting next light cycle. I am up potting them up today in their 10 gals just before lights go on. They are ready! :slide:

Pot is legal, but employers can still make it a requirement to test for it. Landlords, too.... for growing it. It is still illegal on a federal level. We are not free from discrimination and exclusion yet. It's a battle I am refusing to fight right now, as I need a decent job.

Currently I work in manufacturing and am around dangerous could be argued that if I have an accident on the shop floor, was I impaired at the way to tell when or how long cannabis was introduced in my body. Huge workman's comp battle ensues...or if I get a job with local government....awkward. Legal in the state...not at a federal level. Lots of contradictions there.

These are battles worth fighting indeed, but I'd rather keep a low profile and keep voting my mind and as opportunities arise, support the cause by writing letters to the right officials and share my medical successes with my doctors. I think our medical practitioners are going to join the fight as more and more patients turn to cannabis when they are fed up with noxious medicines that solve one problem and create three more! ....damn...I pulled out the soap box again!:rofl:
So funny that this discussion is happening now. I was in one of my patients rooms yesterday and they had The Drs on TV and this is what they were discussing. People are loosing their jobs if the employer has a pre existing drug policy banning use of cannabis but people are winning the fight when employers try to fire them without a drug policy in place. And all the Drs on the show were siding with responsible use of cannabis as a positive thing and stating some of the same things mentioned here about needing to advance our testing abilities. But you will always have employers who don’t allow the use of cannabis. It will most likely be the ones who have employees across areas where it remains illegal as well. The NFL was one they mentioned a few times. Poor Broncos. Lol. Sitting in the middle of all that green goodness and can’t enjoy. But they can’t even have energy drinks because it is considered a performance enhancing substance.
I worked for a company that will not hire or will fire you for using nicotine. That is within their right...believe it or not. It depends on the state. MA they can exclude...RI they can't exclude. It is their way of controlling cost of healthcare. They had a mandatory health coach if you were over weight...well not mandatory. They just bumped up the cost of your health insurance contribution if you did not use the coach! as Duggs would say *pfft! Health coach!
I worked for a company that will not hire or will fire you for using nicotine. That is within their right...believe it or not. It depends on the state. MA they can exclude...RI they can't exclude. It is their way of controlling cost of healthcare. They had a mandatory health coach if you were over weight...well not mandatory. They just bumped up the cost of your health insurance contribution if you did not use the coach! as Duggs would say *pfft! Health coach!
Where I worked before they really pushed wellness. We got discounts on out insurance for checking into the gym or going to wellness groups discussing different things such as essential oils and things of that nature. They also provided yoga and tai chi occasionally.
Makes sense Lady about keeping a low profile and needing a job. So your girls are flowering pre flip!? That's a lot of pre flowers!

:high-five:'s the 14/11 cycle I think. Not sure I'll do it again, but I like to experiment. It's the nature of a chef I think. I like to learn all I can from their behavior by using different methods. The more I do this, the more I learn, and the more intuitive I'll be as a grower. I keep enough on hand so if my yield stinks, I can buy it from the dispensary. I prefer my own though!
So in prepping for my switch to a vegetarian diet for a few weeks I will be making veggie chili and split pea soup for the freezer.

I am going to use my veggie chili base recipe, but I want to tweak it some with the addition of oven roasted eggplant. It's got tons of ingredients in it, but I don't care. It freezes well, so it's worth the bother of the added chopping!

Both recipes have bold enough flavors to handle putting in a dropper of you favorite cannabis oil in it to get a great healthy medicinal boost! Candy and desserts aren't the way I want to dose. I don't want the added sugar.

I picked up some Mexican Chipotle veggie sausage to try. @Chris Scorpio ...this ain't your average grillin' sausage...:rofl:
This Lady is turnin' vegetarian for a bit! Don't you worry...I'll likely turn back to the dark side. Just want to see if I can drop some weight. I might just like it though! Can't do vegan. I like my yogurt too much.

Picked up some sheep yogurt today too! "Baaaaaahhhh bahhh":rofl: I tried to source sheep's milk to make my own and couldn't find it. Easier on the gut. There is a great Greek place near here that makes awesome sheep and goat milk Greek style yogurt! Awesome!
Hey m’lady :D

Waking the kids up early for the big move eh? Exciting :slide:

I was gonna ask about all those pistils the other day. So let me ask this... do they have alternating nodes yet as well?

You know, I finally put on weight when I went vegetarian :rofl: But everyone’s metabolism is different and that was years ago. Hell, my metabolism is different now.

But I have an awesome tip for you re food, if you’re not already familiar with it... Anna Jones’ A Modern Way To Eat is an amazing book. Some of the things, I’ve thought ‘how could put those things together?’ :eek: but I’ve been stunned and amazed by deliciousness dozens of times by what’s come out of our kitchen since that book arrived.
So in prepping for my switch to a vegetarian diet for a few weeks I will be making veggie chili and split pea soup for the freezer.

I am going to use my veggie chili base recipe, but I want to tweak it some with the addition of oven roasted eggplant. It's got tons of ingredients in it, but I don't care. It freezes well, so it's worth the bother of the added chopping!

Both recipes have bold enough flavors to handle putting in a dropper of you favorite cannabis oil in it to get a great healthy medicinal boost! Candy and desserts aren't the way I want to dose. I don't want the added sugar.

I picked up some Mexican Chipotle veggie sausage to try. @Chris Scorpio ...this ain't your average grillin' sausage...:rofl:
This Lady is turnin' vegetarian for a bit! Don't you worry...I'll likely turn back to the dark side. Just want to see if I can drop some weight. I might just like it though! Can't do vegan. I like my yogurt too much.

Picked up some sheep yogurt today too! "Baaaaaahhhh bahhh":rofl: I tried to source sheep's milk to make my own and couldn't find it. Easier on the gut. There is a great Greek place near here that makes awesome sheep and goat milk Greek style yogurt! Awesome!
Very excited for the recipes! Good luck and enjoy LG!
Oooh yes! The recipes! This will be exciting and beneficial for all.

I’ve been employing your technique with the dropper of medicine into my meals LG - it’s tops, so thanks for that idea :) I actually photographed one the other day... a beautiful French buttery lentils dish (I didn’t make it, I’m not the chef - I’m the beneficiary!) for lunch with sides of fried haloumi and avocado. Went really well with a dropper full of my Afghani x Critical Mass infused oil... and garnished with the fresh trim from Blue Dream. See what you’ve inspired over here?


Oooh yes! The recipes! This will be exciting and beneficial for all.

I’ve been employing your technique with the dropper of medicine into my meals LG - it’s tops, so thanks for that idea :) I actually photographed one the other day... a beautiful French buttery lentils dish (I didn’t make it, I’m not the chef - I’m the beneficiary!) for lunch with sides of fried haloumi and avocado. Went really well with a dropper full of my Afghani x Critical Mass infused oil... and garnished with the fresh trim from Blue Dream. See what you’ve inspired over here?


That looks very delicious! Bet it was too!
Hey m’lady :D

Waking the kids up early for the big move eh? Exciting :slide:

I was gonna ask about all those pistils the other day. So let me ask this... do they have alternating nodes yet as well?

You know, I finally put on weight when I went vegetarian :rofl: But everyone’s metabolism is different and that was years ago. Hell, my metabolism is different now.

But I have an awesome tip for you re food, if you’re not already familiar with it... Anna Jones’ A Modern Way To Eat is an amazing book. Some of the things, I’ve thought ‘how could put those things together?’ :eek: but I’ve been stunned and amazed by deliciousness dozens of times by what’s come out of our kitchen since that book arrived.
Thanks! I'll check that book out.

I'll look tonight. I did not check on the nodes.

I am skipping bread and pasta as well. Any refined flours are ditched. I'll eat spaghetti squash for pasta. Probably the only grains I will eat will be quinoa and oats. Possibly teff. That's what will help ditch the weight.
Oooh yes! The recipes! This will be exciting and beneficial for all.

I’ve been employing your technique with the dropper of medicine into my meals LG - it’s tops, so thanks for that idea :) I actually photographed one the other day... a beautiful French buttery lentils dish (I didn’t make it, I’m not the chef - I’m the beneficiary!) for lunch with sides of fried haloumi and avocado. Went really well with a dropper full of my Afghani x Critical Mass infused oil... and garnished with the fresh trim from Blue Dream. See what you’ve inspired over here?


Wow! That looks totally yum! I love lentils! Good source of protein.
Here we gooooooooooooo! Upcan and flip! Yes...we have alternating nodes and lots of baby flowers starting. They got a good drink of water mixed with a little TP. The just had a GE drench a couple of days ago with their Brix foliar.

The roots could have been more developed, but since they were in flower and getting big, I hit the switch. Doubt I will do the 14/10 again for veg.

Wow the Pua is right into flower already hey!? And looking promisingly like lots of little buds :slide: So excited for this next phase!


Oh and in the photo captions... ‘14/11 in veg’... ?:hmmmm::battingeyelashes:

Oh and also... nice hairy roots! :D
Haha! I math has been a little scary lately! I don't even care about the yield. I am just interested in sight, taste, touch, smell, and feel!
The girls are tucked in for the night. I raised the light over the Pua and the temp an RH are perfect! 79F and RH is at 60% these girls are chomping at the bit! I predict a smaller yield with these two, but this was meant to be an experiment of sorts. When we finally get a place I'm going to try a side by side indoor and outdoor grow with a same strain. I think that will be fun!
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