Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Ok I read back - so you were thinking of doing 13/11 for veg, and 11/13 for flower.
Are you saying there that you decided against this and have had them on a regular veg light schedule?

I went with 14/10. When I upcan this week, I am going to flip them to 11/13. They are dry again this morning. They are getting their GE Drench tonight and they are due for their Brix Foliar. They are ready for the flip! They are shooting pistils...pew pew! :rofl: I can't wait to see what they are going o do in their 10 Gals! The Pua has a wide spread and the Nirvana is a compact but full little beastie! I take some pics tonight.
Interview 2 of 3 last night. I think it went well. I sure hope something comes of it. My insomnia is back in a big way without my "evening soother" :battingeyelashes:
Morning and such... I wonder why the decision to go so low on the veg lighting??? Green day my friend...and to all
Hiya MH! It was an experiment to see if the Hawaiian genetics preferred it. That's all. Just me being curious. Next time I grow them, if I grow them, I'll got back to the normal 16/8 veg. Have a stellar day my friend!:green_heart:
Hiya Lady G,

I used to take 1 benadryl at bedtime before I went back to cannabis, and would get 8 hrs full. Some need 2. Always something!
Hiya Lady G,

I used to take 1 benadryl at bedtime before I went back to cannabis, and would get 8 hrs full. Some need 2. Always something!
Good idea! I picked up some Unisom and some lavender and chamomile rub to help me sleep too. Trying those tonight. I'll pick up some Benadryl if that doesn't work.
I used Benadryl in high school to sleep... only problem was I kinda got to where I couldn’t sleep without it. Started talking it when I was sick and couldn’t sleep well... then before I knew it I needed to take it every night to sleep. Eventually broke the habit... with quite a few sleepless nights. Definitely works... but can be addictive.

Hope you sleep well!
Thats how I feel without my cannabis if I try to go to sleep....just doesn't happen and even if I do sleep some, its shit sleep and the back if jacked up the next day cause I never got into that deep recuperative sleep.
What I find interesting is I snore less when I use cannabis at night and I wake up rested....hubby sleeps better too! Lol
Good to hear that you hung In there .

Hey have a question my buddy Preston and a ton others are doing s blueberry comparison grow . Got any blueberry strains you can drop within s month ?
Hi KJ! I think I have a blueberry from Seedsman in my collection, but I'm tied up to this grow until the beginning of November and then I have a "super special" grow planned right after;) be announced at a later date...cuz everyone is going to FREAK OUT if it happens!:p:yahoo:. You are going to love it!

I am so limited in space. I wish i could have multiple grows going at once. Ahhhhh...some day! I really want to see some blueberry strains going. Be sure to let me know when you all are ready to drop the seeds!
Pics from tonight! GE drench and a Brix foliar was on the girl's menu tonight.

The Pua Mana Ohana baby is crazy weird. Can't wait to she her explode in the 10 gals. She is staring to stack buds.

The Nirvana Maui is a real looker. Nice full fat-bottom girl!

Hopefully the smell and taste will tell the tale whether it's genuine or not!
Yup. That's going to be the big tell. I can still remember it vividly, so that is a good thing. That memory is a multi-sensory memory. Those are the strongest. I love those! The Pua looks like the buds will form to be smallish. I remember small compact buds. She is more along at 5 days younger than her sister and she is drinking a little quicker too.
Yep! They’re different alright :D

Looking healthy too!

Yup. The do look happy. When I upcan Saturday, I'll snap some shots of the roots.
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