Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Interview 2 of 3 last night. I think it went well. I sure hope something comes of it. My insomnia is back in a big way without my "evening soother" :battingeyelashes:
Sorry insomnia is that trouble or issues sleeping ?

If so look at a hash plant with lots of amber . I know a guy who gave me a test smoke year ago or so and that hash plant was nice and heavy . Knocked me out .

Not sure where it was from sadly ?
Hi KJ! I think I have a blueberry from Seedsman in my collection, but I'm tied up to this grow until the beginning of November and then I have a "super special" grow planned right after;) be announced at a later date...cuz everyone is going to FREAK OUT if it happens!:p:yahoo:. You are going to love it!

I am so limited in space. I wish i could have multiple grows going at once. Ahhhhh...some day! I really want to see some blueberry strains going. Be sure to let me know when you all are ready to drop the seeds!
Hey no worries just thought to ask .

Newty already got a sprout out of dirt . Me looks like at least three weeks before I can drop a seed but getting close and am super pumped . Come on over and see what happens ✊
Hey no worries just thought to ask .

Newty already got a sprout out of dirt . Me looks like at least three weeks before I can drop a seed but getting close and am super pumped . Come on over and see what happens ✊
Thank you so much for asking! I've been dying to try a berry strain too! So many little room! ;)
Sorry insomnia is that trouble or issues sleeping ?

If so look at a hash plant with lots of amber . I know a guy who gave me a test smoke year ago or so and that hash plant was nice and heavy . Knocked me out .

Not sure where it was from sadly ?
I've had insomnia for years. My antidepressant helps but even a little of my high CBD strains make a huge difference. I will check out the hash plants. Thanks!
I put my money on The Pua Mana Ohana
Me too! She looks the part. The tent is starting to smell lovely. My last girls were pungent. These girls smell like cannabis scented rain.....:drool:Might be because I haven't smoked in a while preparing for a possible drug test. :rofl:
Drug tests...pftt!
Right! Why I’m self employed... not like I’d smoke before work or on the job... never sink alcohol so never hung over. Makes no sense to me why we can’t just be responsible smokers and have great jobs too.

I’ve always been of the mind they needed a way to test accurately to tell when you smoked last. That way they can tell if you were high on the job when a situation occurred. But I’ve beem thinking that for a decade I’d not more. Finally they are trying to make a breathalyzer for that but it will not tell you the last time you smoked, only if you’re currently high. So still need the other option as well.
Ya....what about people like us who smoke every day...if i was tested on a Monday morning...or any morning for that would the test read? They got lots of work to do with testing procedures and equipment.
Not sure, they would need to figure out how to determine when the peak amount of thc was in your system, how much would need to be in your blood to hinder your normal thinking, etc... would definitely not be an easy task... so really I have no answers there, just something I think should and can be developed with the right minds behind it.
As far as all this is concerned ..i tell people i treat cannabis and our youth , the same as 18 , no drink , no 18 , no smoke. Driving is a big question too. Lots of us have been driving high for a very , very long time , some 40 plus yrs. with Zero issues or obvious imparement....i can smoke all day and drive perfectly.....but when i drink ...i set's TOTALLY different than cannabis!!!! Not sure how they will decide on legal limits...all i know is...i'm NOT changing how i live or drive surrounding it. Part of me actually wishes things would go back to the old ways...Today it's all about much money....pftt!
It's no different than BAC they can test for that and the laws are still all over the map on legal limits. Things effect everyone differently it's no small task to envision a set of laws that would protect everyone without infringing on the rights of others.
Not sure, they would need to figure out how to determine when the peak amount of thc was in your system, how much would need to be in your blood to hinder your normal thinking, etc... would definitely not be an easy task... so really I have no answers there, just something I think should and can be developed with the right minds behind it.
Not to mention the different types of highs too. Hell i have sativas that don't make you high.....just incredible focus and attention towards whatever you want to do. Completely functional, compared to other strains.
As far as all this is concerned ..i tell people i treat cannabis and our youth , the same as 18 , no drink , no 18 , no smoke. Driving is a big question too. Lots of us have been driving high for a very , very long time , some 40 plus yrs. with Zero issues or obvious imparement....i can smoke all day and drive perfectly.....but when i drink ...i set's TOTALLY different than cannabis!!!! Not sure how they will decide on legal limits...all i know is...i'm NOT changing how i live or drive surrounding it. Part of me actually wishes things would go back to the old ways...Today it's all about much money....pftt!
I don't take any chances with driving if I smoke. I think I could but I won't cause the risk isn't worth it to me. Luckily Ms Stank doesn't mind driving me!
I love the discussions that go on here when I'm doing other things! Makes me feel like someone is always home!

I love the thoughts and feelings on drug testing. I agree that we need better targeted testing. It's not fair that in my off hours if I use cannabis to relax, enjoy, or medicate, then I am excluded from job prospects. I know how to responsibly drink and use cannabis. I have worked with plenty of people that alcohol has disrupted their ability to work and none where cannabis has.

I think eventually they will come up with something to reliably test for impairment, but I think we are a ways off yet. My 2 cents,

I finished the 2nd job interview for job prospect #1...Yup...I implied a 2nd job prospect!:slide: I still got it! Not quite washed up and ready to be put out to pasture! :rofl: I have another interview working close to home! Oh yeah! :yahoo: Another sweet gig if I get it!
Best of luck to you Lady G!
So this weekend I am preparing to try a vegetarian diet. I have been slowly cutting down on the meat this past week. 2 years on steroids my weight has spiraled out of control along with eating healthy. Expect some plant based recipes!
Best of luck to you Lady G!
Thanks Bode! My luck has seemed to change since I found cannabis to heal my body and mind! I don't think that is a mistake in my thinking! I am taking a different road, and the scenery is getting better! It's all about enjoying the life you were blessed with. I am not religious, but I am spiritual.
So funny that this discussion is happening now. I was in one of my patients rooms yesterday and they had The Drs on TV and this is what they were discussing. People are loosing their jobs if the employer has a pre existing drug policy banning use of cannabis but people are winning the fight when employers try to fire them without a drug policy in place. And all the Drs on the show were siding with responsible use of cannabis as a positive thing and stating some of the same things mentioned here about needing to advance our testing abilities. But you will always have employers who don’t allow the use of cannabis. It will most likely be the ones who have employees across areas where it remains illegal as well. The NFL was one they mentioned a few times. Poor Broncos. Lol. Sitting in the middle of all that green goodness and can’t enjoy. But they can’t even have energy drinks because it is considered a performance enhancing substance.
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