Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

According to PuaManaOhana Waui is not a word used in their dialect so I would doubt that to be the original. Perhaps Hohbrah knows for sure on that part.

Anymore we'll never know. Even if they get the genomes thoroughly mapped someone will always argue and someone else will take their side it will never be a unanimous agreement.
Yes I read PuaManaOhana's post over at ThcFarmer, where the Hawaiian's and hippies had a psychedelic party.

According to that post it was a blend of Hawaiian and hippie culture that produced the name.

I seriously doubt wowie is an authentic Hawaiian name either.

The blending of the two makes perfect sense and is what I always thought to begin with.
Probably just spelled it waui so that it looks good with Maui, having only the first letter differ. Maui Waui vs Maui Wowie. Maybe just more visually appealing in their opinion.
LOL! I am so glad I have more knowledgeable folks here than I ! My job is freakin killing me right now. We have been short staffed since I started 5 years ago. I have no time to do anything but "Dog Paddle" through my day.

So...I'm glad my freaky girls are ok. They grew at such a rapid rate, I was blown away. I'm not really sure how this grow is going to turn out. These girls are not what I am used to AT ALL! It's pretty cool! The light schedule is different, the strain is different, but Doc's kit is the same.

I'm just going to go with it as best I can. I still have so much to learn. Just gonna ride it blind. I'm hot mess right now. Please forgive my crazy journal!
I'm here if you need help with anything. Even downsizing photos for you I can do.

Sorry work is up your arse, sounds like they need you more than you need them.

Especially with your health stuff too, you are walking a balance beam for sure.

I am feeling like your journal is kinda like my brain, so I don't see anything out of the ordinary, it's fun.

In fact I see a whole bunch of people trying to help you which is awesome.

Ride the wave BAYBAY :surf: You got this. :hug:
...Waui is not a word used in their dialect...
100% correct!
I seriously doubt wowie is an authentic Hawaiian name either.
100% correct! Ha!

The story I was told was "Wowie" came first and was claimed by the early propagators of the strain. "Waui" came along later and was considered a knock-off of sorts.

My opinion is all Hawaiian strains are knock-offs in one way or another, most coming by way of Mexico or South America at some point in time. It's been said before, but the thing that makes these strains unique is the soil/environment of Hawaii which, by the way, varies greatly from region to region, especially on Big Island. But I also believe those optimal conditions can be recreated indoors, including the soil. That would be a cool challenge!
including the soil. That would be a cool challenge!
Yes - very cool indeed :thumb: and it’s really what Doc Bud has aimed to do with the High Brix Blend kit and has suceeded pretty well, environment is up to us, and can be challenging! We can probably be sure that Doc’s work on developing the kit is ongoing - with more resources to turn towards R&D i expect (and hope). EG, the recent work he’s been putting into developing a ‘purple’ soil. ;) How’s that going Doc? (He’ll be along at some stage)

@Amy Gardner - HAHAHAHAHA HIGHlarious ... nothing like a colonoscopy of coworkers... :rolleyes:

Oh there is a polyp of a manager who is acting suspicious, better remove him before he becomes precancerous in this toxic environment. hahahaha stop it brain! :cool:
You aren't far from the truth! "Poisonous environment" was the exact phrase I used when I told my boss to start looking for my replacement. :rolleyes: I think I also used"pain in my ass" among some other choice phrases! :rofl: They are in panic mode and I'm applying for jobs no cannabis for me. All of the places I applied to drug test:(
I have to say. The thing I like about Doc's kit is that I can follow the schedule and not touch my plants with regard to training, and I still end up with more than enough medicine that is way better than what I can get at the dispensary! These girls are growing up on their own. I water, feed, and check the environmental controls! That's it! :battingeyelashes:
Hey Lady! So glad you've been assimilated! It's great to see growers find the kit and succeed with it! I gave some to a friend, didn't tell him I grew it but asked him how he liked it, 2 thumbs up smooth with a grade of A! Now im shooting for A+! I'd encourage you and anyone else to consider the low and slow method of drying, DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

I did a small batch when that thread was first posted and the gf loved it! Not sure why its taken me this long to get back to it but I just opened a few bags to give them a little air and take a whiff and WOW, it smells amazing! You do need some room in your fridge for a couple weeks but I'm pretty sure this produce will get an A++++! See the top shelf of my fridge with 3 large plants worth.

Hey Lady! So glad you've been assimilated! It's great to see growers find the kit and succeed with it! I gave some to a friend, didn't tell him I grew it but asked him how he liked it, 2 thumbs up smooth with a grade of A! Now im shooting for A+! I'd encourage you and anyone else to consider the low and slow method of drying, DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

I did a small batch when that thread was first posted and the gf loved it! Not sure why its taken me this long to get back to it but I just opened a few bags to give them a little air and take a whiff and WOW, it smells amazing! You do need some room in your fridge for a couple weeks but I'm pretty sure this produce will get an A++++! See the top shelf of my fridge with 3 large plants worth.

Hey Ween... what do you think the chances of mold are with the wet buds in the fridge? I’d love to do mine this way if the chance is minimal. I did do this with the cob I have going... but dried and am curing the same way I always have. I would actually love to get where I can cob a lot of my grow.
Hey Daj! You'll be checking on them every few days and this has been done by so many that I suspect there is a low risk but better go to the thread and pose the question there. Also, if your interested, you could look back a couple pages and sue does a quick easy step by step of how to do it in paper bags. The first time I did it they were in mason jars with breathable silk over the top, not very practical for what I assume will be about 12 zips. Do it Daj! You're gonna love it!
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