KCCO Grows Hydro

Update for the flower room I did a res change last night and switched to flower food as the pre flowers have been visible for a few days. They r being fed at 1.8 EC and ph of 5.8. Res temp is 68 to 71 temps in the room r between 19 and 21C when lights r out and between 23 and 25 whit lights on. RH is still killing me lst 40 to 44 lights out and 34to 38 lights on. I have been working on a scrog it still needs tweaking as me and this new space r still evolving. All things considered it going well. Here is a group shot test subjects in kinda. It getting full in there.
Gave them all a serious defol yesterday. Pulled a bag of growth off and cleaned all the lowers of the plants.
Some pics of the scrog I am working on. I have to get it done they r growing quick.
Here is a pic below of the best plant under the HLG 550
Here is a pic below of the best plant under HPS
That’s it for today play safe enjoy
Looks awesomely good in there. :thumb:

(You are still working on the scrog?!? :eek:
They are going boooom in no time, so hurry :rofl:)
Thanks Ab it is getting real busy in there Lol. Just called into work as a no show because we got a shit pile of snow. At least 20 to 30 cm. Sipping on coffee looking out the window at this shit show makes me think I am going to play with the flood and drain table. I am doing some res tests before I put the babies in. I am having a hard time keeping the veg res warm.
I was like that yesterday, until I had to go and throw the garbage.... Showeling my way out :laugh::rofl:
Ya crazy shit. When I moved into this house it came with 2 stray cats. They have a cat door into my garage. In there they have a heat mat and a heat lamp. Those cats haven’t left my garage in a week lol. I just shoveled my way to my back door and opened it to feed them. They honestly looked at me like WTF man. My wife tried to bring them in the house last year. They weren’t having any of that.
Soo here is where I am starting today after cleaning snow for the last 2 hrs. The clones r going to b transplanted today. They could have stayed in the cloner for a few more days but since I have the day off let’s get this party started.
Here is the cubes having a little prewash.
The res bubbling away and sitting at 66 with no added equipment. I may add a small circulation pump in there just for heat to try to get it to 68.
The only way I can keep the res temp at 66 is to point the 400 w MH discharge air from the air cooled reflector at the res like this or the temp will drop to low.
Now I am off to put it all together fingers crossed. Since I have no idea WTF I am doing over here I will start off with a flood and drain every 8 hrs unless anyone can steer me in the right direction. Lights on 24/7. I will post pics when it is up and running. Play safe
Keeping my fingers toes ears eyes crossed.. Wish I could help..... But I have never grown this way... Idea sounds logical though
Thanks AB. Hopefully should all work out. Length of veg time I am trying is debatable but I do have a back up plan for next time if the cubes r to small. I am looking to keep these in there to replace the ones in flower after harvest. (5 or 6 weeks)
Some pics of the setup in veg. The #s in the res. Back to ppm I try to use EC whenever possible.
Temp in the room seems to stay stable between 20 and 22C with the lights on 24/7.

I have the flood and drain table setup under the 8 bank 6500 k veg panel running at 50% and my moms under the 400w MH on the other side of the room
This is the final res configuration for now
Here r the ten clones nestled into the cubes being fed every 8 hrs.
I will have to set up something better to cover the cubes but this is how they will be until this weekend. Play safe and enjoy
Your clones do look awesome and I am sure it will work out.
You can't really set a fixed date on vegging.
More like a ≈ 1-3 months, and then as they grow, you will see their height and decide "in a week/ tomorrow" I will flip.
Your clones do look awesome and I am sure it will work out.
You can't really set a fixed date on vegging.
More like a ≈ 1-3 months, and then as they grow, you will see their height and decide "in a week/ tomorrow" I will flip.
Thanks AB the aero cloner amazes me sometimes. The roots just explode out of everywhere. Glad to hear you will b flipping soon. This must mean you have got you timer worked out ??Congrats I can’t wait to watch the buds grow.
No I am not flipping :) it was to show you how I think in the situation.
Timer is not settled yet.. Babies still need n 24/7 light.
OG kush popped this morning:yahoo::slide::yahoo:
Ah ok it early here. Just trying to wrap my head around going to work. Mentally I am on my way physically I am not doing nothing but drinking coffee talking to you looking at my wonderful plants. Lol- 30 with the windchill. My animals with little tiny brains don’t want out maybe they r telling me something. Fuck I am a horrible employee itsa good thing I am good at my trade. Otherwise I would have never made it 20 years with the same company lol.
Fml temp in my veg res has dropped last night to 65F.
I have added this little circulating pump into the res for heat.
I will c if this can bring up the temp in there a little. If not I will have to deploy the water heater. I was kinda hoping not to have to go this route as the circuit I have for this space is 15 A. With this little pump running it will put me close to 13 Amps. I don’t want to have to add anything else to it.
Hey buddy, it's been awhile since I've been on here. Just taking a look through some journals this morning. That res looks super clean. Mine is black so it's quite a bit more difficult to see.
Just working up the familiarity scale here so that I can create a new thread.
Great to already see some familiar faces,
Hey buddy, it's been awhile since I've been on here. Just taking a look through some journals this morning. That res looks super clean. Mine is black so it's quite a bit more difficult to see.
Just working up the familiarity scale here so that I can create a new thread.
Great to already see some familiar faces,
Love it just trying to keep it all warm.
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