KCCO Grows Hydro

Once I found out it was light, the goopies stopped and no issues

So if that's it you should be fine

My tents are overflowing...lol pheno and my strain testing got outa hand with regular seeds...lol

But I'm surviving.....in my jungles

Update on the res in veg. So far so good the shit in there has Not returned(yet). It has been 4 days now and all seems good. The plants them selves don’t look bad although they have not grown too much either. This is probably due to the 48 hr assault I put on the cubes. There was many temp changes to the root zone over those 48 hrs so this could not have helped.
The roots r shooting out everywhere but the r staying at bay with the air pruning going on.
Numbers in here have never been a issue very rock solid now and before the res issue.
And since we r in here I had to put one mom into flower and gave this Buddha kush/Tahoe Og mom a serious beat down. She was thinking there was some kinda democracy over here and she was going to run the show ha I showed her.
A little defol/topped/training and she’s back in line. Baby CBD is next because she is getting a little unruly.
Hey everyone it’s been a few weeks since I have been around. I hope all is good with you. The ladies in flower are doing good nowadays it was a little touch and go for awhile as They had been struck with a cal deficiency. When I first noticed it I blew it off and said to myself I will address it with my next res change. So I did my next res change bumping up my cal/mag a little. They my wife went on vacation leaving my time around here stretched to the max. Long and short it has taken me 3 to 4 weeks to get my nutrient mix right for this strain. Week 2 through 6 I have to cut my base nutrient and run cal/mag at 2 times the rate recommended for RO water. I am running garbage nutrients now but will be switching it up next run. This is my first real problem with this nutrient but I guess what they saying is true you get what you pay for. The buds r now swelling and doing well again however I did lose lots in this shit show stretching/swelling/potential who knows. I still have a room full of 5 to 10 inch buds so all is not lost lol.
As far as HPS/LED the Hps is growing larger more lanky bud and the HLG is growing smaller BUT more buds that r solid. I will compare yeild and quality once I harvest. All in all very happy with the LED it is doing exactly what everyone said it would do. As well as only using half the power. I will be getting another soon. I need more light for this side show

Into the veg room. These girls in veg r doing well. They r waiting to be deployed into action at any time now.
Last but not least my CBD mom is doing great and has been giving me cuts for weeks now lol.

I have a mixed bag in my cloner I will update next time on them. Play safe everyone and enjoy
Hey everyone hope all is well. I have been cutting down a few plants prematurely. As of tonight 2 to be exact lol. I cut one last week and one tonight. Desperate times call for desperate measures I guess. I have got some good sized nugs and the other 6 plants in the system continue to grow.
A few pics of the plant tonight before I cut her down.
I will post a dry weight on the one when it is dry. Saturday I will start flushing for a week then harvest the remaining 6. Veg is going well next 8 plants r ready to b deployed
Lots of roots everywhere in the tray.
That’s all for tonight enjoy
Hey everyone I hope all is well. I have been busy at work keeping me from updating as often as I would like but what can you do. Me and the wife had a busy day yesterday trimming and cleaning. Completely broke down the system and disinfected it as well as fans cool tube ect. Gave the meters a tuneup and mixed a fresh batch of nutrient.
What next? Nug photos obviously lol
There r soo many large nugs between 9 and 12 inches. The plants I pulled out of the flood and drain table did absolutely awesome. Soo Happy the way that system works. After a few bumps in the beginning it all good now and will work great for vegging the plants for the RDWC system.
Here they r are all nestled into their new home.
Then there’s the moms. Such good moms keeping everything moving forward.
That’s it for tonight b safe everyone
Hey everyone I hope all has been good over here. It has been a busy few months not leaving me as much time with my ladies as I would like. I guess that’s life I still have managed to keep it all green. With Legalized pot here in Southern Ontario I actually toyed with putting 4 plants outdoors just to cut my indoor growing time and electric bill a little bit. I said F-.,; that after I thought about it. Between the bugs,rippers,rain every two days it turned me off that shit. Not to mention I would sleep with one eye open and a shotgun out the window and I love to sleep so not for me. I guess I will just keep paying the hydro bill and b happy with my element of control lol. I have changed a few things up including strains, nutrient, my wife has even deployed a few CBD plants into the mix. This was my mistake I grew one and since then she won’t let me get rid of the CBD. They r taking up valuable real estate in my eyes. Here is a few cbd bud shots.
My equipment is all the same. Lights in flower:1000w SS 1 HPS and cool tube and 1 HLG550v2. (Space:7 by 10) Lights in veg400w MH and 8 bank 6500 k LED(Space5 by 7). Lights for clones:2 6400 k bulbs ( space2 by 2 tent). Here r some of the new line up just started to root these r Da purps and Buddha Kush/Tahoe Og
Da purps I will keep as a mother and the Buddha Tahoe will go into my flood and drain table in the veg room once all rooted.
Over here in the veg room I have a few moms just started and a few that have been with me for many many years.
On the left is Buddha Tahoe mom and on the right is CBD mom.
These two above r White Tahoe Cookie. One will become a mom and the other will b used for proving and testing. The flower room in here I have the 150 L RDWC system with 8 Buddha Kush/Tahoe Og and 2 CBD plants in soil. This is a pic of the roots 7 days ago when I transplanted from my flood and drain table to RDWC system
Here they r today

All r doing well and here is the nutrient I am using with H2O2
Crazy high ec for a manufactures recommendation but I am starting light so I will bump it up until the plants tell me to stop. So now I am off to smoke some of this
and do a res change. Just preheated the water to 67 now time to mix then pump
Play safe everyone and enjoy.
Hey 420 I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Lots going on over here this weekend and all I want to do is go outside lol. Between transplanting clones and setting up the flood and drain table, up potting new moms in soil,trimming 2 huge CBD plants, res change ,res conversion to run pump inline, and making some shatter my ladies have had me jumping through hoops. My res was getting to warm in my RDWC system so I picked up some pieces this week to get my pump out of my res and run it in line.
Wet test
This is my old res from my old system I had sitting in the garage collecting dust so I converted it for my summer res.
So now having too separate res,s one for summer and one for winter it will work out good. Unfortunately I will have to put the pump back in in September or the res temp will become to low in the winter. As long as I can keep the temp between 65 and 70 all year without a chiller or heater I will b very happy. I will post some pics when it is hooked up and running.
Here is the res conversion up and running with the pump out. I put it all together when I was doing a res change before and after.

Over in the flower room I had to deploy the scrog because after not topping or training they r starting to get unruly lol.
These 4 r under the HLG 550 v2
And these 4 r under the 1000 watt Hps
The numbers in the space r great I added a fresh air intake that pulls fresh air in with a
fan as well as a air intake that pulls cool air in from the basement. All being exhausted out from a 6 inch fan.
Play safe everyone
Hey everyone and happy Canada Day to all the Canadian peeps out there. Enjoy one of the few days the government allows us to not to b a tax mule lol. Anyways I have had some much needed time to spend with the ladies. In the flower res I pulled the pump last week and ran it inline to combat high temps. Nutrient mix was getting up to 73/74 with the pump in and is still hitting 72/73 with the pump out. So with this weeks res change I put the pump back in the res and ordered a chiller.The only reason I put the pump back in is there is 10 less chances of leaking run this way (my OCD) lol. Chiller should be here tomorrow fingers crossed . So with res change the ladies in flower r being fed 2.0EC at a ph of 6 and nutrient temp is 69lights out and 74 lights on.
After a healthy defol on Friday these ladies haven’t skipped a beat. Into veg the plants in the flood and drain table have been in there since Saturday last week and r all showing roots out of the 6 inch net pots.
By next week I will start training the canopy when they r a little stronger.
The numbers for the table above. Outside of that there is my moms that have been super neglected over the last 2 weeks but they like the abuse lol. I have managed to get som much needed up potting done on a few new moms so not all has been lost LMAO.
I am convinced that no matter how much I cut ,break, dry out,water,slap,punch and drop kick this plant it will not die lol.
She’s a good plant. That’s it for now play safe.
After playing with my air in the environment last night I am pull some amazing numbers this morning just before lights out with the Central AC venting in as well as a booster fan pulling fresh air in from outside.
I hope my chiller arrives today befor I get home from work fingers crossed. Play safe
Bet mine is closer to 80f...lol.. ambient temp is around 76-79f

How much was yer chiller, been curious about them for awhile, ooo and brand
Hey Chris hope all is well over there. The chiller was 450 plus tax at my hydro store. The guy over there cut me a sweet deal on it as I have a very healthy relationship with his whole family. Pretty sure I have spent enough over there to put his son in universality lol. I tried everything before pulling the trigger on it and I am pulling a 3 to 4 pound average over here every 60 days so I can’t risk it for 450 bucks. As much as it hurts it’s a preventative ins policy in my eyes. I will post a pic as soon as I get it but until then healthy doses of H2O2 will keep it all in check. Play safe
Hey everyone I hope all is good. So after being punished by heat working outside in this heatwave it’s all good because the chiller is installed and just chilling. My pampered ass plants have wonderful temps up top and now down below as well. I love my plants.
The res is a very busy place now. I removed the air stone form in there as it is completely unnecessary with the waterfall effect going on in there now from the chiller discharge.
Hey @Chris Scorpio here is the chiller you wanted to check out. Play safe everyone
I took a few shots of the temps just before the lights went off just to c if the chiller is cooling my plants internally. These r pics of the canopy temp. The leaf temp under the SS 1000 w HPS
This number was at 80 yesterday without the chiller even with the ambient temp 1C less. The leaf temp under the HLG 550 v2.
This number has dropped as well. Everything is keeping cool in this heatwave but I am worried about the wife because when next months hydro bill comes her blood is going to boil lol
Just did a complete flush of net pots and flood and drain table as well as a res change before I leave for the day. The roots on these r starting to explode. Nice and white as well.
I gave them all a gentle trim and topped the two biggest ones.
Here they all r nestled in and I hope they r happy because they need to spend the next 5 weeks in there before I can drop them into the RDWC system lol. It should b fun but two will get removed as they show their strength. I only need 8 so only the strongest will survive.
I bumped the ppm a very small amount and all numbers r good to go.
The moms and my tester plants r starting to cramp my space
As soon as I appear in this space with scissors my moms get nervous because they know a brutal hacking is coming lol.
Just a quick flower room update. The ladies r doing fantastic and the nugs r starting to develop nicely.
The plants have got so large I can only squeeze 6 of the 8 plant into any pic lol. Great problem to have l guess.
My utility company love me when this hps comes on.
Anyways 5 weeks ish left for these ladies so that’s it for now. Play safe and enjoy
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