KCCO Grows Hydro

Also had some time today to grab new filters for my water system. This is what it takes for me to get 0 EC from a 40 foot well. Being a 60 year old shallow well I need serious filtration. However i do love knowing what me and my plants r drinking.
That CBD girl is the CBD seed from me? It's the CBD bomb, no? Nice looking indica leaves, nice and fat!
That CBD girl is the CBD seed from me? It's the CBD bomb, no? Nice looking indica leaves, nice and fat!
Yes sir she’s yo baby. Just fighting to keep her warm. She’s all good not much seems to slow her down. Can’t wait to stuff her in that MB machine you gave me an c what I can make In there lol. I can tell you now the GC makes some nice concentrate. Laid a few peeps out already lol. I will definitely send some your way when I start running it. Play safe and hope the changes you made r keeping things warm.
Working on my pics brother. Thank God for this warm up!
Glad your back and ya the warm up is absolutely wonderful. I am working on the wife to set up my old RDWC system for the CBD plant you gave me once I can take cuts. She is on board now for the beginning of March but once she sees the hydro bill for January and February I feel this will change lol.
Hey everyone I hope all is well. Not much time to work with the ladies over the last few days but every thing is going well with them. In flower I have added a few more strings across for the scrog. Truth be told I think I deployed the scrog to late. 5 weeks ish left so I will have to keep trying to manipulate the canopy.
Here is the stubborn runt. I have put her in two different spots within the system. That was no help soI have tried to increase the DO in this bucket still nothing. FML now I will just let her be.
As far as a light comparison goes the HLG is holding it own beside the HPS. There is a difference in growth the HLG is growing a way bushier plant. The HPS is stretching more but I am controlling that with the scrog. Very impressed with the HLG so far.
These two temps r directly each light. As expected the HPS is a little warmer
K now over to the veg room to c the moms.
I have grown lots of weed and I can honestly say I have not been this excited about a plant like I am with my new CBD mom. Here she is
The newly transplanted clones r slow to go but r showing signs of new growth.
Here they r all nestled together
The numbers I am running on the flood and drain setup
Play safe and enjoy
Hey everyone hopefully all is good. I will start with this I have had a problem with the res that runs the flood and drain table.
This shit just showed up one day. I smelled it 24 to 36 hrs earlier and then boom there it was when I checked in the evening. So I busted down everything and bleached all equipment as well as tossed out the res. I have never had a problem in a black res so I swapped it out for a black one and blocked out all light.
I flushed the 10 cubes with 40 litres of RO water and hydro sparkle mixed at 2 times the rate and let dry out. Trying to kill everything in the cubes.
Hopefully this fixes the problem. The plants seem well but if this problem remains there may b a mass murder. They is NO way I will take a chance of contamination in my RDWC system by putting these in it.
Anyways hopefully that’s behind me now the moms and baby CBD r doing well.
She may be ready for testing and cloning in a month or so.
Love this little lady lol. Anyways on to the flower room so far so good I am working out a deficiency as we speak. New strain new system new environment is a work in progress.
The HLG is continuing to impress the plants like thriving under that light. I am continuing to tuck more and more under the scrog under the HPS but across the board plants r stacking nicely.
That it play safe and enjoy
Beautiful :bravo:
Hope it will help with a black bucket.
No other hole too wide that needs to be covered?
Hey AB good morning. I think it’s covered 100%. I am not even sure what caused it bu because my old res for sat in the exact same spot when I use to run 12/12 in here. With just a yellow lid on it and I never had any issues. Same water same nutrient boom there it was slime. So I am hoping it was something to do with light or the fact that was that res recycled plastic (not food grade). Seem like a good place to start. Lol. I hope all is well with you I have had little time to stay caught up. Play safe and enjoy AB
I had the same issues bud

1st grows in DWC went fantastic

Then next try, last December, goopies galore

Was my lids leaking light

All taped up or black ones and everything is going fantastic again

Funny how things can be the same yet change
I had the same issues bud

1st grows in DWC went fantastic

Then next try, last December, goopies galore

Was my lids leaking light

All taped up or black ones and everything is going fantastic again

Funny how things can be the same yet change
Soo true Chris. My old res sat in the same spot for months running my 3 bucket system under my 1000w and was fine with just the yellow lid never a problem. First run under the 400 W and my LED panel and shit every was all over the place. Has to b the blue was leaking light through. Day 3 now and every thing seem good so far. I just hope I flushed or killed any goopies nestled into the cubes. It would suck if any remained in the cubes and got flushed back in to the new res. Anyways thanks for chiming in on this. Now I know swapping out the res and blocking all light was a good place to start. Thx I hope all is good with you.
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