KCCO Grows Hydro

Hey everyone just a update on the clones in the Flood and drain table. I guess they aren’t clones anymore technically but they are still my babies lol. Roots everywhere
Another 3 to 4 weeks in this room until the ladies in flower finish up.
Fresh res change just completed and the numbers look like this.
Time to kill the smallest one and spread these out as well as a trim and top before they get out of control.
Play safe everyone
In the flower room the ladies that r responsible for the moms getting neglected are starting to look real nice. More and more frost every day.
Lights out pics.
Lights on
Last but not least just for fun I stuffed a White Tahoe Cookies in there to get familiar with before I run her in the system.

Play safe everyone
Hey 420 community I hope all is well with everyone. So I have been playing around with Green Planet Nutrients for about 5 months now (both veg and flower). So far I am pretty impressed. I have run the bloom in many different mixes from 1.5 to 2.6 EC in the RDWC system. I am on my third week at 2.4/2.6 just to c how my ladies would handle these numbers. The plants love it. 0 burnt tips and the nugs look great and r full of frost. I am very familiar with the strain I am growing. Me and her have been together 8 + years and I have had problems running higher ec with certain nutrient. She is taking a liking to this stuff. It is probably not necessary to run ec this high but as a little test why not.However I will now start to back off to 1.8 or 2.0 Ec because the all the red flags r there. I have 4 strains (Mothers) in the veg too and they all seem to like it so far as well as the plants on the flood and drain table.
Between dehumidifiers,booster fans,inline fans,AC,and ambient Canadian basement temp I have my environment nice and comfortable for week 5 of flower.
Buds r stacking nicely.

Play safe and enjoy
Hey bud looking awsomeness I’m here congrats on all the work
It’s all good Jack thanks for stopping by. I do a lot of lurking when I am short on time. I hope all is well with you I have been by your grow a few times in the background checking out your BD strain. Found it worth looking into lol.
Hey everyone so I gave the girls on the flood and drain table a fresh res change and topped as well as defol. These plants r getting out of control so I will have to do some training.
I have cut the light down to half on this side of the room in a attempt to slow them down a bit.
The numbers after res change.
Hey everyone I hope all is well. I had to unleash a beat down on a few of my moms as they were getting too bushy. I usually have to do this every three weeks to a month depending on how hard I push them or how much I neglect them lol. Before.
Lots of new shoots will take over quickly.
So proud of this moms to be
She is just lovely. Enjoy
Hey everyone I hope all is good. So the ladies in flower r doing good considering they r on the way out. I have been just kinda been leaving them alone and sitting back watching the nugs develop and get frosty.

This is how I c them with glasses on.
Now I had to pull my White Tahoe Cookies out from the scrog. She was stretching way to much to be nestled in between the RDWC buckets and under the scrog with the other ladies. The weren’t playing well together so now I have to deal with this Lol.
And here she is today.
The numbers in flower.

The ladies in flower have 2 to 3 weeks left and it can’t come quick enough because the plants on the flood and drain table in veg r becoming a handful.
Play safe and enjoy
I love rain days(no work). So I had a chance this morning to run a wet test on the system. I picked up my new pump yesterday with a float valve.
Pleased to say no leaks outside of the two fittings I forgot to tighten(Blaming the dabs) Lol. I have since tightened them and it is running strong and dry. Love it
I've overflowed my RO system puffed up lmao, more than once.
That set up and plants are just efing wonderful. my tears taste of joy and envy :adore:
Switching to hydro after modifying the grow room. Should have an idea what's going on but the madness will go on. Live and learn, retired and got nothing better to do lol, and loving life
Hey welcome @mojuan. Ya I have had my share of stoner floods in my basement as as well. I blame the dabs lol. I grew soil for a long time and for me I am loving the switch to hydro. It has simplified a lot of my growing for me. If there is anything I can help with let me know as I have built my systems myself and saved a ton of money. It’s a good thing too because hydro is a little more costly to set up and run but the yields pay for itself.
Hey welcome @mojuan. Ya I have had my share of stoner floods in my basement as as well. I blame the dabs lol. I grew soil for a long time and for me I am loving the switch to hydro. It has simplified a lot of my growing for me. If there is anything I can help with let me know as I have built my systems myself and saved a ton of money. It’s a good thing too because hydro is a little more costly to set up and run but the yields pay for itself.
I have more money than sense lol, waiting on an ebb and flow system from aqua active, 7 gallon brain and a 55 gallon reservoir and a 12 spot buckets. Going to shut down after this grow and revamp my shed and tents for hydro. I'll start a new journal then. My kid hates it when I go shopping at the grow store lol. He bought me Ed Rosenthal's book.
Absolute perfection @Jack420 those nugs look dam tasty. I could most definitely make some sweet sweet concentrate from those frosty nugs. Nicely done.
Thanks brother
36 hrs ago was when I was in here last. FML it looks like a shit show in my flower room. This White Tahoe Cookies is just on a mission. I am growing it in soil before running it in my system to c if it is what I am looking for in a extraction. I have a few go to stains that have been proved by myself to be high yielding and potent as fuck in a concentrate form and am looking to add one more mom to my line up. I have had one strain for more then 8 years lol. Anyways this plant is out of control and since I topped it only once to c her traits and with no other training she is stretching way to much to quickly. If I keep her around a double scrog may b in order when she hits the RDWC system.
This is her just hanging out on the sidelines soaking up some HPS and LED Jacked up with yo yo’s.
Speaking of hanging around I have to think about chopping this run down soon buds r hanging around everywhere.
Play safe and enjoy
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