KCCO’s First Grow In Hydro

Actually, I've got the receipt, I'm returning that ABS pipe and will go on the hunt again for CPVC pipe.

So are you saying it is totally OK yo use the CPVC cement in hydroponics? It's not toxic if a bit gets onto the inside of the pipe during installation?

Thanks for all your help, sorry to hijack your thread brother!
The guy at the hardware store is a dink! ABS is derived from petroleum based products like coal and is NOT suitable for drinking water. Totally acceptable for all drainage applications. For us, you should have no problem fastening ABS together using traditional epoxy as were not ingesting the water. CPVC is by far your best choice when it comes to plastic piping, as it is approved for potable water. Most stay away from ABS on here due to its color (black), cost and the sheer fact that they have more availability to different products.
Thanks for pointing that out guy. Very true
Actually, I've got the receipt, I'm returning that ABS pipe and will go on the hunt again for CPVC pipe.

So are you saying it is totally OK yo use the CPVC cement in hydroponics? It's not toxic if a bit gets onto the inside of the pipe during installation?

Thanks for all your help, sorry to hijack your thread brother!
It’s all good lots of helpful people over here
OK, this is ridiculous.

I just hit up almost every hardware and building supply store in town and NOBODY has 1.5" CPVC tubing for potable water! DOH!

All they have is ABS or black PVC, which apparently is only for drains.

I don't know what to do, I have already bought the uniseals (which were very expensive!) and cut the holes in the buckets, so i definitely need 1.5" tubing.

Can I use the black PVC or not? It seems to be the only thing available.
Thanks :)
Actually, I've got the receipt, I'm returning that ABS pipe and will go on the hunt again for CPVC pipe.

So are you saying it is totally OK yo use the CPVC cement in hydroponics? It's not toxic if a bit gets onto the inside of the pipe during installation?

Thanks for all your help, sorry to hijack your thread brother!
Hey hope all is well. As far as the glue goes I am sure there is some toxic stuff in there. I just tried to use as little as possible cleaning each connection as soon as I applied it inside and out. The only way to get around this I think would b to go to a smaller pipe diameter and use push connections. Since u have drilled your holes and have the uniseals I am guessing this is not an option. Smaller pipe would also plug with roots. I would say try the aquarium glue you were going to use If the toxins are not for you. Maybe a straight run of buckets then there would be no connections. R all the components for the system u have food grade rated?? Res- buckets-feed line??
OK, this is ridiculous.

I just hit up almost every hardware and building supply store in town and NOBODY has 1.5" CPVC tubing for potable water! DOH!

All they have is ABS or black PVC, which apparently is only for drains.

I don't know what to do, I have already bought the uniseals (which were very expensive!) and cut the holes in the buckets, so i definitely need 1.5" tubing.

Can I use the black PVC or not? It seems to be the only thing available.
Thanks :)
I myself do not know. I think it would be fine but I am not plumber. I used white pvc so it would not attract the light and it said potable water on it. The only thing I can suggest is if u have a plumbing specialty store near u they could answer more ??s on piping then I ever could. If u r in Ontario I have phone numbers to a few good plumbing stores. Big box stores suck unless u know what you want. In my experience for the most part the people that work there have no idea. what they r talking about.
After a day of calling people (including home depot who would not even answer their phone after a half hour!) I finally found someone who sold poly plastic 1.5" tubing for use in wells and totally potable, but it is in a coil, and not straight like PVC piping is.

It was the only thing available around here that is actually "potable" and non-toxic, so I bought it.

You will laugh, it was like that show "forged in fire", I put it over my BBQ and heated it up, then forced it into a straight piece of pipe, cooling it with cold water afterward from the garden hose and hopefully freezing it into a straight piece, LOL

I am gonna use those clamp rubber collars to fasten it all together, so no glue, but whatever I do need to seal, I'm going to use the aquarium grade silicone sealant to ensure no leaks.....I hope.

What a pain in the ass, lol.
After a day of calling people (including home depot who would not even answer their phone after a half hour!) I finally found someone who sold poly plastic 1.5" tubing for use in wells and totally potable, but it is in a coil, and not straight like PVC piping is.

It was the only thing available around here that is actually "potable" and non-toxic, so I bought it.

You will laugh, it was like that show "forged in fire", I put it over my BBQ and heated it up, then forced it into a straight piece of pipe, cooling it with cold water afterward from the garden hose and hopefully freezing it into a straight piece, LOL

I am gonna use those clamp rubber collars to fasten it all together, so no glue, but whatever I do need to seal, I'm going to use the aquarium grade silicone sealant to ensure no leaks.....I hope.

What a pain in the ass, lol.
Lmao I do know the pipe u r talking about. I have a well. I replaced the pipe from my well to my house with the same pipe u speak of now that u mention it. I love the forged in fire vision lmao I watch that show all the time. Hope it all works out for. As far as those rubber connectors I picked those up from Home Depot. Not all Home Depots have them. I seen them at one and after a few days went to another to get them. They did not sell them or make them the guy at the store told me lol. So I drove back to the one that sold them. If u go that way u may have to search a few stores. Keep me posted on how this goes I am going to build a bigger system in the fall and am open minded to all things building. Good luck
So tonight my plants r blowing up. Day 12 in flower and 3 days since preflower. They r reaching for the stars. May have to give them a defol tomorrow. Every time the light comes on I am amazed at how quick a plant can grow in a RDWC system.
A few pics through my glasses lol. The light sure makes for a horrible picture
They r happy and healthy
Hey everyone I gave the girls a big defol 2 days ago. Crazy how much water is traveling through these plants. Anyways they did not miss a beat no stressful situations for them even with a heavy trim. As of now I think they r picking up speed.

Hey everyone I hope all is good. So I finely had some free time to spend a little quality time with the ladies. They r doing so good I can’t even tell I chopped a bag of defol of them one week ago. It has been 3 weeks tomorrow since I flipped them and 10 days since preflower.
It’s real crazy to think I there was a day I would never let plants get this bushy or even let plants grow together like this. In the new space I will be doing at least 3 foot bucket centres. Maybe 4 feet lol.
A picture from the ground up. Light hardly getting through lol
My environment and res r doing well. Enjoy the weekend and play safe
Hey KCCO 77!

I believe you may have had root rot (pythium) in your previous plants.

I'm on my fifth RDWC grow and had never had major ph drop like what happened to me recently. I'm in week six of flower, and had exactly your symptoms starting in week 3-4.

The ph dropped like a rock --as much as 3 points in 12 hours. The roots smelled fine, and as much as I could see the roots they looked like they always do. But the leaves were showing early signs of deficiency. Growth slowed to a crawl.

So I started googling and got very lucky to find a thread on RIU. Same exact thing! This guy tried everything but treat for root rot. He was convinced he saw no evidence of it. Lot's of people were trying to help him to no avail.

Finally, after more than a month trying everything under the sun, he got a recommendation from the help line at AN nutrients. The guy told him to do a 12 hour flush with 3% hydrogen peroxide (the drugstore stuff) mixed at the rate of 150 ml per gallon of water. Then feed low nutes for a bit. Long story short-ish, it solved the problem and he ended up with a good harvest.

I say I'm lucky because his struggle saved me a long slog of disappointing trial and error and google searching.

I did exactly this to my plant 2 1/2 weeks ago, and lo and behold no more ph drop. In fact, the ph is slowly rising between each day as a healthy plant should be doing. I think I'm looking at my best harvest so far!

Pythium is insidious. It's very hard to get rid of it. You must catch it early so it doesn't collect on all your equipment. It was good you cleaned your stuff thoroughly with bleach --some say the best recourse is to buy all new equipment. I won't be doing that :confused:, but as soon as I'm harvested I'll be disinfecting my system --including inside my tubing.

So, keep an eye open for the possibility of it happening with your new plants. Good luck!
Hey KCCO 77!

I believe you may have had root rot (pythium) in your previous plants.

I'm on my fifth RDWC grow and had never had major ph drop like what happened to me recently. I'm in week six of flower, and had exactly your symptoms starting in week 3-4.

The ph dropped like a rock --as much as 3 points in 12 hours. The roots smelled fine, and as much as I could see the roots they looked like they always do. But the leaves were showing early signs of deficiency. Growth slowed to a crawl.

So I started googling and got very lucky to find a thread on RIU. Same exact thing! This guy tried everything but treat for root rot. He was convinced he saw no evidence of it. Lot's of people were trying to help him to no avail.

Finally, after more than a month trying everything under the sun, he got a recommendation from the help line at AN nutrients. The guy told him to do a 12 hour flush with 3% hydrogen peroxide (the drugstore stuff) mixed at the rate of 150 ml per gallon of water. Then feed low nutes for a bit. Long story short-ish, it solved the problem and he ended up with a good harvest.

I say I'm lucky because his struggle saved me a long slog of disappointing trial and error and google searching.

I did exactly this to my plant 2 1/2 weeks ago, and lo and behold no more ph drop. In fact, the ph is slowly rising between each day as a healthy plant should be doing. I think I'm looking at my best harvest so far!

Pythium is insidious. It's very hard to get rid of it. You must catch it early so it doesn't collect on all your equipment. It was good you cleaned your stuff thoroughly with bleach --some say the best recourse is to buy all new equipment. I won't be doing that :confused:, but as soon as I'm harvested I'll be disinfecting my system --including inside my tubing.

So, keep an eye open for the possibility of it happening with your new plants. Good luck!
Thanks for the info I will keep it mind. My ph has been real good lately after getting my nutrient mix figured out and letting my water sit for a few days. I did disassemble my system completely and bleached it down. So hopefully that is all history. I have figured out if I get my ro water and circulate it for 4 days before a res change it is very stable for long periods of time after that. It is always good to have a go to if I have problems in the future so again thanks
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