KCCO’s First Grow In Hydro

Giv'em three or four days, that'll do if your going to make shatter.

With a grow that I like, I'll generally go about 6-7 days. Its really a personal preference as you can see, I go a week, PW doesn't flush and neither of us is wrong.
I am on day 2 of flush I will cut and try. Next crop day 3 next crop day 4 ect ect. I do appreciate all options because no matter where I end up you guys no your shit so I am never going to get to far off track if I derail the train. You guys r great
Can I edit the know lmao
Took me a bit to get caught up buddy, sorry it's been nuts at work.....missed your call yesterday too. Mannnn.....tough call on your girls. To anyone else they look stellar but you'd know them better than anyone and I know your hydro goal.....good call, chock one up! Im proud of you Earl.....I know that trust and good advice are not lost on you, these guys know their shit and I'm happy that you've been able to find some killer advice! Lets.catch up tomorrow!
Yeah man, let's put the growing pains behind you and see what you can do with those bad boys. Are you sticking with the Tahoe OG or is there some Julius Caesar mixed in there as well?
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